Chapter 17: Before i wanted to visit the north pole but now it's the tropic.

Tong Tian Tower, Tenth floor, Heaven Outside Heaven, Some individual World.

Yue Yang has been here for nearly one day. Upon entering this chilling deadly cold world, he had been meditating.

The cold wind who attacked him was used to train his understanding of the Yin energy.

Just when he entered the tenth floor, the gravitational force was so strong that he was crushed on the ground. Not using his energy, it takes him nearly three hours to stand up and yet another one before walking normally. Using the most careful attention he walked forward and then arrived after ten more hours.

Finally in, He then started meditating. In those harsh conditions, not only his body but his control improved by gaps.

Suddenly, his energy erupted, Ice and Fire going wild before stabilize in a circle cut in half by a perfect balance of red and blue revolving around him. The purple flames and cold ice circled each other and formed an energy tornado, making crackling sounds and blasting electric currents.

In an instant, breaking through Innate Invisible Sword Qi Fifth Layer – Success!

Then all the energy dissipated.

"I shouldn't stay around."

Disappearing from the sight of all, he advanced towards his destination.

Some times later he arrived before a canyon made from an eternal glacier.

In and around the gigantic canyon, hundreds of beast were present. Ancient Giant Beast, Ancien Ape, and Ice Dragon were the most imposing.

"So, were the Ice Dragon nest ?" whispered Yue Yang. "If I take the position of all of them that I can see and trace some probable should be over there."

The direction he took was on the other side of the canyon and to get there he will have to go through the numerous beasts in the canyon.

Luckily for him, his Counterfeit Inherent Skill was very useful in this situation.

He walked quietly in the canyon where none of the numerous beasts get his presence. Walking in the middle of them he looked at them with attention. Those beast were dozens of meters high, their muscles were bulging and their aura was incredibly dominating. He knew that each of them can kill him with a fart but the excitation was too much. Those titans who were at Platinium Rank who can even kill an innate level 9, all of them were in front of him but can't even perceive his presence. If he wanted it's would be easy to kill one of them... well, he can do that but the other beast will just kill him after.

Once out of the canyon, after one kilometer, he found the nest or core territory, of the Ice Dragons.

He quickly found a nest with some eggs but don't approach it. Instead, he searched for the cemetery. In it, he digs up some fresh corpse and skeletal. It takes him a few hours to do that without drawing the attention of the dragons but he succeeded.

Then after a rest, he walked again toward the nest.

"Shit !"

There was a dragon in it.

'I didn't want to do so but... I can't wait, the more I stay here, the riskier it is for me. Oh well, I need a good core to feed the baby.'

Approaching the dragon, Yue Yang used his Counterfeit Inherent Skill at the maximum and then summoned three Fantom Shadow and used Trifold Strengthening before a runic war circle appeared in his hand. Charging his energy in it, he takes caution of his surroundings.

The dragon was sleeping, his head on the floor but when Yue Yang was five meters from it, it opened his eyes. It sensed something but seeing nothing, his tension was low.

When the two were one-meter apart, Yue Yang raised his hand with full charged World-Exterminating Wheel and then release a ray from it. The ray entered in one eye of the dragon and destroyed his head.

Quickly after, Yue Yang summoned his grimoire and stocked the corpse before taking the three eggs who were in the nest. He then used a teleportation scroll and disappeared in a flash of light.