part 7 THE PLANS

Disclaimer: if you didn't understand what happening in this part please read the preview part.

Schwi: Riku. I am now certain. I don't understand the human heart. All potential strategies have a less than 1% chance of success.

Riku: Then you must be wondering why everyone is so sure that we can pull it off. So Schwi, if you roll a dice what are the odds you roll a 6?

Schwi: A one out of six chance.

Riku: Maybe so. But what if someone who doesn't exist swaps it out for a dice that will only roll a six?

Schwi: You're talking about manipulation of the variables.

Riku: Yeah. I like to call it cheating. But that was fun, right? We are the singularity of the equation. We'll make every prediction, every strategy and calculation, come together exactly how we want it to. If we pull it off, it will be a...

Schwi: A miracle. It would be an anomaly. Success would be a distortion of probability theory.

Riku: Yeah. Anything can happen though. Zero or one hundred, it doesn't really matter. I mean that's why they call it a theory. Would you like me to prove it to you? Question: what are the odds that right here and now, I would have professed my love to you?

Schwi: Intent unclear. Estimation: near zero. Yeah well, you're wrong.

Riku: Will you marry me?

"riku purpose schwi "

Schwi: Cannot... comprehend. I decline.

Riku: I'm sorry I got carried away even though I'm just a virgin! Please don't widen the wound!

Schwi: About intimacy, humans exchange it in order to reproduce. But Schwi is Ex-machina.

Riku: I don't care about that! I just want you and me forever!

Schwi: Why? I"m by your side right now.

Riku: That's not what I mean, okay? I'm talking, as a life partner!

Schwi: Ex-machina cannot reproduce.

Riku: That doesn't matter!!

Schwi: We cannot copulate either. Riku, you would always be a virgin

Riku: That doesn't matter!!

Schwi:A momentary...delay...

Riku: Ahh, come ooon I don't caaaare Detaiiils!!

Schwi: It is not possible because...


Schwi:Because... Because I...

"schwi remember when she destroy riku town"

Old Schwi: Reflection: From Pürfer to energy

Ex machina commander: Decision approved.

schwi: I destroyed your home Riku. It was me. Old schwi: Lösen: Org. 2807: Umweg.

Schwi: I did it. Can you... still say what you just said?

Riku: Schwi, I already knew that. Somehow I already knew.

Schwi:How is that?

Riku: Well, the first thing that seemed a little off is, you know... the first moment we ever met. I mean, why would you have chosen to play chess in the first place? Why would you have chosen to play chess in the first place? Wasn't very well thought out, was it?

Schwi: Even if that is so... why?

Riku: Well, I guess because once I knew the whole story, I kinda fell for you. Nothing will change the fact that you wiped out my hometown. But if wasn't for that then we probably never would've met. It is what it is. We can try and sugarcoat it, but it won't change anything. You can cry, or feel bad, or promise to never do it again. Maybe pity is why you took an interest in me in the first place? But no matter your past, in the present you're with me. And in my future, it's where I want you to stay. It's called forever. Being with you has made me think that even in a world like this, I want to live. It's the only thing I can think of that makes me want to smile.

"riku put ring to schwi finger"

Riku: So, will you throw logic out of the window and chose to walk this path with me? That is, as my wife?

"schwi cry and drop down the floor"

Riku: Schwi?

Schwi: In every sense, to all rational appearances... it is absurd. And yet. Let me... Let me be by your side. With you and you alone Riku, forever.

Riku: And I, the same with you.

"after riku finished purpose schwi they go to a secret hideout"

Cournne: Riku, do you take Schwi to be your wife, swearing to grow old together, support and love each other and to stay alive?

Riku: Yeah, I swear.

Cournne: Riku ! take this seriously!

Riku: Sorry, we sorta got rid of that. So, Aschente.

Cournne: Kinda bugs me that you've been up to all this crazy stuff without letting me know anything. Like, what the hell?! You don't even tell me you have a secret hide out and when I get here you're getting married !

Riku: Can we just get on with this stupid ceremony please? You're the one who said we needed it.

Cournne: Do you, Schwi, take Riku as your husband, swear to grow together, support and love each other?

Schwi: Yes. I swear to Riku, the one who taught me why I was born and who gave me a heart, I pledge myself. I will not let you die Riku. We will live side by side right to the end. Aschente.

Cournne: And so, as your new big sister, I would like to congratulate you on your marriage.

"pulling down schwi hood and put a flower on top of schwi head"

Riku: Couronne!

Cournne: You are so cute!

Riku: Couronne, why are you..?

Cournne: Well she is the one you chose to be your bride, right? So in closing, you shall carve your names onto this.

Riku: On a rock?

Cournne: Yes on a rock. If you guys are gonna live in secret, there could be no official documents.

Riku: There's your name..

Cournne: Yes, with my surname, and from now on it will be the same for all three of us.

