
Professor Kobayashi

We pull up to the door with dents everywhere. I'm shivering on every single inch on my body. I feel like I'm getting anaesthesia. Even after the words, Akira told me I'm still shaken to the bones in my body. Akira opens the door and there's an awful stench of what seems like acid and a weird substance.

Akira lays me on the floor. And leaves the room as quiet as possible. After a couple of minutes, I hear footsteps coming from the underground, which could only mean that he was coming from the basement. I can't see around me since I'm looking straight up, so I wonder by the sound of the footsteps if it's someone else. I try to get up, but my body is numb and hurts like hell. As I come back down to lay on the ground, a face pops up in front of me, and I see this weird face with hair all over his face and hair which looked like a crazed scientist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I yell into his face. It was so loud that I'm pretty sure that the whole neighbourhood could hear it. A creepy smile comes from him. And as soon as I'm experiencing that same fear as I did in that underground facility, Akira comes from behind me in a hurry with sweat all over his face. Then he walks over to me and introduces me to this Doctor, Professor Asahi Kobayashi.

He leans onto me and comes to my nose. Are faces are about a centimetre between each other. Akira tilts into me and says that "He's a bit weird but he's an expert in physiology. He knows everything about the human body and he's the smartest person I know, trust me". I seem to calm down and I relax to a serene state. He bends over and grabs this kinky medical kit which is dusty and has a foul smell. I still don't trust this guy one bit. He's all weird and has a funky look.

Next thing I know he's putting needles into my stomach. And my next reaction is the worst physical pain I have ever felt. It's next to the emotional pain I felt when my parents were massacred. "DAMMMN ITTTTTT" I scream so loud that Akira tells me to be silent. I now realize what would happen If one of the creatures hear me. For the rest of the operation, I try to keep my mouth shut, and I wonder that if dying would be better than this. Then my next thought is why couldn't they have given me a pill that would make me sleep so I wouldn't feel the pain. After what seemed like a century Professor Kobayashi starts stitching my stomach.

Then I ask Kobayashi "Why did you have such a menacing smile back then". He talks for the first time and replies "I know it might seem creepy, but I'm fascinated with the anatomy of organisms, To be honest, I have a thing for stuff that kind of stuff, and I'm aroused with ideas when that does happen. I sit there still shocked by what he just said.

I think and in my brain, I say to myself. "YEAH, OF COURSE, THAT"S CREEPY". I think about it more deeply in my head. Why am I associated with these kinds of people? Everywhere I go I meet the weirdest people. Suddenly Akira starts helping try to get up and gets these crutches for me to walk in. With the help of Kobayashi and Akira I start to get up and the next thing I know, I can stand upright and I'm able to keep my balance.

I'm in a sigh of relief, knowing that I will still live and I thank god for everything that I have. And I thank god for getting me out of every situation. I still have my suspicions about Kobayashi, but now I feel like deep down Kobayashi is still a good guy and I think that he could be a partner on this trip to live.

*Knock, Knock!*

I hear footsteps come from behind me. I know Akira and Kobayashi are right beside me. Also, there's someone knocking on the door. "Who could that be" I wonder. I'm frozen in the core of my body. I know if that's an enemy I will die since I can't walk. I see the professor jumping to the side of the door with a Colt in his hand(pistol). "What the hell is going down". Now everything is slowing down. Everything around me is in slow motion. I see Akira telling me to come with him to hide, he reaches over to me to get me.


A loud noise overcomes, and the next thing I know I see a body drop right next to my feet with blood all over him.