
"Oh, no problem. Your daughter is very cute." Du Jingtang chuckled, his stomach twisting. When he saw the little girl bury her face into Gao Yi, he automatically thought that they were father and daughter.

Daughter? Gao Yi raised an eyebrow calmly, but he didn't correct him.

"Let's go." Dong Fangjing spat out the words blandly and then turned and walked away. Du Jingtang waved at Rainy.

"Bye, angel."

Rainy then raised her face from Gao Yi's arms and reached her little hand out to wave.

"Bye, aunty-uncle." A voice as sweet as sugar rang out.

Du Jingtang's body jerked suddenly, and he almost fell. What kind of a name was aunty-uncle? He wasn't a woman.

Rich male laughter shook his eardrums. He looked up to see the laughter in Dong Fangjing's eyes. He was making fun of him. He dared to laugh at him? He actually dared to?

This darn man. It was all his fault he became like this.