Riku: It's weird for us to share a name.

Cournne: Riku, Schwi, I don't know what you are... What either of you are planning to do. I mean, you two aren't really part of this world. But well, I do know I have a little brother I adore and now a courageous younger sister too. So, I beg you: be careful and don't do anything rash. I don't wanna lose my family.

Riku: Yeah, no one is gonna die Couronne. Because this is one game we'll sure win.

Schwi:You can trust us Onee-chan!

"after finish their conversation" " somewhere in a forest where the werebeast lived" "one of the member from riku team goes to the forest"

Werebeast: I just smelt the black ash.

Assault member : Well done Werebeast. You can eat me if you want but, I guarantee you I won't taste very good.

Werebeast: Who the hell are you?

Assault member: Your clan has made the west coast of the continent of Lucia, your home. But the Dwarves are planning to conduct an advanced weapons test out there. And be warned this thing can even kill an Old Deus. It's a large scale explosive called an E-bomb. Your kind can use Blood Destruction, right? It can prove useful for you to get into the Dwarves facility. You could make quick work of it, take care of things however you like.

Riku: The Dwarves' fleet keeps close watch of the Werebeasts and then moves into action. The Werebeasts, fearful of the E-bomb, flee Lucia. Next, secret Elvish information is given to the Dwarves. And this, is where it all comes together.

" riku grab black ash"

"somewhere in Elvish hideout"

Nina clive: Who are you?

Riku: Let's see. Let me just call myself "ghost". Nina cIive: I assume you have business here that warrants barging into my home unannounced.

Riku: I was thinking the two of us could have a little game.

"show a chess board"

Nina clive: A game?

Riku: And the currency we'll bet with is information. If you win I'll tell you something. If you lose, you tell me something.

Nina clive: I don't know who you are, and yet you think Nina Clive will just accept a challenge from you?

Riku: I'll give you something upfront then. Information on the Áka Si Anse has been leaked to the Dwarves. Is that good enough? As the applicant and caretaker of the Áka Si Anse theory, you should have the ability to confirm if this information is valid or not. Am I mistaken?

Nina clive: Very well, I may not know who you are but this is something I cannot ignore. Therefore here is my wager. The advocate of Áka Si Anse theory is actually...

Riku: Somebody else right? Yes I've already heard. But I also know that's not true. And you will resort to magic to make me believe your lie. Now then what shall I give you? When the Dwarves learned of the Áka Si Anse, they concluded that it wasn't a threat. And I have proof.

Nina clive: That's ridiculous!

Riku: It's true. And I have more information. The Dwarves are in possession of a weapon of their own, and it's even more powerful than the Áka Si Anse.

"after they finish their game"

Nina clive: The E-bomb?

Riku: Yes. A weapon of tremendous scale, one that can wipe out the entire continent.

Nina clive: You're saying those creatures that burrow in the earth like moles, created something... something more advanced than the Áka Si Anse: the combination of Elvish and spiritual magic. Wait just a moment. There have been times that you've chosen to lose on purpose. Let me ask one last thing: are you our enemy, or are you our ally?

Riku: I am neither your enemy, nor your ally. I wish for as few of you to die as possible.

Nina clive: Very well Mr Ghost. To be clear young man, I can assume you've shared this information with me alone, yes?

"riku leaves"

Nina clive: I guess I should tell you. My name is not Nina Clive; My name is "Think Nirvalen". Did I fool you? Or did you already figure it out?

Riku: Did you ever hear me call you Nina?

Nina clive: Of course if you know anything about me, I'm going to make you regret ever trying to make me do a play thing. After all, the rumor that Elves are relentlessly tenacious... first began with none other than the Nirvalen family.

"after riku got out of the hideout"

Schwi: Riku! Riku, hurry! It's a decontaminant. Riku you lied to me! You said that it would only be an hour. You've been breathing Black Ash for twice that time!

Riku: I Didn't have a choice. Or I would have given myself away. I had to do it. And besides, look how smart you are, the one who can predict that sort of suicidal behavior, right?

Schwi: Riku!

Riku: I think this is maybe it for me. So, how much longer do you think I've got?

Schwi: I won't let you die. You have to stay alive until I die.

Riku: How long do Ex-machina live?

Schwi: I have another 892 years left of life.

Riku: I guess I'll have to step up the game. And so the first objective was achieved. Moving the violent battle lines outside of the human territories.

lily: First the Dwarves and now the Elves. Even the Werebeasts are leaving! What's going on?

Cournne: Lily, keep my things for me, I'll be back!

lily: Wait, Couronne!

