Why is the a ball of White Light here?

???:" Now that i think of it, why am i even giving you a tour of this place, theres literally nothing. It's as if the script writer has no idea how to introduce random charterers so he's just making us walk around... god damn it...."

Armada:" There you go again, the fuck kind of script you talking about here?"

???:"Look i've been stuck in this place for a while now and unless you wanna be stuck with me then dont question the Heavenly Secrets.."

And after the guy ended that sentence he dragged me back to the queue since my numbers pretty close to being called out.

I look at the queue and there's about 4 or 5 people ahead of me so it should be time for me to go. And since i'm quite close to the Gate im starting to notice some weird stuff. There's this weird shiny light right above the Gate and its honestly scaring the shit out of me and i dont know why.

White Light:" NEXT."

Armada:" oh shit it can talk?!"


Armada:" Huh? why? whats going on?."

???:" Listen buddy, if theres one thing you need to learn about this place, its that you NEVER question the White Light and also"

saying that, this fucker who still didnt tell me his name, leans closer and whispers in my ear.

???:" never EVER EVERRR question its Gender. Once its your turn do NOT even think of saying anything just smile and nod and thats probably the best you can do."

Armada:" Huh? well i guess i can but you make it seem as i-"

White Light:" I SAID NEXT IN LINE"

After the white ball of light said that, this slow looking guy walked up and started staring right at the White Light.

???:"Wait, Is that him?! He's already back?! Can he do it this time?!"


Indiboy:"*Random Hinduist chants intensify a long with a golden elephant appearing in the background."

Kanna:" Guys? i know you can hear me but whats going on? why you all astonished and for the love of god can you please respond to me its lonely here."

Armada:" huh? whats going on? Whos that guy?"

White Light:" Name?"
