part 5 revolutionary

Riku: argh!! " Ex-machina bring Riku to his home with fast speed"

Ex-machina: we have arrived.

Riku: so, when it comes to Mobility you really don't use any magic?

Ex-machina: correct. utilizing magic would have safe 55,782 seconds. addendum: this unit is prüfer, a model primarily used for analysis. it's capabilities a lesser than others Ex-machinas.

Riku: who the hell has a race in this waging war? it's no wonder the world has gone to hell.

"after they enter the entrance of the homebase"

Riku: what should I call you ?

Ex-machina: meaning unknown.

Riku: your name. Do you have one?

Ex-machina: understood. Designation number: Üc207Pr4f57t9.

Riku: you're kidding. That's your name?. Forget that, you need to go with something easier.

Ex-machina: Qeury: if this unit win, it will stay with Riku until it is able to fully Comprehend the human heart. should this unit conceal that it is a machine?

Riku: the human heart is like an unspoken feeling. it is formed through mutual understanding. if you're gonna to be with me, you need to dress like a human.

Ex-machina: Query: this self designation an object?

Riku: sure.whatever.

Ex-machina: Respones: I shall be call schwarzer.

Riku: no that's hard to say and weird. not gonna work with me. let's go with schwi.

Schwi: Unclear: adjustment was made for self configuration.

Riku: can we do something about the way you talk first?

Schwi: Laden: adopting personality 1610. Hee-hee onii-chan, is this better?

Riku: denied.

Schwi: it was the most Logical Choice available.

Riku: and what logical bullcrap did you use to position yourself as imouto ?

Schwi: Answer: i merely presented what was the most optimal option.

Riku: that's right, it would be a big problem if people started asking about our past. just act shy and don't say more than you have to. and quit starting every sentence sounding like a robot. understood?

Schwi: understood "with cute voice and face" like this?

Riku: "suprised" Are you... acting or something?

Schwi: Acting? I am not. I have chosen a personality matching the given parameters. it's a trace emulation.

Riku: it'll do. I want you to stay where I can see you. is there something you can do about that tail-looking thing you got there?

Schwi: negative: it is schwi's power source, a nerve core crossed with spiritual circuitry.

Riku: Fine, i guess, we'll just say it's a fashion choice. i'll say this one last time: do not show that robot body of yours to anyone.

Schwi: yes, i'll show it only to you.

"after they enter the home base"

Cournne: She's so cute! Who is she?

Riku: i found her on the way back from a colony that got wiped out, she was in a...

Cournne: so is she... your wife?

Schwi: his wife?

Riku: Uh...

Cournne: oh,come on don't be shy! your first priority should be having a kids, five or six of them preferably! "making fun of riku"

Riku: could you cut that out? That goes for you too!

Schwi: what does she mean?

Riku: she doesn't mean anything.

Cournne: what's your name?

schwi: i'm schwi

"cournne hug schwi"

Cournne: that's a lovely name. So how did you meet riku here, anyway?

"Riku looking scare"

Schwi: he kiss schwi... and demanded that the two of us partake in procreation.

"everyone around them feel awkward"

Riku: Wait, it's not-!

"cournne sounds angry"

Cournne: riku. you couldn't wait, could you? you couldn't have waited until later?!

"throw bucket to riku"

"after riku and schwi enter riku room"

Riku: you could have worded that differently, you know ?

Schwi: differently?

Riku: well never mind. Look could at least try to look a bit more mature? you're making me look bad over here.

Schwi: but isn't this the form you prefer?

Riku: nah, that ain't my thing

Schwi:Then what form do you like?

Riku: Now, you listen here. Do you even know what it means when you ask that question? Schwi : I'm wanting to know what you prefer. Riku:That's not something I can really tell you with words... Do you remember how I explained the human heart?

Schwi: I remember. "taking out chees board"Let's play.

Riku: No thanks. I didn't have much choice before. But I find games pointless and I don't have the time to waste on them.

Schwi: What if they're not pointless? What if you win? The prize will be all the information you desire. For example, the reason why the Great War began, and what it will take to end it.

Riku:"Huh!" Give me a break. We humans don't have any choice in that nonsense. So there's no point bothering with it. There's only one thing I need to know how to do: how to make it through the day alive. And that's it. That's the whole reason I brought you along. The knowledge, the maths, the engineering tech you ex-machina contain... If I could beat you then that's what I want.

Schwi: Understood. Even... the current state of our world... the fact that humans have survived is... an anomaly. Even we, Ex-machina... cannot calculate a reason for this. As life forms you are weak. Your civilization is primitive. You cannot utilize spiritual power, and yet you have subsisted... It defies all reason. Yet there must be an answer, a key... to your survival. And my theory is that... it resides... in the human heart, and I intend to find it. I wish to discover...

