First Mission , Tragedy , Promotion(1)

When Tatsuya exited the room , he was surprised to find that his grandpa was nowhere to be seen , he made a tour of the house and found out that he went out so je decided to go back home.

On the way home , he began to think about his life since he came to this world , his first birthday , the long training session that made him the strongest of his generation in the village , his first year of school where he became the overall champion , he also became overall champion the following years , his graduation , and then , his most dangerous and last mission with his squad.


It was winter , Tatsuya was with his team , the sensei was a Jonin but not too strong , he could be considered basic level but he was a good sensei , his name was Takanori-sensei , his two partner were a Hyuga girl from the branch familly named Noriko , and a guy from a small clan in the village named Hayate.

Takanori-sensei had was easy going so he was very liked by his three students , Noriko was the quiet type and Hayate was very friendly so the four of them got along quite well as a team.

The day was very hot for winter , they just received a Rank C mission to protect an affluent trader who had very close ties to the village and contributed most of his money to the village , the mission was only ranked C because they weren't going very far , and the trip would only take 6 days.

When they arrived near the Main Gate of the village , they met with the merchant , he was also very friendly and began to chat with the team for a little before they decided that it was time to go.

They hit the road and started their Travel , during the first day they were very relaxed and they did not meet any danger along the way , it was expected as they were very near the village and the others village would most likely not dare to send their shinobi so near.

They spent the night in the forest and nothing happened there as well , the next morning they started to get more serious as they were now a little far from the village and there would not have time for other shinobi of the village to come if they were to run in a dangerous situation.

The second day passed without any encounter wich was a little strange but they didn't pay to much attention to it as it could happen and even more since it was winter.

When the night come they had met with nothing unexcepted so they choose to camp in the forest once more.

When the third day came , as they were Midway through the travel of the day , the thing started to get bad.

As they were walking through the forest Takanori-sensei suddenly threw a kunai in a direction and shouted:"Protect the client!!!!"

The 3 genin moved into formation instantly and started to guard against their surrounding.

Takanori-sensei was vigilant and stared all around them , he told them:"Kids it seems that we are encircled."

When Tatsuya heard that he stared at his surrounding and found that there was at least 13 people around them , he quickly told Noriko to activate her Byakugan , and as she did , she couldn't help but to gasp at the situation.

The situation was grim and their chance of survival were also slim , as they were thinking a kunai suddenly flew out of the trees right to Hayate , Tatsuya quickly deflected it with a shuriken and threw his kunai at the opponent hidind in the trees , the man took by surprise was forced to dodge and made his position exposed to Takanori-sensei.

As he was exposed the other decided to launch their assault , they charged right at them , Takanori-sensei was still a Jonin so he could still defend himself but Tatsuya's 2 teammates were differents , at best they were slightly stronger that other genin.

They were quickly overwhelmed and began to lose their ground.

Tatsuya was fighting 3 opponent at once and was able to match them equally since his body was not yet fully developped.

Takanori-sensei had the most of them , they were 8 men fighting him , the 2 others had one each , the strongest in their team was a basic Jonin and all the others were at least medium Chuunin.

When they came out their faction was seen , they were shinobi of Iwa.

As the fight was on-going , suddenly the situation changes , Hayate had his arm ripped off by his opponent.

He screamed in pain and was trying to dodge the incessant attack but in vain , he couldn't stop one of the attack and was killed.

Seeing this Tatsuya suddenly became enraged and a memory appeared in his mind:

"Rage God's Destruction Style:

1st stage: Immense Rage Bring Immense Power , by your rage you shall exterminate all your enemies."

He suddenly remembered his 3rd wish , as he was enraged he started to circulate his chakra in the told meridian and could feel his chakra becoming more an more powerful , his chakra then fused with his cell and boosted his strenght by 2 times.

Just as he finished he threw a punch right in the face of one of the 3 shinobi and crushed his skull.

Just at the moment he was thinking that he could overcome the situation and avend Hayate , Noriko was killed by her opponent , seeing this his rage grew stronger and stronger and a Dark Red aura started to flew out of his skin , it was a very small amount of hit but it gave an incredible pressure , he killed one more of his opponent in one punch and looked toward Takanori-sensei just to see him being killed as well.

At this moment something cracked in his brain and he screamed of rage , suddenly a second memories appeared in his brain:

"Rage God's Destruction Style:

2nd stage: Your Rage should overcome all that try to block you by going against the natural order , if God try to stop your wrath then kill god , if the world try to stop your wrath then anihilate the world."