The Gift

Omega woke up in a white room, "You sacrificed yourself for no gain," A voice said, "Why?"

"I thought it was right," Omega said, "If Sona was that worried, she had some reason. But, who are you? Where am I?"

"You are at the gates of my kingdom, unreachable to the living."

"Wait, I died? Then, who are you?"

"I am the creator, you have met me before," He said as he appeared in front of Omega, "You have used my blade to defeat Jarvan the Third, the ascended one, the titan, the god-killer. You have surely redeemed yourself, and with that, you no longer need that blade," Omega took off the blade from his belt, and handed it to the creator. The creator touched it and it vanished, "You chose to sacrifice yourself to save me, how can I repay you? Make you a god? Give you the power of Jarvan's soul? Make you the god and overseer of Terruna? What could you ever want?"

"To see Sona again, to live as long as her," Omega said, this made the creator sigh.

"I suppose that is the minimum I can do, since you only fought for me to save her. But if I do that you will return to the world in your former body, the cut up one but I probably can change that," The creator said as he smiled, "But if you chose this, I can no longer make you a god by my side. Are you sure of your choice?"

"Of course," Omega said as he nodded.

"See you on the other side," The creator snapped and Omega blacked out. He awoke in Terruna, the floor was still grey, the sun was black, Jarvan's dead body was in front of him. His wounds were sealed, his arm was still gone but the bleeding had stopped. He looked down at his stomach to see a large scar. The blade was no longer on his belt. He was still very weak. He got to his feet but could barely walk. He looked down at Jarvan's body, it was still, he was dead, he had given his last breath to kill him and chose to return to this world to end his story, not now, but at another time. He fell back as his legs gave out below him. He had no strength left in him. Another portal opened behind him. He turned around and dragged himself into it. He arrived in Runatra. He arrived in a room in a wooden house, he looked down and saw through the spaces in the boards that there was water below it. Why does this remind me of something? At the other end of the room, he saw a wooden door. He got up to his feet with the strength he had and pushed the door open with his right arm, he fell forward as the door opened. There was a bed in the room but it was too high for him to see if their was anyone in it. He decided to drag himself towards it and lifted himself up to see. He froze. Sona! He opened his mouth but nothing left it. He was too weak to say anything. He reached out for her and grabbed her arm but she was fast asleep. He had nothing left in him. He knew it was night. If I make it through the night I can possibly have them find me, anyways what else can I do, I don't have any strength left. He passed out at the foot of the bed with no strength left to move. He awoke a few hours later at dawn. He had a sharp pain in his left shoulder, his legs were still weak but they had recovered enough to push himself onto the bed. He used his right arm to lift himself onto the bed. His arm ached, his legs were heavy, the battle had taken its toll on him. He sat there, silent, waiting. Everything seemed so calm. He had been through hell and lost his left arm. He was too tired to think about the pain. He was happy to be there and still living. He looked through the window of the house that looked to the sea, the sun made the sea shine in a golden tone, the waves splashed gently, the village was quiet, the summer breeze gently brushed over Omega's face. He sighed. He could have stayed there waiting for centuries, if it was enough to see Sona's eyes meet his once again. He found the strength to get up and walk around the room. He found his Demacian military coat. Demacia is now only memories. Omega put it on, it hid his missing arm. He walked towards the bed and sat down once again. He turned and looked at Sona, she seemed so calm and peaceful. He thought of waking her, she would be happy to see him again. He placed his hand on her shoulder. She slowly started to open her eyes. He looked down at her observing her as she awoke. She rolled to the side of the bed and sat up, she hadn't noticed him. She got up and stretched.

"Miss me?" Omega asked. Sona turned in surprise. She couldn't believe her eyes. It had seemed so long since he was gone. She opened her mouth but nothing came out, she was speechless, "I defeated Jarvan the Third, but he destroyed Terruna, he performed the ritual of ascension to challenge the creator. When I found you, I never told you how I found you. I got help from the creator, he gave me the armor and the sword and a clue to find you, and Jarvan did the rest, by calling my attention with the music sign in the village," Sona sat down next to him. She leaned her head on his left shoulder and put her arm around his left sleeve, before realizing that there was nothing there.

"Omega! Your arm! What happened?"

"Jarvan the third, that's what happened."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine," Omega said, "How are you?"

"You've been gone for nearly a week, you know that right?"

