"after what happen in part 3"

Riku:No human born into a world a like this,could die without purpose.

"riding his ride toward a unknown place alone"

Riku:it's more than simply having a reason to live:the mind will not accept death,if it has no meaning. Ivan death was not in vain.

"looking at the map that he get before Ivan death"

Riku:Ruins of the old elven capital help a lot of reliable imformation. things most people never got a chance to see. in a place such as this,does anything makes sense anymore? is it even possible to find one's sanity?

"Riku exploring inside the Ruins of old elven capital"

Riku:dwarves...? no with a structure of this scale, it must have been Flügel.

"Riku checking the compass while climbing."

Riku: look at the size of the thing.

"Riku amazed by the structure in the ruins"


"something when past behind Riku"

Riku: My...imagination? no-!


Riku: An Ex-machina?

Ex-machina: Investigating. Adjusting for common parameters.

Riku: stay calm. this thing operates as part of collective. it share conciousness with cluster, which mean others must be nearby.that mean...

Ex-machina: conclusion.

"pull down Riku mask"

Riku: if i make any hostile moves, all the Ex-machina will see me as a threat. i must remain still.

Ex-machina: i cannot resist you Onii-chan, you must make a woman out of me.



Ex-machina: Error. cannot. Comprehend.

Riku: I think i'm the one falling to comrehend here!

Ex-machina: is this scenario not sufficient enough to bring you satisfication?

Riku: well i'm sorry. but i'm not one of those weirdos who get off by being observed by you guys.

Ex-machina: Qeury: who are "you guys"?

Riku: oh don't play dumb. i know all of this can be sent to that cluster thing of yours.

Ex-machina: Negative. this unit has been disengaged from the cluster collective.

Riku: Disengaged? so then you're on you own?

Ex-machina: correct.

Riku: Alright then. what does some stray Ex-machina want with someone like me? i mean i'm just a human.

Ex-machina: Response: to analyze the unique language humans of humans. this language referred to as "the human heart"

Riku: the heart?

Ex-machina: Reasoning. this unit's investigating into the existence of the human heart, generated multiple logic errors, causing this unit to be dissociative. further observation has been conducted indenpentdently.

Riku: observation? so you planning to study the human heart on your own and convince the cluster to take you back, right?

Ex-machina: Desire: is it postulated that dermo-contact, flesh upon flesh, result in unit exchange of emotions. I request you procreate with this unit.

Riku: i refuse.

"holding knife to his own neck"

Ex-machina: Alternative: you may take advantage of the this unit in any manner you wish. though it possesses no orifice.

Riku: I refuse. wait, no orifice!?

Ex-machina: lösen. Recreation. Earth. Chess. a challenge. I request participation in this game. Conditions: if this unit wins it shall be taken home with you and procreation shall occur.

Riku: i can only assume you chose chess on purpose. you guys are basically walking calculators. there no way i can win. Still... what if... i manage to win?

Ex-machina: Answer: you shall take this unit home and procreation shall occur.

Riku: They're the same! whatever, i guess there's no getting out of it at this point, is there? fine, i'll play along.

Ex-machina: Conclusion: a game in accordance to the aforementioned terms.

Riku: sure, i'll play you one time. Except i'll be making a slight change, to these little rules of yours.