Gene Rank of 1

"Oh no…"

City Lord Dardanos wore an expression almost like that of grief. For Nazariy to have a Gene Rank of 1…

To begin with, Gene Ranks of 1 were extraordinarily rare! One would have just as hard a time finding someone with such a low Gene Rank as finding someone with a Gene Rank of 8. To put it into comparison, none of Nazariy's 51 siblings had a Gene Rank of even 2. Most were 3 and 4, while one person had a Gene Rank of 6.

Dardanos was saddened, not so much for Nazariy's misfortune, but for Apil's. He had specifically orchestrated a situation where Apil could bond with one of the ground-born so as to lessen his depression from losing his wife to illness. Dardanos had Apil name one of the ground-born, Nazariy in this case, and nudged him closer to the ground-born so that a familial relationship could form over time.

And, it was working! Apil found himself doting on Nazariy more and more as Nazariy grew up. It only became even more apparent as Nazariy's intense drive to become stronger grew and led him to ask Apil to train him more frequently. Combat training was already on their schedules, but Nazariy didn't feel it was enough. The extra time with his instructor definitely helped develop the familial bond.

Now, with him turning out to have a Gene Rank of 1, Nazariy could grow very depressed. If he did, then Apil would also be affected. That was what Dardanos feared.

"Don't be too disheartened, Nazariy,"—the City Lord began damage control—"cultivating slowly allows one a better opportunity to solidify their cultivation base so that they're stronger than others within the same realm. Not all is lost!"

Although his words rang true, the crowds watching the situation unfold couldn't help but think it was a pointless effort. Everyone knew that it was possible to crush others within the same stage or realm, but it was far too difficult. It was easier to increase one's cultivation base so that they could crush anyone below them in stage or realm.

Many factors came into play when calculating strength, but the easiest to affect was the stage. To go from Low Ke to High Ke would enable one to easily defeat most people in Low Ke, which would really only require time and a decent cultivation schedule. Yet, for someone in Low Ke to easily defeat their peers would require either strength not gained through training, such as powerful treasures, or enlightenment in the comprehension of powerful techniques, both of which were very difficult to attain.

"Yes, City Lord, I am happy to have such an opportunity…"

Nazariy's words were contradicted by his despondent tone and limp frame as he sullenly looked down at the ground.

Sighing, Dardanos looked towards Apil, who was obviously feeling sympathetic towards the boy. It did not look like his plan would go off without a hitch anymore.

"Nazariy, don't feel bad! You're still more talented at combat!"

"Yeah, you never lost a single sparring match against us!"

"And you do better in studying!"

Nazariy's siblings tried to comfort him, but he knew that their words wouldn't change the situation. Yes, he was more talented in combat and studying, but what good would that do him if they left him in the dust regarding cultivation?

Nazariy zoned out. If he cultivated too slowly, would the city remember him? If his siblings became so much more powerful, would they still care about him? Would he ever be able to unlock his Draconic Form with a Gene Rank of 1? The answers he came up with were very upsetting.

"Hey, little guy."

Suddenly, he was brought back into the world when a hand rested atop his head and ruffled his green hair.

"Think about it like this, Nazariy: those with higher Gene Ranks are living life on easy mode. You are so talented that the Heavens put you on the hardest difficulty. With difficulty comes rewards. This really is a chance for you to reach greater heights."

For some reason, Nazariy could more easily find solace in Apil's reassurance. It felt as though Apil was only stating a fact instead of comforting him.

Very slowly, the fire in Nazariy's eyes grew brighter. It wasn't by much, but he saw more hope for the future.

Though Apil managed to prevent Nazariy from falling into despair that day, Nazariy had still not come to terms with his Gene Rank.

To begin with, his loyal follower, Ramco, was the one to have the Gene Rank of 6. Although, it didn't matter to Ramco. He still continued to look up to Nazariy despite reaching Low Ke at age 11. He continued to follow and interact with him as much as possible, but it stung Nazariy to be constantly aware of his lack of talent. Not to say that he didn't appreciate Ramco's presence, because the two were great friends.

His heart only burned further when his other siblings reached Low Ke one after the other while he was stuck being a mortal. Of course, Nazariy continued his training and studies as he did before, but the gap in cultivation never left his mind.

More time passed. Nazariy and his siblings were all age 13 by the time he entered Low Ke.

Nazariy's natural combat prowess combined with his Low Ke cultivation base ensured that he quickly became the strongest of his siblings once more. Though, it was also because not much difference could be found in the cultivation bases of people in Ke realm, thus making it so cultivators with faster reflexes or stronger techniques dominated.

The boost in power that he so dearly wished for had finally come, along with the return of a little bit of his confidence. Confidence…which quickly faded after learning that Ramco was at the peak of Low Ke and showing signs of advancing to High Ke.

Of course, Nazariy held no ill-will towards Ramco for having a higher Gene Rank, but he couldn't stop the onset of depression that he so narrowly avoided falling into before he joined his siblings in Low Ke. Depression that stemmed from a fear of loneliness. Of everything that could potentially happen to him, Nazariy feared most the idea of being separated from his family by conditions he couldn't control, conditions that he'd be too weak to forestall.

Then, one day, Ramco was recruited by a sect from a nearby city because of his Gene Rank of 6 and major affinity towards wind. An elder of that sect happened to spot Ramco while visiting Esharra and asked for him to join the sect. Of course, Ramco did not want to leave his siblings behind in Esharra, but the continuous urging from Nazariy and the others convinced him to.

He knew it was the right decision, but Nazariy couldn't help but feel empty inside as he watched Ramco leave Ground-born Manor. There it was again, that fear of being left all alone. The brother who followed and interacted with him the most, gone.

The "loss" of Ramco furthered his fear and prompted him to take measures against people leaving him, so, Nazariy left Ground-born Manor of his own volition to live the farthest he could from his siblings. In that way, Nazariy would never have to see them leave him if they ever decided to.

A childish move, yes, but Nazariy hated that feeling of emptiness and loss that settled in his tummy every time he felt the urge to chat with Ramco. A direct result of emotionally maturing too slowly.

However, leaving Ground-born Manor was not an easy task. It was in the city's rules that ground-born could not leave Ground-born Manor to live on their own until they reached the age of twenty and had a job of some sort. Though, it wasn't impossible for a ground-born to leave before that age. For example, a person of at least age 30 without a criminal record could take responsibility for that ground-born child as their guardian, which was exactly what Nazariy went for.

Apil, the man that found Nazariy and main educator of the ground-born, owned an impressive plantation near Tukulti Forest that produced quite a large amount of goods for Esharra. Nazariy turned to Apil, hoping for Apil to find him a guardian as well as to live and work on his plantation. At first, Apil was very much against the idea of Nazariy leaving Ground-born Manor. He wanted Nazariy to grow up with his siblings as any other child should. Yet, Apil's resolve quickly faltered after Nazariy confided in him about his emotional troubles, even to the point of breaking down in tears.

After that, Apil went to City Lord Dardanos, gained approval, and became Nazariy's guardian.