Riku:Enough."Angry" You're so full of shit.Schwi: Riku?

Riku:You do whatever you want. You wage war whenever you want. You've taken everything from us. And well, I'm so sorry if you're puzzled why we're still alive. No wonder you know nothing about the human heart. Okay, fine! You wanna know? What if my heart hasn't changed? What if it's deceased the moment I was born? "stab a knife beside schwi head"You get burned in Hell! Every last one of you! Do you know how many people have died because of you bastards? You probably know exactly how many, don't you? And how many more will you make us kill?

Schwi: Riku. I have made you cry. So therefore... I assume... I have said something terrible. Something... to hurt you. What I do know about the heart, is that deep inside it, you wish to kill me. Riku. You can... stab me. I will die. Rather, since I am not a living being, it will be a permanent cessation, with repair not being possible. A complete systematic failure. I wish to know your heart. That's all. If this is truly what your heart desires, then I want it to be realized. Will you... Kill me?

Riku: Chad, Anton, Elmer, Cory, Dale, Siris, Ed, Darrell, Dave, Laks, Vin, Eric, Charlie,

Schwi: Riku?

Riku:Thomson, Shinta, Yann, Zaza, Zargo, Clay, Goro, Peter, Arthur, Morg, Kimmy, Datt, Ceril, Vigi, Volly, Ken, Savage, Leroy, Popo, Couthon, Lut, Shigure, Shao, Ulf, Balto, Asso, Kenwood, Peyl, Ahad, Hound, Balrof, Masashi, Memegan, Karim Ivan! Forty-eight people. Forty-eight and I'm the one who ordered them all to die. Too many people have died during your "Great War". Removed from this world, like dust being swept away! And the one who sent those people to die? I am the one who told them to!


"After the day past"

Cournne:Riku? You awake? Sorry, I know you're tired, but if you don't mind either... Oh! Sorry! "schwi sitting on riku with sex position"

Riku:Schwi, do you mind if I ask you why you're sitting there straddling me?

Schwi: Riku, you instructed me to stay where you could see me.

Riku: I only meant for you to stay nearby.

Schwi: Question: if I am not in your line of sighting can you see me?

Cournne: Is this some sort of role-play?

Riku: No! It's not!

Cournne: It's okay, Onee-chan understands! Whenever you're done, let me know so Schwi can take a bath.

Riku :A bath?

Schwi:Riku said I could show my body only to him. In that case...

Cournne: You have her trained?!

Riku: Couronne, please just leave us alone.

Cournne: You two are sure moving quickly. Okay, I'll let you two have some privacy. I'll go kick out whoever is in the bath.

"after they enter the bathrooom"

Schwi: I am... Sorry.

Riku: Sorry for what?

Schwi: For being the aggressor and yet asking you about the heart. It's illogical.

Riku: I wouldn't say illogical... It's insensitive. Schwi: My circuits aren't capable of sensitive transmissions.

Riku: That's not what I meant. In any case, I'm sorry that I got all worked up.

Schwi: Is that a bad thing to do?

Riku: Could be. I might lose it, and smack you and that wouldn't solve anything would it?

Schwi: Do you wish to strike me Riku?

Riku: Of course not. I'm just making a point. Maybe I'm not so sure myself.

Schwi: Riku. Let's play a game. "taking out chess board"

Riku:What did you bring that thing for? schwi: Because that's when you smiled Riku. It's the only time. So... Let's play a game. "saying with sad sound" I wish... I wish to know your heart Riku. But, also not in a manner that hurts you. I have a conflict. I don't know what to do.

Riku: You mean you'd have to hurt me in order to do it? Can't you just go back to your cluster? I'm sure you can learn all you want about the heart without forcing anatomy.

Schwi: Yes. That's true. But either way, I don't wish to cause you harm. Why is that?

Riku: You're asking me?

Schwi: Stating possibility. Answer: this unit has found the cluster pointless, meaningless and irrelevant. With personal analysis of the heart taking prominence. I want you to remain and, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR,

Riku: Stop that!

Schwi: ERROR. Conclusion: it seems I don't want to go back.

Riku: It seems..?

Schwi: Unable to quantify definitely. Although, it would seem so.

Riku: So it does. It's a little confusing.

Schwi: Pawn to E4.

Riku: You could at least let me have the first move.

Schwi: The next turn is yours.

Riku: Also, you're playing while I'm sitting here brushing your hair. That's not very fair, is it? So...why is it so long anyway?

Schwi: If you would prefer it to be short I will cut it.

Riku:No, you don't have to do that. You just don't get it, do you? "While they were taking bath out cournne was cleaning the room then find out that the hair of schwi is made out of steel"