Chapter 16: What to do ?

That night, Yue Yang didn't sleep with her. After making her dinner and put her to sleep, he started meditating in the garden.

Using the Yin energy coming from the lac he trained his control over the Yin and Yang. His Yin pole was very weak so he forced his understanding by opposing it to his Yang pole.

It was like he held a flame in his right and a chunk of ice in the left. The flame was just that hot so that the ice melt in just one minute. He repeated this many times until the ice stop melting. Then he raised the temperature of the flame and started again.

This exercise was created by him in order to control the Yin energy and unblock the knowledge in the parent's diary.

But this was to time taking so he just found another mean and he just trained to inject his energy in a sheet of paper again and again until he finally didn't destroy it. It took him two months.

With that, he successfully obtained knowledge. This was with it that he created the two swords earlier because the runes he engraved on it were special.

And although this exercise is rather slow, it's the only thing he could do before he got Yue Yu and Wu Xia.

The night passed quickly and the morning came. Jiang Ying woke up and find him in the kitchen cooking the breakfast.

While eating she questioned him.

"What will you do now? You won't stay here for a long time, right ?"

"I will use this week of time off to search for some beast eggs and then stay here for two weeks in order to train them. After that, I think I will go home."

"That so..."She says with a little bit of sadness.

"Hey- don't understand me wrong. You come with me even if you don't want. Remember..." He approached her to the limit and took her hand. "You are mine!" Then, he kissed her on the mouth.

It's was a true French kiss which lasted for 10 long minutes before freeing her. Her legs went jelly and she falls down on her knee gasping for air.

Yue Yang grabbed her chin and lifted it up so that she looked him in the eyes.

"Who are you ?"

"I...i'm Jiang Ying." She answered weakly.

"Then what are you ?"

"I'm... I am your, Yue Yang, wife."

"Good! Now, don't think I will ever let you being far from me. You understand!"



Later, those two were hand in hand, sitting on the lake shore.

"You said you want to find some beast eggs, right ?" She questioned.

"Yes, a Golden Dragon, an Ice Dragon, a Thunder Dragon, and a Hydra. All female. Also a Spider Witch, a Flame Lioness Queen, and an Earth Dragon Turtle, all in eggs too." Listed Yue Yang.

"That a little bit too much, no? What do you want to do, a Harem?"

"Maybe. It's just that the first four are for me but the three last are for someone else."

"Who ?" She questioned.

"The one who raised me. I will introduce you to her."

"Ok." She was happy. Being introduced to his family means being recognized and their relationship will be official.

" You don't have to go search for them. I just have to send my subordinates."

"Ok! In that case, what do we do?"

"Hehe~ We play together."