What did i do to deserve this.

???:" Alright fine, lets go take a quick tour it seems like you're gonna have to wait a bit."

Armada:" Alright lets go."

So me and this guy who for some reason didnt tell me his name to remain mysterious started walking around the nothingness. The place doesnt really have much to see its literally just white everywhere but after a few moments i start hearing some yelling and begging and out of the corner of my eyes i see a cage and what looks to be a loli inside.

????3:" Let me out! please i'm sorry let me out i'll never do it again. i promise, i double promise i will never do that mistake again so please let me out of here i wanna reincarnate too!!"

???:" Oh whoops wrong turn, i shouldnt have brought you here."

Armada:" Wait you dont expect to just ignore the fact theres a caged loli there right? why is she there and for how long? i mean god look theres dust on the cage itself"

???:" well she's called Kanna and as to why she's locked up there and since how long? well nobody really knows. The only people that knew the reason for that disappeared suddenly so we all pretty much just ignore her lest we dissappear too."


???:" uh lets just go. if we stay here anymore who knows what'll happen to us."

Armada:" So, uh.. we just leave? like that? and also why the hell did i hear a bunch of gibberish mid sentence? was that an audible censorship? how is that even a thing."

???:" Heavenly mysterious my boy, heavenly mysterious. Now lets go on and continue our tour."

So we continue walking while i try and forget the scene i just saw cause i have a gut feeling shits gonna go south if i acknowledge that loli's presence. And so the three of us continue walking aroun..... wait a minute

Armada:" What the fuck?! Who are you and since when were you here?!"

I look between me and ??? and theres this guy wearing sunglasses somehow just standing there and staring at me. Now i may not be that strong in fights but if its a staring contest oh boy will i fight.

So i continue staring into this guy's sunglasses trying to see if he'll blink first, though in hindsight i really shouldnt have had a staring contest with a guy with sunglasses as i really have no idea if he's blinking or not but i'm already in this shit so i aint losing this. We stare for a few minutes when suddenly he starts muttering gibberish and then floats away.

Armada:" Uh... what just happened? who the fuck was that? and why the fuck can he float and please can i learn how to float away like that too?!."

???:"Oh that guy? oh thats just Indiboy, he usually only comes in with sunglasses and pops up out of nowhere, its rare that he ever speaks in english and the reason he can float off is cause he's chanting Hinduist scripture i think..?"

Armada:" What do you mean you think? also could i float mid air like that too?"

???:" Well i dont really speak hindu so i had to guess its hinduist scriptures. i mean the guy's name is Indiboy, whats it gotta be other than hindi? french? fuck no mate. Also The guys probably waiting for his perfect reincarnation as well, he's been here for a while and likes jumpscaring people and jumping into convo's out of nowhere."