Schwi: Riku? Here you go, I have assigned a map

Riku: Look, I told you. I still haven't beaten you at chess.

Schwi: But I thought this is what you wanted. So I made it for you.

Riku: heh

Schwi: That is where I met you. "pointing at (the ruin of old elven capital)"

Riku:There's something about that place that's always really bugged me. But it's so far away that I can't just get up and walk there.

" after thier conversation end"

Schwi: We have arrived.

Riku: Well you sure are the observant one, aren't you?

"after they explore (The ruin of old elven capital)"

Riku:Alright. Have you noticed the buildings are all destroyed but, for some reason, the ground here is mostly untouched.

Schwi:That would be because of the Elves' protective magic.

Riku: But why let everything be completely wiped out, except for this one spot?

Schwi: To the Elves this was an important facility.

"schwi find a secret passage to a facility"

Schwi: An emergency shelter. Or something else? Something of more value. A facility to research and develop, new weaponry.

Riku:What the Hell is this?

"find a weird simbol and writing on the wall"

Schwi:Protective glyphs of the Old Deus, Kainas.

Riku:Kainas? That's the creator of the Elves.

Schwi: These are not protective glyphs. Regarding elvish glyphs or magical writings. They do not correspond to any available data.

Riku: It's probably some damn new horrible foolishness they invented. The Dwarves have enough power to destroy the planet. Áka Si Anse Proof of Concept Reactor.

Schwi: Riku? You can read the Elvish language?

Riku:The best clues in information out there is worthless if you can't understand it. To this day the traits, the languages and the customs of the various races have been passed down into our history, written works, any means you can think of. It's what we do. Because, we lonely humans, aren't going to just sit back and let ourselves get wiped out. That being said, I can't read a damn thing else on here. Especially this part, must be like a name, "pointing at a weird simbol"

Riku: right?

Schwi:If this is all classified information, then it's most likely that this is written in code, encrypted.

Riku: You're right, that's a problem. It means even the names of whoever's involved with this are also being encrypted.Áka Si Anse The only thing we know for sure so far is a bunch of fucking nonsense?

"the facility started shaking"

"a big mysterious circle start shooting at them"

Schwi:Riku stand back! Lösen: Umweg.

"shcwi use a magic shield to protect riku"

shcwi: Run!

Riku:Dammit! "the entry door has bewn close" Riku:Schwi.. Schwi! " A giant magic ball caught schwi and blow schwi"

Schwi:Ri... "explode"

Riku:Schwi.. Schwi! Schwi...

Schwi: There's a security system, the Elvish magic remains active. Don't worry, I'm fine. Lösen: Enderpokryphen. " blow the entry door open with the same magic ball that blow schwi before"

Riku:What was that?

Schwi: A special ability of the ex-machina, if attacked we can analyze, emulate, and reproduce the attack. Copying it. But as a Pürfer I would only be able to generate less than 10% of it's original strength.

Riku: If you say so. But you might still tone it down a bit.

Schwi: I'm sorry. "while they walking out the facility"

Schwi: I broke my promise, and I used spiritual energy.

Riku: Well I guess it's better than dying. Anyway, we should probably get out of here pretty quick before some band of freaks comes and finds us. Dammit! We got a soot storm. " storming outside the facility"

Schwi: I will be fine. My system pulses a decontamination solution that purchase the impurities of the Ash.

Riku: You'll maybe fine but that doesn't mean I will be. I see you brought the chess set, right?

Schwi: I am sorry.

Riku: I'm not complaining You want to play a game?

Schwi: You don't mind?

Riku: No. It's fine. We're stuck down here because of the storm and everything. It's a good way to kill some time, right?

Riku: Come on! How do you keep doing that?

"after keep losing on chess"

Riku: One more time!

Schwi:Riku, why do you keep challenging me when you know you can't beat me?

Riku: I can't beat you?

Schwi: Yes, well you haven't yet. Not even once.

Riku:look i'm just thinking about this in the big picture. There's no way you can beat me every single time.

Schwi: I... I understand. Partially. The current conditions upon this planet are fatal for all of Humanity, the fact that you exist is an aberration. This aberration... Correction: this accomplishment... is possible because of your heart, your will. Despite overwhelming odds, Humanity as a whole survives. This is an objective fact and yet... You refuse to accept that fact. For some reason, you don't wish to acknowledge what you are. Why is that?

Riku: Well let me ask you this: what's the point of surviving when you live in a world like this one? You just run as hard and as fast as you can and you keep running, but what then? What the Hell else do you do? Just sit back and let yourself get obliterated into nothing? And if don't like that idea, can you let 999 people die for the sake of 1001? Will that change anything at all?

"riku angry"

Schwi:Riku. "touching riku face"

Riku:Tell me then Schwi, what else can we do? What... should I do?

Schwi:I wish to know as well. So then... what does your heart tell you Riku? Just look at what a freaking mess I am. I asked you 'cause honestly I don't know. I'm afraid my heart is not talking.

Schwi: In that case, what do YOU wish to do? Riku:What I wish to do?

Schwi: Whatever it is. I will help you. I will be right by your side. And I will stay there, until you understand your heart. I shall keep watch over you to see what it is that your heart truly desires. I wish to do whatever it is that you wish to do Riku. Check mate.

Riku: Schwi. That would have probably been a good time to maybe call it a draw... just saying.

Schwi: Has there been any changes in the atmospheric conditions?

