It is too quiet

With the sun high in the sky the group gathered up their belongings and started off once more. Myria kept glancing over at the wolf recently added to the group. He was moving ahead of them walking at a fast pace. The aura around his body gave off a do not touch or get near vibe. She could see the wounds on his body were fairly new. She wondered what happened to him. The wolf felt her continuous gaze on his body causing him to feel even more irritated than he already was. "Woman, why do. you keep staring at me? I don't like being looked at so intensely." She stops for a second, a slightly peeved look on her face. "The name is Myria not woman and I wasn't trying to harm or irritate you in any way. I was just wondering how you acquired those wounds along your body" Listening to the conversation between the two Kallum started to feel something wrong about the surroundings. The only sounds to be heard at the moment were ones caused by the conversation between the wolf and Myria. "Both of you be quiet something is off." Everyone stops moving and starts to look about their surroundings. Everything seemed normal except sound was nonexistent in their vicinity. No rustle of plant life as it sways in the breeze, no skittering of creatures as they go about their lifes, it was as if the world was frozen in a quiet state waiting for something but not knowing what it is. At this point in time the wolf starts to whine pathetically. Kallum and Myria vocalize at the same time"What's the matter?" The wolf starts shaking violently "We need to leave this area quick, this silence is a precursor to death. My whole pack was taken out shortly after we encountered a situation like this a few days ago. We were hunting for pray as usual when all of a sudden everything went silent. We only thought of it as a bit odd but we were so focused on the hunt we didn't realize we were in a trap being hunted by death itself. I was the only one to make it out alive. We didn't see what it was, one moment everyone was there and the next blood started flowing and chaos ensued." After hearing this Kallum and Myria started to panic a little. How can they escape a creature without knowing what it is? Why does it bring silence in its wake before the kill? Myria suggested they run until sound is restored. Kallum thought this idea would get them killed faster. He wanted to hide, hide somewhere hard to get to. The wolf whom experienced this phenomenon before agreed with Myria, he stopped being attacked once he made it into an area filled with life and sound. Kallum couldn't really refute what the wolf said since he had experienced this once before but he felt uneasy about just running. What if they ran to the creature instead of away from it? Myria glanced at Kallum,"Kallum, can you make a firewall to protect us as we run to safety?" He slapped his forehead in embarrassment, he forgot he was a fairy and not human because of the panicked state he was put in by the wolfs story and by traveling as a human for a while can make you think human thoughts if your in the form long enough. Kallum looks at them, "Can do, Can do, Don't know if this thing is afraid of fire or not but their is only one way to find out, stay close to me everyone and get ready to move." As all this was going on a figure was watching them from atop a tree. Its movements were completely silent, the aura it was giving out was neither good or bad. Amusement could be seen in its eyes as it watched the drama unfold beneath it. It felt that this was gonna be fun. It's been awhile since it encountered a human in this part of the Forrest now he encountered more than one. It was trying to figure out if it should encounter them nicely then take them out or scare them silly and let them run to safety when it was a little startled by a fire coming out of nowhere which then surrounded the group below it. "A mage? I thought they moved out of this area of the country after being hunted by the dragon kin for trying to subjugate their king, hmmmmmm maybe a fairy, that is the most likely but why would a fairy travel in human form? Normally they hate to even be near a human much less travel with one. Maybe a slavery contract? That human down there would have to have a strong ability in order to accomplish getting a fire fairy to do their bidding. I might be right with mage because of that but once again it would be odd in these parts. I will watch them awhile so I can figure this out. They cannot escape my silence barrier unless I allow them to, just look at that little pup down there, he did not escape I allowed him to but too bad for him he is caught again." With an eerie cackle the creature follows them as they run through the woods desperate to find safety from it.