10 Years

Another five years passed and Nazariy could still recall his meeting with Arsenius as if it had taken place just the day before. Her display of power left a permanent impression in his heart. Since that day, Nazariy had put even more effort into everything. He had already stood out from among his brothers and sisters of Tukulti Forest in both combat and studies, causing that gap to widen further as time passed, all thanks to having seen Arsenius' Draconic Form.

Nazariy could never forget the sight of the majestic beast that reigned over the world as though a god! He wanted to someday achieve that level of power so as to soar through the skies as if he owned it, just like Arsenius!

However, Nazariy was distraught when he learned of the requirements to unlock his Draconic Form. It turned out that he had to reach Low Kan! Such a level of cultivation was infinitely far from where he currently was.

From what Nazariy learned in class, the cultivation stages went: mortal, Ke, Masu, and Kan. By absorbing and refining spiritual energy into zana, mortals such as Nazariy would enter Ke, which was made up of Low Ke and High Ke. Low Ke being the first stage of Ke, and High Ke being the last stage. After that was Beginner Masu, Low Masu, Middle Masu, High Masu, then Low Kan, Middle Kan, and High Kan.

Although saddened, Nazariy did not give up! After all, it wasn't impossible to reach Kan and gain his Draconic Form. As long as he had talent, it would simply take a very long time.

"And…this very day is the day I discover my talent and begin cultivation!"

Nazariy was in his room, changing into ceremonial robes, exuberant for the event taking place later that evening.

Finished changing, Nazariy exited his room and entered a long hallway with many doors. Those doors led to other rooms, which housed his siblings from Tukulti Forest. Being ground-born, they did not have parents. Lacking parents, they obviously required accommodations for living. Providing such was their city's responsibility.

Atop a large hill at the outskirts of Esharra sat a large complex of buildings collectively named Ground-born Manor. For countless centuries, it was where ground-born from Tukulti Forest were housed.

"Nazariy! Today's the day. Today's the day!"

Exiting the room adjacent to Nazariy's and wearing the same kind of robe was Ramco, a tall boy that loved to follow Nazariy around.

"Yes, Ramco. Today's the day we learn of our Gene Ranks!"

The two jumped up and down in excitement, clearly doing everything they could, and failing, to suppress their anticipation.

Having calmed themselves, they walked down the long hallway towards the mess hall. It was morning and they were hungry.

Once there, the two were welcomed by the scent of fresh fish and steam buns, accompanied by the clamor of their siblings. They ate quickly and talked about what everyone had on their minds.

After every one of the 52 ground-born were gathered in the mess hall, a man appeared in the entranceway and gathered their attention.

"Children, I know that you're all excited, but please, try to be patient."

Speaking to the ground-born was Apil, who used his experience in running a large farm to effectively lead and raise the current generation of ground-born in many ways after having the option recommended to him by Dardanos.

"You all want to discover your Gene Rank, and you all want to begin cultivation. But, before that, you all need to heed these next words,"—Apil briefly paused to prepare the children—"You all are a family, and should always look out for each other. There will undoubtedly be those more talented than others. Some of you might even reach Kan in the future. Just, never forget that you all are family."

Apil had told them similar things all their lives, intent on instilling into them values like comradery and teamwork.

The hours passed slowly, but everyone survived the suspense. It was time for the ground-born to partake in the ceremony.

The kids walked in a single-file line all the way from the Ground-born Manor to Esharra's City Hall. There, a large stone stage was set up, which the children were to stand upon.

Just like the scene ten years prior, on the day of their births, tens of thousands of people crowded around for the centenary tradition of watching the current generation's ground-born awaken their cultivation base.

Now, this event was only for dragons specifically spawned from the planet's essences. Dragons born through mating did not automatically awaken their cultivation base upon reaching ten years of age, and only knew of their Gene Rank and affinities once they established a cultivation base. On that note, dragons spawned from Planet Dragunity began life more physically developed, at around a normal three-year-old's development, and also grew faster than their normally-conceived counterparts.

Most people saw those advantages as too good to be true and wished that they had been ground-born, but it wasn't as glamorous as it seemed. For one, ground-born did not emotionally develop as quickly as dragons raised with parents. Part of it was due to the different lifestyle, but the majority resulted from a small difference in genetics. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it was real. Ground-born dragons took longer to emotionally develop.

"Ten years ago, we were graced with the spawning of a whopping fifty-two ground-born! Today, they reach the age of ten and will be blessed by the Heavens…"

Dardanos spoke from a podium on the stone stage, giving the usual speech on the tenth birthday of that generation's ground-born. It was common knowledge that the awakening of the ground-born's cultivation bases occurred exactly ten years after they spawned, and thus, also common knowledge was exactly at what time of day it would begin, allowing the City Lord to plan the end of his speech at the beginning of the awakening.

