
The Mansion

I looked dead right into Richard's eyes. " Wait, what, what the hell is happening" I murmured. He still looks at me like a stalker. "Damn it, what the hell have I put myself on to".

Next thing I know The other people in front of me are surrounding me. All walking closer and closer, inch by inch. Richard picks up this jagged knife in front of me with blood stains all over it.


Noises come from outside, and screams are echoing inside my brain. I remember the chaos that I saw when my parents got killed, and I'm feeling the agonizing pain, that they felt.

Instantly my brain stops working and stops thinking, and my body moves by itself. Richard starts walking to me slowly and I reach for the torch a few inches to my left. I grasp it and in a flash, and I hurl the torch onto the ground. I hastily rush out of there as fast as my skinny ass legs could go. The torch activates like a wildfire, and the fire spreads everywhere underground. I look back to hear the screams of innocent people as well as the wails of the convicted.

At the brink of my eye, I see what appears to be Akira. What the hell happened, how did he survive? I wonder. I swiftly went to him. I see that he's in way better condition than before, but he stills has burns and scars on his body. His whole body is full of soot, and he looks black from head to toe.

I then look at my own body and there are burn marks everywhere and I have soot all over my body. I then look down a bit more and I'm bleeding from my stomach. Then more and more blood is being poured from my body. I slowly look at the amount of blood I'm losing.

Then with all his might Akira lifted me up and put me on his back. He started walking with a limp, he was going slow but we were moving step by step. I asked him "Where are we going" with a rasp in my voice. He responds "Since you helped me, I'm gonna help you. He says he has a friend nearby who is good in the medical field. Slowly but surely we were gonna get there. Suddenly I felt as if I was walking on air. My blood wasn't pouring as much as before, and I started to feel more relaxed.

Akira stopped for a second and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the device that Richard used to send those Nemias away. He says in a deep but assuring voice "I want you to have this merotag, you'll need it more than me". I smile, in what felt like decades to me. I lean against his head knowing full well that I'm in good hands.

We finally reach the house. Which looks abandoned like the other building I was in. The scariest thoughts come into me. "What if he was attacked by those creatures and was eaten alive". "Is there more of these terrifying creatures inside". I get a very weird feeling in my stomach and I think to myself, I'm gonna die. Akira then says in a deep and calm tone, "It's okay, Professor Kobayashi is the smartest person I know and throws up a thumbs up, he's definitely alive

I read the side of the mansion and it says "Professor Asahi Kobayashi" I see dents in the house and I still have that crazed thought in my head. Then I look at Akira and he looks at me at the same time. Then in a serious voice, I say " YOU KNOW IM GONNA DIE RIGHT".