It was soon the time when the Lu family will come.

Liu ye was panicking in his heart and waiting for the Lu family to come.

song xiu and grandpa bai were standing silently with him.

Meanwhile ,

Liu yifei ,was taking a bath with her favourite jasmine scented shower gel ,murmuring a beautiful song.

she was taking her leisure time.

After sometime both Lu xuejian and Jiang qinqin came.

Although Lu xuejian doesn't like her wife major invovlement in their son's marriage life he could not do anything.

Liu ye welcomed them.Lu xuejian greeted him but his wife just nodded and hotly sat on the couch.she never approaved of her son' marriage with that Liu yifei.

She always wanted Gao yuanyuan to be her daughter-in-law.She was an ideal match for her elder son.she was competent to be the Lu family daughter in law.

Gao yuanyaun was kind,good

businesswomen ,caring ,nobel attitude ,perfect and her bestfriend Bai ling daughter and the only daughter of gao changwei ,the ceo of Gao co-operation unlike Liu yifei who dressed liked a slut and behaved widely.

She wanted her son to get divorced with yifei.She tried her best to do that and even plotted but yifei was like a leech stuck to her.

Lu jinting also said he will not divorce her himself untill she decide to divorce him.

She was afraid about what they wanted to talk about so urgently.

After sometime, Lu jinting also arrived with his assistent,xu zeng.

jiang qinqin thought it must be a big trick by that bitch, that even his son came.

Lu jinting ,was even thinking why he was called so urgently.

Seeing everybody present Liu ye sent for Yifei.

After sometime Lui yifei came down.

Hearing soneone walking down she looked towards the stair.

All of their eyes got wide.Although jinting was shocked ,his face showed nothing.

Liu yifei was wearing a white knee lenght dress.her hair pinned backward.Her face didn't have that horrific makeup anymore. she was elgently walking towards them like an angel.

she walked greeted them and sat with her father.

Although jiang qinqin was shocked at the sight she thought that she wanted to seduce his son ,so that he could not divorce her.

"Thinking that after dressing yourself like that you will be welcomed in our family then .let me tell you,you are just dreaming " Mrs. Lu glared at her.

oh !! god .she is really like a vamp in a romance story but who cares I am not the female lead.I am just a cannon fodder.

yifei thought.

"sorry to tell you but you are absolutely wrong Mrs. Lu " yifei smiled and ordered song xiu to bring the documents.

Liu ye ,could just sit and watch as his daughter informed her earlier to let her talk.

Jiang qinqin frowned after hearing her adressing her as Mrs. Lu and not as mother-in-law.

she scoffed inwardly seeing her bad behaviour.

xu zeng was also shocked at that.he remembered Miss yifei always called boss mother as mother -in-law.he saw her tailing boss mother to gain favour.

jinting had a amused expression.

Recently ,only jinting got the news that yifei got into an accident.his mother ordered everyone not to inform him and when he got the news she was fine so he didn't visit her.

After sometime ,song xiu came back with papers and gave it to jiang qinqin.

she looked at the papers and her eyes grew large.

Lu xuejian expression were also of shock.

on His order xu zeng brought the papers to jinting.

After reading the papers he showed an amused expression and stared at her.

This girl is really very interesting and hard to crack.I can never understand her.

The girl who always tailed behind him,irritating him and plotting different tricks just to avoid divorce was giving him divorce papers.

Seeing the questioning gaze she continued.

"I have sign the divorce papers ,you are free now !! " she smiled giving him a thumbs up.

Although Lui ye was shocked hearing her,seeing her playful expression he remained quite.

INTERESTING !! Jinting thought

But Jiang qinqin was not fully satisfied. It was the first time someone was rejecting his elder son.She thought that yifei had surely some other plan.

"what are you planning to do this time "she questioned with a accusing tone.

yifei laughed hearing her.

so she thought she had some hidden motives.

Jinting was staring at her and her heart skipped a bit hearing her beautiful laughter.

"Mrs.Lu ,Don't worry,I don't have any hidden motive.I just don't want to come between Mr.Lu and miss gao " she smiled looking at jinting.

Lu jinting was confused how was she coming between him and gao yuanyuan.

Jiang qinqin,was not atall believing her.

"If you are divorcing him then I am sure you need something for that in return ? "she questioned her.

"of course you are right madam jiang " she answered sipping the tea elgently.

Jiang qinqin scoffed with hottiness.ofcourse ,she was right.How could she leave so easily.

jinting didn't spoke and just stare at yifei.

"what do you want then ? name it ." jiang qinqin asked proudly.

"Nothing big madam jiang ,just the shares of our company father gave you inreturn of not letting jinting divorce me "yifei said.

jinting didn't knew about that so he looked at his mother with a questioning gaze.

but she ignored it.

"fine "

she called someone and all the shares were again transfer to her.

As yifei had already signed the papers .

so she passed the papers to her son ,who was staring at yifei.

"jinting sign the papers.finally you will be free " qinqin gave him a pen smiling.

jinting didn't sign the papers ,instead he stood up.

Seeing him standing everyone also stood up.

Yifei was confused.

"I will not sign the papers " he spoked with a voice of finallity.

what is wrong with him didn't he want the same thing ... she thought.

qinqin was also surprised.

"But why.It is good for everyone " she urged him.

"mom! does grandfather know.Also we signed a contract for 1 year and more 9 months are there " he said with an authority.

qinqin wanted to interrupt him but he cut her again.

"dad take mom home ,we will talk about it later " he spoked and let Lu xuejian take her back.qinqin walked out while shooting hateful glances at yifei.

Yifei was still confused.

That devilishly handsome man,who was still her husband was messing with her mind.

After that jinting looked at her calmly.

"pack your bags ,you are returning to Lu mansion "he ordered with a break in his voice.

"ahn... what !!! "she said absentmindedly.

jinting wanted to flick her forehead but her confused face urged him to pinch her cheeks.

controlling himself he spoke again slowly like speaking to a kid.

"We - Are -Going -Back -To- Lu Mansion "

"I am not a kid " yifei frowned at his behaviour.

xu zeng who was watching the scene was speechless.he never saw his boss speaking to someone so playfully.

"And i can't go now.dad is weak and I am taking care of him " yifei said looking over at Liu ye who was staring them with wide eyes.

After thinking for sometime he spoke again "ok "

After saying that he went back to his office.

Yifei brain was totally messed up.her plan of getting the shares and divorcing jinting leading a normal life was ruined by that man.

she wanted to strangle him but everytime she thought about him all she could think was of his handsome face and dominating personality.