First Mission , Tragedy , Promotion(2)

At this moment Tatsuya mind darkened , his anger was so strong that he could not think anymore , it was the side-effect of using the 2nd stage of his Rage's God mode without having the necessary physical strength.

The power of the second stage boosted his power by 8 times , as his mind was unprepared , he began not to think anymore , his punch were faster and faster , his instinct were boosted and each one of his punch broke at least a bone of the opponent body.

He killed his third opponent by sending a blow directly to his heart , crushing it in the space of a second.

But by the time he had killed his opponent it was already to late , Takanori-sensei was stabed by the two shinobi who killed his Friend.

When the others assaillants realised that three of them were dead , they were enraged , they then decided that they needed to go all together to have a chance to stop him , as his Rage's aura was starting to overwhelm them.

His aura was terrifying , it was Dark Red , similar to blood and it spread 5 meters around him , his eyes were also blood red and his body also significantly changed , all the muscle of his body bulged and were sailling through his clothes , he also grew at least 10cm taller.

For the enemy shinobi , he ressembled a demon , they started to have a little fear of him deep inside of their hearts.

As the remaining shinobi rushed to him , Tatsuya also rushed to them , his speed was incredibly fast and he arrived before them almost instantly , he directly crushed the first enemy shinobi's head that came his way and continued his slaughter.

He punched , kicked , dodged , fired jutsu and did all he could to kill them all.

Finally about 10min later , he managed to kill them all.

To calm himself and takeback his reasoning ability , he started to meditate to calm his rage.

As he was seated on the ground , the merchant that hide away came back to the scene since he didn't ear any sounds of fighting for more that 30min , when he arrived , he almost vomited , the entire ground was covered by blood , body covered the floor with different body parts spread everywhere , he recognized his protector dead among the body , the Jonin and the 2 students , he was surprised to not see the third student.

When he looked to the center of the Battlefield he almost screamed , among the body , there sat Tatsuya , he was covered his blood and it was impossible to dicern wether it was his or his enemie's.

When Tatsuya awoke , he was very sad but couldn't do anything other than to Bury his comrade , he also choose to finish the mission but the atmosphere for the rest of the trip was gloomy and sad.

When they arrived at destination , the merchant asked him to take a letter to the Hokage wich he accepted.

On his way back he stopped by the grave of his comrade , he was dispirited , he really liked the time that they spent together , but he couldn't protect any of them and was the sole survivor of the ambuscade.

He then suddenly realised that it was War and his life would be in danger to if hé wasn't strong enough so he made the vow to become stronger and stronger until he finaly stood at the apex Of this world.

When he came back to Konoha the Main door Guards were suprised to see him Come back alone , but they quickly understood the situation and started to try to consol him , he was thankful for it and told them that he was going to be fine so they let him go to the Hokage.

When he arrived , the Hokage was already informed by his anbu about the situation so he spoke Word of consol to him too.

When Tatsuya finished his raport , the Hokage couldn't help but sigh...

"Even tough it wasn't expected we still let the enemies comme in our territory wich his a mistake on our side , since we Lost 1 experimented shinobi and to with potential this is a considerable loss but since the mission was completed , you have done good job coming back alive."

"Thank you Hokag-sama" replied Tatsuya slightly bowing his head.

When he was going to leave , he remebered the letter that the merchant told him to Bring back and passed it to the Hokage who read it directly , when he was finished , his eyes were filled with shock.

"Tatsuya is it true that you fought against multiples experimented shinobi when the other died , without any help you managed to kill them ?"

"I did Hokage-sama , when the others were killed I was filled with Rage and I sensed my power and instinct multiplying so I was able to fight them all while I was alone."

"How about before they died , did you kill anyone ?"

"Yeah I killed two of my opponent before."

"Hummm..." The Hokage began to think deeply and suddenly came to a decision.

"Very good since your battle abillity are this High , you are now a Chuunin."

"Yes Hokage-sama." replied Tatsuya being slightly surprised about this decision.

"You Can go home now , take a good rest , you have 5 days , next week come to train with my team since it isn't possible anymore with yours."

"Yes Hokage-sama I'll be there."

After that Tatsuya came back home and was consoled and congratulated by his parents.

-Flashback End-

He had now arrived to his Home and was thinking about when to open the second Sharingan meridian , but he first decided to open the first Byakugan meridian tonight.