Riku:The ghosts continued to take action from behind the scenes. And just like we wanted, the Elves eventually became allies with the Fairies, and moved to ramp up their contracts with the Dragonia in order to defeat all the Dwarvish fleet. Meanwhile, the Dwarves became allies with the Gigants, as well as several Phantasmas, who were all on friendly terms. Manipulated by the ghosts' information, each of the major powers took steps to guard against the large scale destructive weaponry of the other, moving their headquarters to the neighboring continent of Ariena. And well that just so happen to be the home base of the greatest threat of all: the Old Deus Artosh.

Schwi: Umweg: 23 units are now installed. That leaves 9 remaining.

Riku: And so, as each of the other races started to take advantage of the situation, the clock began ticking down to the world's final battle. Exactly like we wanted. Hey Schwi, of all the Gods, is there a god of games? And if I told you I met him, would you believe me? The stuff he does, it's way beyond anything I can anticipate, so of course I lose to him every single time, and yet, it's so much fun that I can't stand it. And it's like I just know that I can beat him the next time, I've been thinking about that since this whole thing started. So I... I have to settle things with him once and for all. Because that game of ours isn't over yet.

Schwi: If you believe this, then, I believe it too. If you say he exists, then he does. I do not doubt you.

Riku: OH COME ON! Why isn't someone here to hear you say that?! They couldn't believe me!

Schwi: Riku!

Cournne: Riku!

Riku: Couronne?

Cournne: It's just like you said, we haven't lost a single person to the war, and sightings of the other races have dried up too.

Riku: Yeah I bet.

Cournne: Well, if you two are the ones behind all of this, then I say that you are doing something pretty amazing. But Riku! Look at the shape you're in! You need to be more careful!

Riku: It's not a problem.

Cournne: It's a big problem Riku! You're falling apart.

Riku: We're almost there. Just let me be.

Cournne: But when is almost? I want it to be over. How long do I have to keep worrying about you?

Riku: Couronne, do you know what the gods are after with this war of theirs?

Schwi: The throne of the One True God.

Riku: Yeah, according to Schwi, it's something they refer to as the Suniaster. It's a kind of conceptual device. And it was designed so that out of all of those big fancy Old Deus idiots, only one of them can be called God.

Cournne: A conceptual device? How are you ever supposed to find something like that?

Schwi: It will be only under one condition, it must manifest itself in front of the absolute greatest power on the planet.

Riku: And if there are ten gods out there with equal power, they will have to kill all the other nine. Making whoever is left the One True God. That's their twisted way of thinking.

Cournne: What? Then they're morons! So that's the reason that we've been...

Riku: Couronne, they're even dumber than you think. Listen to this: their precious Suniaster, we can make it show up without going through all that trouble. And that's why I've gathered all these handsome fellas together. The Áka Si Anse, the E-bomb, the Heaven's strike, they're powerful enough on their own, but when put together in one area, they could blast a hole right through the planet.

Cournne: The planet?!

Schwi: All the Old Deus were literally born from this world. They all came from the spirit circuit.

Riku: Which means the greatest power of the whole wild world is actually...

Cournne: The spirit circuit.

Riku: We may be the weakest but we've set the stage for the final scene. We're gonna use their own strength against them and turn the global balance of power on it's baffled little head.

Schwi: The Suniaster will appear and once it is acquired, the One True God will be mean and the planet will be rebirth.

Riku: This operation will be an all out assault, so it must be done using Schwi's weaponry which can skew the power's direction.

Schwi: It will be an amalgam of influence, installing 32 Umweg units and should, in theory, allow us to build enough raw power to destroy the planet.

Riku: There are nine installations left. And once everything is set up...

Riku-Schwi: ...checkmate.

Riki: Those fools will pierce the planet's core themselves, and we'll be there to snatch the Suniaster right under their noses. And we'll do it without anyone dying. "Hey there, how 'you doing? You like losing? How does that feel?"

"riku fainted"

Schwi: Riku..

Cournne-schwi: Riku!

"after riku woke up"

Schwi: Riku!

Riku: What did you tell them all before you came here?

Cournnr Nothing...

Riku: How about the colony is in an absolute panic? Don't let them be on their own for too long.

Cournne: What's going on? You guys said that and left without saying anything, that you'll never...

Riku: Take care of Nonna and the others, they need you.

"after cournne leaves

Schwi: Riku, just sleep.

Riku: I can't. We have to hurry with setting up the Umweg.

Schwi: It can wait. The attack will not be starting anytime soon. Your predictions are never wrong.

Riku: But...

Schwi: You can rest for a little while. You should, take a day off.

Riku: You're right. I can probably use some time to get my strength back up.

Schwi: Yes.

Schwi. I'm sorry for being such a burden.

Schwi: Riku. Please just sleep now, you're not a burden.

Riku: And Schwi. I have a favor to ask you. Could you, hold my hand while I sleep?

Schwi: I will hold your hand. For as long as you need. Don't worry Riku.

Riku: Schwi, thank you for coming into my life. I mean it. I love you so much. Forever and ever. Riku. I'm sorry. I'll be back.