poisoned (2)

Lui yifei ,entered the room and sat infront of her father.

Liu ye ,put the papers aside and looked at her beautiful daughter.She had the same beauty as his wife.He could see the resemblence.

After looking at for a while he spoked tenderly.

"Yifei ,I have a bad news for you !! " he looked at the painting thinking how will he say that.

"what happenned dad ? " She asked calmly.

"yifei ,our company is on the verge of bankruptsy.

All the shareholders are selling their shares.sorry i could not help you to save your marriage " Liu ye thought how useless he was that he could not save her daughter happiness.

He knew how much she loved Lu jinting.

"Dad everything will be fine.Don't worry just call the Lu family in the evening " Yifei knew about the company's problem.she searched about it.

And regarding the marriage she was not the real yifei who loved Jinting but Su qianci .

" what are yoy going to do ? "ye asked her seeing her so calm.he thought she will cry after hearing that.

"you will get to know in the evening.

dad can you promise me one thing.

I will cook for you daily now and you will only eat that" she said holding his fathers hand.

Liu ye wanted to ask the reason but hearing that he will get to eat food cooked by Yifei,he jusy nodded his head.

He thought that it was the only time he could taste the delicious food but his mood got better when he heard that.

After accompaning her father to his room to take rest ,she called Song xiu and Grandpa bai to the study room.

"young miss,you called ? "Both of them asked.

"yeah,please sit " yifei glanced at them.

yifei was looking like a boss with a dominent aura around her which shocked both of them.

"I can only trust you both.There are many things going on in the house as well in the company.dad health is also very weak and i don't want to stress him " both of them listened carefully.

"song xiu, I want to take over the company but i don't want anyone to know about it.it will be a secreat. all give me the information of all the shareholders "she ordered him and he nodded.

"grandpa bai,there is someone among the staff who wanted to kill father "

Both song xiu and grandpa bai were momentarily shocked.

"who is doing that !! ?" song xiu asked.

"I don't know but i want to catch him/her red handed but untill that i want you to watch over father properly

.you will not allow him to eat anything unless I cook and approve it "

Both of them nodded and then walked out.

She went to her old room which was literally decent then that pink room. she was not a barbie type girl.

She had already ordered the maids to clean the room and shift her things excepts the closet.

She went to her room which had a grey and white walls. Neat and clean room.

As both of them loved readings so she had a whole library on one of the wall.

She opened the closet and her eyes got wide.

It contained clothes that were not black or of outrageous color but of simple decent colors.

Price tags were not removed.

Liu yifei didn't used them when she married so she can use them freely.

she opened her laptop to get more information about her company but a call disturbed her.

Her beautiful cousin Liu shishi was calling her.

Liu shishi was the one who advice her to dress like that.In the name of helping she just wanted to make yifei life hell and make her divorce Lu jinting.

"hello,cousin.I heard the Lu family is coming today to talk about the divorce.I feel so sorry for you. wait , i will come there now and help you to dress up so that Lu jinting will forget about divorcing you " shishi sad with worry lacing her tone.

Such a drama queen.....

"Cousin no need ! i mean i remember your makeup lessons. i will be fine don't worry " yifei snickered ,she knew she would call her .That means she thought right.Her uncle got people here to inform them.

"oh ! good luck then " although shishi felt something changed in her tone but seeing her falling in her trap again she felt happy and immediately informed about it to her father

Lui peiqi.

Finally his brother business was over and due to someone 's help their business rosed higher.

After he heard that Jinting will divorce Yifei he was very happy. he didn't have to show respect to his elder brother now.