Chapter 2:Arrivng at the spot

Kishino Miyabe

I aboard the battleship with my brother who I looked up to so much. looking across the sea made me bored so I decided to go search for my brother and friends so I can talk to them.

Sasagairi Miyabe

As soon the battleship left I started to search it for what could be on the ship because something was up when the officials couldn't say what the mission was and why they included my brother and friends so I got all the keys and went through every single room. I guess my friends also had the same idea because I found them in a room searching why they were here for so we all banded up together after finding my brother who is clumsy as always and decided to search the rooms one by one.

Sanae Mai

I was surprised when i saw that all my friends was aboard the battleship I was sent too which I found suspicious so I decided to search the boat if there was anything on it to why they sent me and my friends on the boat and it seems that my friend Sasagairi had the same idea so I suggested that we get everyone and search the rooms together so we gathered everyone and started.

Sasagairi Miyabe

I found out that everyone wanted to know why we were on this boat so I made up my mind and we went through every room until we found a large door covered on steel with a complicated series of locks which was no problem for me with my knowledge. After unlocking it I got so surprised to find a humongous stockpile of gold, silver, and diamonds in the room but what really stuck out like a sore thumb was a clear operating room with a large box in the middle so everyone came together and carried the box up to the deck and thankfully none of my friends were money hungry people so when the box went up to the deck I realized that the battleship had changed its course so I went up to the control room and saw the controls were previously tampered before I boarded the ship so I couldn't change the route it was going . when I told the situation to the rest of my friends the got nervous but I was excited because I've only seen these types of scenes in the manga's I used to read so I was like that until I saw the rift in the ocean and it was pulling us to it because a lot of water was pouring through it so I tried to change the course of the ship but it was locked on to the rift, I figured that the rift could tear us and my friends apart and more importantly my only family, my brother, so I just prayed none of that would happen. As we approached the rift I blanked out.