"…and now, it begins!"

Just as it did every century, the skies slowly darkened as mystical clouds gathered overhead. Peals of thunder rang out, shaking the earth and displacing the air. Winds picked up, swirling in the vague shape of a cyclone.

Despite the terrifying display, the weather changes were exactly what everyone was looking forward to.

Suddenly, the clamor in the sky ceased. The dark clouds remained, but the ground no longer shook while the winds died down. No thunder was heard while no lightning seen anymore.

Nazariy, along with his siblings, stood there on the stone stage, staring up at the sky. They all had the same thoughts. They felt a burning desire to begin cultivation, endless curiosity for what the future held in store, as well as slight dread at the idea that they would be the one with below average talent.

Shockingly, from the center of the dark clouds high in the sky, a beam of light quickly descended. It enveloped one of the ground-born, scaring them. Although it didn't matter, it was now definitive that he was the first to spawn from the current generation of Tukulti Forest.

"Judging by the width of the beam of light, the intensity of its radiance, and its color, that boy has a Gene Rank of 4 and affinities to earth and gold. A major in earth, minor in gold."

"Agreed. The details all add up to mean exactly that."

"Gene Rank of 4 isn't bad. Average Gene Rank. If he works hard, he could reach Beginner Masu within thirty years."

Voices from the crowds were clearly audible to the children, but they didn't care. They had learned all of this from their studies, and in fact, instantly came to the same conclusions as everyone else.

As the first boy's column of light disappeared, his face was one of ecstasy. The column of light had done more than just display his talent and affinities, it had put him on the first step to greatness by forming his Nindan! The spiritual organ within the brain that refines spiritual energy into zana.

While the first boy was still inwardly celebrating, the second child to spawn had a column of light descend upon her.

"Gene Rank 3, affinity of earth. Not preferable, but certainly nowhere near the worst."

"Looks like there's a tinge of blue in that beam, but it's so insignificant that her water affinity is practically useless."

Once again, the child whose cultivation base awakened became immersed in investigating her new spiritual organ and zoned out.

This pattern repeated forty-nine more times. Some of the beams of light were surprising, like affinities being completely wind, water, or fire. Being born from Tukulti Forest usually gained the ground-born an affinity of earth, but it wasn't absolutely guaranteed.

However, nature affinities didn't really matter. No matter one's affinities, they'd still be able to train in most techniques and magics. What was really important were the Gene Ranks! Gene Rank was a measure of talent regarding the speed of cultivation. While a 4 was average, that didn't mean that a 3 or a 2 left one with no options. Their progression in cultivation might be slower, but that didn't mean they'd be stuck at a low realm or would be weaker than others within the same realm. However, it was generally seen as more important to have a high Gene Rank so as to progress through the realms faster. After all, what was the point of being strong within your realm if your enemy was of a higher realm? You'd still be creamed in a fight.

"Finally, my turn!"

Nazariy's piercing gaze was aimed upwards at the dark clouds as if trying to hurry them. He watched all of his older siblings awaken their cultivation bases and learn of their Gene Ranks and affinities, which furthered the feeling of restless suspense.

"Oooh, wanna bet on what Nazariy's Gene Rank and affinities are? Considering that he's the most talented in both studies and combat among his siblings, wouldn't it be perfectly fitting for him to have diverse affinities and the highest Gene Rank?"

"First of all, STOP GAMBLING! IT'LL RUIN YOUR LIFE! Second of all, it would most certainly be fitting, but not necessarily likely. Who knows, he could end up with the lowest Gene Rank and only earth affinity."

"Oh, shut it! I'll live how I please! Besides, even if he did have the lowest talent and cultivating was nearly impossible for him, he'd still probably end up being a legendary businessman that can buy all the cultivation resources he needs. Did you hear the rumors about how much he trains and studies? With that kind of dedication, nothing is impossible!"

It was at long last time! A beam of light fell from the center of the dark clouds roiling kilometers overhead.

Then, gasps rang out from among the crowds. Everyone was shocked! No one could keep from having their minds shaken. Even the City Lord was frozen for a moment by this sudden development!

"H-how can this be?!"

"That should be impossible!"

"I-I was j-just kidding earlier! For it to be true…"

The beam of light that enveloped Nazariy was split between brown and blue, indicating his affinities to be equally of earth and water. However, no one cared about that. What left everyone's minds reeling was how thin and dull his beam of light was!

"One…how could it be one?"

The flame in Nazariy's eyes flickered and sputtered, before being dimmed to near death.

His Gene Rank was 1!