Chapter 12 it's time to get back in shape

"AHAHAHAHAHA !!, come on 'O-g-a-w-a - san' don't make me a pout, after all I'm your ... 'Sensei' .... Pfff.ahahahaha!!; oh my God I can't do it my ribs hurt!"

"fufufufu… come on 'Yoruichi-sensei' it's not nice to make fun of a student of hers; "Saeko said chuckling

"especially if it is ... fufufufu .. her 'pupil'"added with a smug face to Akame.

Lucy tried to calm the situation "Saeko, Yoruichi stop fooling Akame, you don't see how it is reduced".

it went as I feared .... there was good news and horrible news: Yoruichi managed to get hired and will start working in the coming days as an assistant to the PE professor, Akame joined the team, she will be awarded extra credits and, in the very probable case that she win national competitions, she will be exempted from school costs.

he horrible news ... well ... they found out how I convinced the professor to take Yoruichi and this led us to the current situation.

Akame was in a corner with dead fish eyes and I'm sure I saw her ghost mini-version leave her body; when he heard my story, he had a desperate look as if a meat buffet had been removed before her eyes and he used Murasame as a kitchen knife to cut the meat ... that kind of desperation.

Saeko had sided with Yoruichi and had spent the whole day teasing her, Lucy was the only one trying to defend Akame but with poor results.

For some reason, when I checked on the phone to see if he had registered Yoruichi, Akame was also marked as 'hired'; in the end I decided not to give too much weight ... after all it was less work for me.

Now Saeko and Lucy remained, they had to find work, but I still had some time so I decided to take it easy and I was already thinking of some ideas.

"Kenshi-san ... Yoruichi and Saeko are meanie, they make fun of me!" Akeno said with teary eyes of despair and clinging to my arm.

I decided to try to do something that I always wanted to do ... I started to pat her head " here *pat* ... here *pat*... Akame don't take it seriously, you know they do it for a joke"

I felt proud of myself, giving my waifu a head patting ... what more can a person want?

Akame blushed and smiled happily; unfortunately neither my smirk nor Akame's smile went unnoticed by the others; Lucy took the sleeve of my jacket in a shy way and said "

nee .. Kenshi .. I defended Akame .. could .. uh .. do the same thing to me? "

I have to be honest .. to do a head patting to Lucy to a different effect .. especially considering that while giggling happily in receiving it, her tits were also giggling ... I couldn't help but see them shaking up and down.

we had just returned home and were having dinner; I went to the bathroom for a moment and when I saw myself in the mirror I noticed that my belly had grown a little bigger; I took the scales and saw that I had put on 5 kg, well it wasn't such a surprising thing .. since Akame and Yoruichi started living with me we went to all-you-can-eat restaurants and at home they cooked huge dishes ; however this did not improve the situation, I was already chubby before but now I risked becoming obese.

evidently today the destiny, or more probably Cypher, wanted to rage about me because the phone rang me again and a new quest appeared

"Chain Quest part 1: start losing that flab

Briefing: I see that you saw yourself in the mirror and decided that it is time to lose a few pounds ... and this is good ... this is a new type of quest as you can well see; once the first part is completed, the second part will be activated automatically and I know ...

Goal: you lose 10 kg within two weeks Restrictions: waifus will train and establish workouts (time remaining 13 days 23 hours 59 minutes)

Reward: 1 bronze rank ticket

ok ... this is new ... now even the chain quests? next will the special events be?

once out of the bathroom I went to the kitchen with the girls and said "emh ... do you think it's fattened up ?, because I think I took a kilo or two" they looked at me confused.

"I think you're okay with Kenshi-san" (Akame)

"Kenshiro-kun your chubbyness is adorable fufufu" (Saeko)

"well boy, we don't mind at all, you are the one who has to decide" (Yoruichi)

"I agree with Akame, Kenshi is fine in my opinion" (Lucy)

"... well I was thinking that you could help me lose weight, I don't know you could come running with me or-" I started to say but I was interrupted by a myriad of proposals.

"let me do it Kenshi-san! I'll make you lose weight thanks to my training" (Akame)

"Akame... he must lose weight not become a soldier, Kenshinuke-kun must train with me and I will teach him kendo" (Saeko)

"ahahaha I can't see the time! boy will I make you lose weight using the training that we usually do in the Soul Society ahahaha" (Yoruichi)

"girls I think you're exaggerating ... Kenshi just needs a good diet and exercise ..." (Lucy)

Hey you are going astray! How the hell can I survive Empire training ?! or that of the soul society ?! I'm not a Shinigami!, and regarding Saeko, even if she is the most 'normal' between the girls,

I can swear I saw her with a worrying look and lick her lips; Lucy should be the quietest choice .. the problem is that if I choose only her the others will get jealous and I don't want to imagine what could happen.

Now I am sure of one thing, here I risk losing life not just a few pounds