Nail against the Hammer

He entered into a barren wasteland. There was no wind, the sun had turned black, the ground had turned grey. The ground had been leveled, not a single thing was left. Omega looked around stunned, Jarvan had destroyed the realm of Terruna and he had to fight him, to save himself and the realm of Runatra. He knelt down and touched the ground. The ground was solid and flat, there were no marks, no differences, Jarvan the Third had destroyed the realm and all the people who live there, nothing stood in his path of destruction, apart from Omega. An echoing laugh was heard. Omega got up and looked around. No one to be seen, He put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"I see you have come, how did you get here? Did Sona use her last breath to summon the portal?"

"What do you mean by last breathe?"

"Didn't she die?," Jarvan said as he emerged from another portal, "Well, that only leaves you in my path and today, I fight as an ascended one, not a mere mortal like you, like a titan fighting an ant or a god fighting a mortal being."

Omega unsheathed his blade. Jarvan stood a fair distance away, there was no way to strike him from where Omega was before Jarvan reacted. Jarvan started to materialize a set of armor around him.

"You had been warned of my power here! And now you will die because of it, with no one to defend your realm! HAHAHAHAHA!" Jarvan's armor had materialized around him and he summoned a blade from the grey, barren earth, "Now, shall we settle this?" Omega held his blade in front of him. He gripped it with both hands. Jarvan took a step forward before blinking behind Omega and slamming the flat side of his blade in Omega's back. Omega went flying forwards, he landed hard on the ground, sliding a few meters after hitting the ground. He grabbed his sword and ran towards Jarvan. Jarvan moved quickly to the side dodging his strike and kicking Omega in the face as he went past him. Blood burst from Omega's nose. He got up once again and wipe the blood from his nose with his hand. He gripped his sword once again and slowly circled around with Jarvan, who was lowering his guard and taunting Omega, looking for an opening. Jarvan threw his blade into the air and it soon left Omega's vision. Jarvan then pulled another one from the ground. His other blade hit the ground behind Omega. Jarvan blinked behind Omega once again, making him turn around and using the planted sword to flip over Omega and knocked him down with his new blade. Omega went flying once again. He skid along the ground before stopping and getting up once again repeating what he did before. Jarvan picked up the planted blade and flung it at Omega. The blade his shoulder and bounce off. The armor that the creator had given him was resistant and had barely a scratch after the attacks from Jarvan. Omega wiped the blood coming from his nose again. Jarvan took the opportunity to blink behind Omega again but Omega stopped his blade slicing it in half as he turned to protect from Jarvan's swing. "Learning are we? You can't beat what you can't see!" Jarvan said as a circle of pillars rose from the ground. He moved faster than he did before and went from pillar to the ground and from pillar to pillar at a speed that made him a blur. Omega turned trying to follow Jarvan at his godly speed but received a stiff blow to the back and was sent crashing against one of the pillars. Omega fell to the floor with his blade crashing next to him. He put his hand on it and rose once again with Jarvan standing in front of him, "Sona, she might love you, but she put you into this hell," Jarvan said, "If she didn't let you in you would have to die," Omega stared him down. He felt the urge to strike at him. He stood silent staying in front of Jarvan as he walked around the circle of pillars, "Cat caught your tongue? Well, if Sona had helped me four hundred years ago, No one would have to die! But, she is to cautions to defy a GOD, that she didn't help me! You see?" Jarvan said as he held Omega's chin up with the end of his sword, "Because of her, I think I will play around with you a little more, be ready to suffer," Omega slashed Jarvan's sword. His blade seemed to be extremely sharp, enough to cut through a sword. Jarvan blinked back, summoning another blade. He got rid of the pillars. The ground returned to a leveled ground and Jarvan called down another blade behind Omega. Omega didn't turn around, Jarvan raised one of his eyebrows and swung his blade forward, stretching it out and making it wrap around the other blade and pulled himself towards Omega, using his body as a weapon instead of using his blade. Omega dodged the attack and swung his blade down. The blade lodged itself in Jarvan's armor before leaving it as Jarvan slide by. The blade had stopped in Jarvan's armor. Jarvan rolled at the end of his lunge and got up. He looked seriously at Omega. He gritted his teeth and brought up a strange looking staff. The staff had sharp curved edges on each side and had a sharp point at the end. It shined with the rays of the black sun. Omega had never seen a blade of such fashion. He held it like a spear. Omega and Jarvan stared each other down. Jarvan threw his other blade in the air again having it land behind Omega again. Omega stayed still staring down Jarvan. Jarvan swung his blade forward having it stretch. Omega dodged the blade as it sailed past and attached to the other blade, pulling Jarvan towards Omega, Omega rolled out of the way. Jarvan used his momentum to swing around the blade and land both of his feet in Omega's back, sending his sprawling on the ground. Jarvan allowed Omega to get up once again, "No pain yet?" Omega stayed silent, "Well, I see you aren't one of the talkative ones, if you don't feel pain yet you will soon," Jarvan picked up his blade and blinked behind Omega. Omega turned and saw Jarvan leaping down onto him with his blade. Omega dived out of the way of Jarvan's dive, but when Jarvan hit the ground the ground around him in a circle lifted, hitting Omega and sending him flying again. Jarvan didn't allow Omega to get up, swinging his blade, extending it to hit Omega from the distance between them. Omega rolled away from the strike as the blade dug into the ground with the strike. Jarvan pulled it from the ground and swung it around the back of his head as it gained speed and then horizontally towards Omega. The blade connected with Omega's chest plate, shattering it. He was flung back from the force, the blade had knocked the air out of Omega's chest. Omega coughed blood onto the ground when he recovered from the fall. He removed the broken chest plate. He still had his sword, but it seemed useless at this point since he could never get close enough to Jarvan. Jarvan walked slowly towards Omega as he struggled to his feet. He called back his blade and went to execute Omega. He lifted his blade and brought it down extremely quickly. Omega used the sharpness of his blade to prevent his own death. The blades clashed and Jarvan lost grip of his sword. It fell to the ground. Omega used the little strength he had left to swing and Jarvan, who dodged but the blade slashed his face, leaving a deep cut across his left cheek. Jarvan stumbled back. He couldn't believe that Omega had the strength and the resilience after all the punishment he received, that Omega could counter him and, above all, hit him. Omega was panting, gasping for air. His face was bleeding and covered in sweat. He was weak but he couldn't give up or he would die and so would everyone he knew. Jarvan put his hands against the floor and his arms began to blacken, he grew horns and wings sprouted from his back. He was a demonborn as well, but he had large horns, his body soon was completely black and had two long knife-edged skies on his forearms. His wings were black and had white scars along the sides. His horns were larger than Omega's had been. He rose. His eyes had lost their original color and were now crimson red. His face had red colored scars like the one's Omega had.