"Sure, why not, but you haven't answered my question."

"I am fine. So Terruna is destroyed? And everyone dead, I assume?"

"Yeah, all the destruction for nothing. You never told me he was a demon born as well," Sona looked down at the floor.

"Sorry, I guess I should have but I never had the time to. From the time we were separated to the time you left, I wasn't able to talk to you much, if I could have warned you I would have."

"Don't worry the only thing that counts is that you and me are together once again. You want to go for a walk?" Omega asked as he got up.

"Are you sure you are fine?"

"I already died, so this is nothing."

"WHAT? You died? What do you mean?"

"With the sword that the creator gave me, if I breathed my dying breathe onto it, it would defeat Jarvan, I did and with my last breathe, I killed him, but I awoke in the creator's domain and he said that he owed me a favor because I sacrificed myself for him, I chose to return among the living," Omega said as he gave Sona his hand, "But you and I have been given the gift of immortality, even though I have to be in this body, the one I used for the fight, that was the cost of Immortality."

"You chose to come back to this world, in this body, for me?"

"Yes," Omega said as Sona got up, "Why would I chose not to? I fought and died for you, you are more precious to me than being a god or being the guardian of Terruna," Sona got up and wrapped her arms around Omega. She leaned in and kissed him. She seemed to know exactly what Omega was thinking, she had to have known, from her fore sight, that this day would come, maybe she was hiding her cards and letting Omega play his hand allowing her to play around them. They held each other for a long time, but for Omega, time had slowed down. Omega stopped thinking.

He regained his thoughts when they were already on the path in the forest, Sona was walking next to him. She looked calm, she smiled and didn't say anything. Omega still had his Demacian coat, So it wasn't a dream? Omega was there next to Sona. His mind was in a haze and he couldn't think straight. Sona had brought him to the place they were before Jarvan the Third had interrupted them. She sat down in the same place as she did that evening, Omega sat next to her. She stared out into the distance. It was a repeat of what had happened. The meadows below them were of a vibrant green and there was a warm summer breeze. It gently made Sona's long, brown, hair sway. Omega turned and looked towards the meadows, he saw a Rathian and a Rathalos flying as a pair, they flew together in a sort of choreography. Sona tapped his arm and pointed towards them.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Sona said as she wrapped her arm around Omega's arm, "A beautiful pair, such grace, such perfection," Omega nodded, it seemed such a perfect coincidence that Omega couldn't believe if they were actually there. They flew around each other in the distance. Omega had never seen a Rathalos and a Rathian do this. They sat there watching the two fly around for a very long time, until they flew off. Sona got up. She yawned and stretched. Omega got up and put his arm around her. She looked at him surprised. He moved her closer to her and kissed her. She pushed away before pulling him in towards her. They separated after a long moment.

"A repetition of what happened here before, but this time with no interruption," Sona looked at him and smiled, she nodded.

"Let's go back," Sona yawned as she started to walk down the path, "I am pretty tired, I didn't sleep well when you were gone."

"Sure, let's go, I need to go to the blacksmith to get a new blade, since, I don't have the one I had against Jarvan nor did I have one from before," When they arrived in the village, Sona went back to the house and Omega stopped at the blacksmiths.

"Omega, long time no see, what shall it be?"

"I need a blade, like a katana, that I can wield with one hand."

"Okay, let's see," the Blacksmith went into his store and emerged a few minutes later with a katana, "Here you go."

Omega took the blade, he pulled out the sword from the sheath and looked at the edge of the blade, "Looks good, I will take this one," Omega gave the Blacksmith a small bag of coins, and put the blade on his belt.

"Very well, see you again," The Blacksmith said, "Oh, and could you try out this equipment, they are grapple hooks that you attach to your belt and are powerful enough to pull you very fast."

"Sure," Omega said as he walked to his house.

"Sona, you there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I am going to train my hand with my new blade."

"Okay, have fun!"

"See you later."

"Bye dear!"

Omega left the house and walked up the path out of the village. He went into the forest and down into the Shinogo highlands. He had his coat on, his left sleeve hung by his side, his coat had four medals, he had earned them during his short time in Terruna. His sword was by his side. Its sheath was black and had a golden metal covering over the bottom tip. He walked through the plains until he found a monster to fight against. He heard a roar nearby. I don't remember what roar that is, I'll go see. Omega ran towards where the roar had come from.