Riku: No No there hasn't.

After the storm end they walk outside

Schwi+Riku: It's beautiful.

"Snowing outside"

Riku:Schwi, it's kinda nice not being alone, right?

Schwi: Riku, you haven't always been alone, have you?

Riku: No. But I'm idiot, I always push myself to extremes: trying to be something special. But... anyway. If I were to just go by what I would do, well then things might actually work out well. Schwi, tell me something: what is the point of this war and what can we do to end it?

"later they got back to their homebase"

Riku:When I was a child, I thought the world was a much, much simpler place. I thought there was no challenge that was unbeatable. That if I tried hard enough, anything was possible. Everything was cut-and-dry: you win, you lose, or it ends in a draw. I thought I was seeing the world with clear eyes. But it... But it was all such foolish, ignorant ideas of youth. But... you know in the end, it turns out that I was dead wrong. You know what Schwi? Together I think we can make things in this world get interesting.

Schwi: Yes. That's it. Those eyes are good Riku.

Riku: I have...good eyes?

Schwi: No. Schwi... likes to see those eyes. I mean don't you?

Riku: There you go being confusing again. This is really bad! "laughing"

"after a few hours past"

scouter: this's bad!

" (The sun) firing laser beam at a 5 flying dragon"

" the cave they live in started shaking"

Cournne: Please remain calm! Aim for the west exit! Nonna you go with the others. Now go!

"cournne run into riku room"

Cournne: Riku! Riku?

Riku: Dammit! This place will get turned in ash too? Then what? What have I done all this for?

Cournne: Riku, come on. You can't worry about all that now. Why don't you just let Onee-chan take things from here?

Riku:Schwi, you put that in writing, right?

Schwi: Yes I did.

Cournne: huh?

"cournne don't know what just happen"

Riku: Which means Couronne, that as of today, you're the head of the colony. And that, is the site for your new colony.

"giving the map to the new homebase"

Riku: You'll be safe if you stay in the western escape route. Well, best of luck to you and everything

Cournne: Wait Riku! What will me and the rest of the campers do?

Riku: Now everything is gonna be fine. Because from here on out, no one else is going to die.

"cournne smile"

Cournne: Riku... Hey! So what sort of craziness are you two cooking up?

Riku: Just a little game. We're gonna take it easy and just pass the time.

"after they both get to the safe area in the cave"

"they regroup with the other member of assault team"

Riku: As for now, everyone here is dead. We no longer exist in this world, we're ghosts. The day of the final battle will come, it's no use in hoping for a future where it won't. The world is an abomination. So do we just run to stay alive, praying for that last battle? And pray to who? These god damn butchers who call themselves Gods? Artosh, creator of the Flügel. Kainas, creator of the Elves. Okein, creator of the Dwarves. All of them claim to be the one true ruler of this world, fighting for their precious throne and doing nothing but destroying everything in the process. These pieces of shit don't deserve any of our prayers! It's time to open your eyes. We can no longer rely on Horou to save us. Which is why we have to build things up ourselves. In the end this world is nothing but a game. Those butchers are after the Suniaster A conceptual device sent to bring absolute authority over this entire world, which is why they have to go themselves to this bullshit where anything goes. So, we're gonna make our own rules on our own terms. And then... we will win. Number 1: No matter what, you must not kill. The heart does not wish for murder. Number 2: You must let no one die. The heart doesn't want anyone to die. Number 3: You must let no one discover you. If we're discovered, we're dead. Number 4: No tactic is off limits. Not even a sly trick should be considered dirty. Number 5: Those guys' rules mean nothing to us. The heart doesn't give two shits about their bloody gun tests. Number 6: Break any of these rules, and you lose. The heart gains nothing from a victory where violence are principles. That's it. Now we do whatever we want. We are the ghosts. We will not kill a single member of the other races including the Old Deus. And we will not be discovered. We are a phantom, we will guide the course of this war to it's fruition! That will be our victory. To finally see the end of their god damn war. Our enemies are Gods with great tools of violence and despair. Now this game was never meant for us to play, so to win this we must do everything in secret and behind the scenes. And even if we win, we can have no memory of this, because ghosts don't exist, they just vanish. But know this, if we can do this, if we can master this game for real, and we can win it, we can die with our heads held high! Because we lived the coolest, most badass lives ever! Okay. If you're willing to play along, if you're ready to get started then stay here.

"awkwardly no one moves away from the team"

Riku: I'm gonna be honest with you, no offense, but I really thought that you guys were a bit smarter than this.

Assault team: Smart men would have left before you finished your little speech. Come on now, you didn't really think there were any smart people left in the world did you? And where else are you gonna find a bunch of crazier fools than these? The smart would have already chosen death over this place. And yet the smartest ones did bother being born. We did what you asked for Riku. You're the one who chose us, remember? Yeah that's right. The one who leads a bunch of dumb asses is the biggest dumb ass of all!

Riku: Yes. Humans are fools. But it takes a great fool to know how to not let foolishness get them killed. We have stayed alive in a world where life has no value. They are all fools, incredibly weak and vulnerable. Magnificent weak fools all, who deaves great respect.

Assault team: Okay everybody! Let's do this! Let us pledge upon the wishes of our fallen brotherhood! Achéte!

Riku: No. Not upon the memories of the fallen. With the rules we have vowed to fallen, to everyone here. I pledge Aschente. Okay. Let's get this game started.