"I see," Omega said as he grasped for air, "Sona, got her information from you."

"What information?" Jarvan asked in a demonic tone as he got up and cracked his neck.

"The research on demonborns," Omega said as he smiled, "And I know my own weaknesses."

"You lie, Sona has never had the chance to study me!" Jarvan said as he absorbed his wings into his arms, "Now you will die," Jarvan blinked behind Omega and tried to plunge his bladed arm into Omega's back, but Omega dodged to the right. Jarvan stabbed into his left shoulder, ripping his arm off of his shoulder. His arm fell to the group, limp. Blood gushed out of his arm. Omega strained in pain. He had lost his left arm. He fell to the ground as Jarvan jumped back. He ripped his shirt and covered his open shoulder. The rags soon turned red. Jarvan smiled as Omega got up, He had the same eyes as Omega, they could see pain and he would then target those locations. Omega's time was ticking, death would come around in a matter of minutes. Omega got to his feet, he held his sword with one arm. He panted, his face was covered in sweat. Jarvan turned his arms into two blades. He moved forwards slowly, he had both his blades up. Omega moved towards him trying to ignore the pain from his arm. Jarvan lunged forwards using one of his arms. Omega slashed at it, the blade cut through Jarvan's arm. Jarvan turned around and lunged forward with his left arm as Omega dodged bringing his blade down, but despite his effort to dodge it completely, the blade hit his stomach, creating a deep cut. Omega, Omega had one knee on the floor as Jarvan got to his feet to regenerate his arms, The sword you wield, if you breathe a dying breathe on it, will bring you the victory you seek, and since this is a dangerous game, maybe some more time to live. Omega rose to his feet, he held the blade to his mouth and breathe onto it, he was getting weaker, soon he would be no more, he had to kill Jarvan. Jarvan had regenerated his right arm into another blade and started with his left arm. The blade created a whirlwind around it, Now swing it at Jarvan! Omega swung the sword towards Jarvan, a tornado left the end of the blade, it raged towards Jarvan, sending him up in the air. The blade began to shine, Omega held the hilt tightly, the blade went towards Jarvan, bringing Omega with it. Omega was held up by the tornado and the blade performed several diagonal blows on Jarvan, hitting him, then it went up, higher and brought Jarvan down to the ground, slamming him into the ground, causing the ground to cave in and shatter. Jarvan spat blood, his armor crumbled and his horns turned to dust. His body regained its human color, his eyes were white, his arms were normal. Omega got up to one knee before falling back. He was nearly dead, his shoulder still bled and his stomach now bore the mark of Jarvan's blow. He had no more strength to continue. He looked around as his vision faded.

"My last breath," Omega pushed the words from his mouth, "Sona, I love you…"

Omega laid there still, his eyes slowly closed, his vision was blurry, he didn't have the strength to keep them open. He could no longer move, he had lost too much blood from his wounds, he was dying and he could do nothing about it. Sona, I hope you remember me, forgive me. His vision turned black and his mind slowed down, his heartbeat dropped, it slowed, before slowing to a stop, he faded away from the world he was in. I love you Sona.