
Chapter 3 Annoyed

I stand up fast, he grabbed my arm and pull me down falling on his chest.

"You're supposed to kiss me" he said laughing.

I was crying like crazy, he cleaned my tears with his hand "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have make that joke"

I punch him on his chest "Why you do this to me, I-I thought I lost you. I didn't want that, I'm scared to be alone. You cannot die John, you're my friend" I say crying with no stop.

" Im really sorry, you were so tense that thought it was a good idea to make you laugh. I shouldn't have made that joke" He sit up and hugged me strongly

I said while hugging "Crying doesn't make me look pretty, u know that" I laugh cleaning my tears. He kissed my forhead.

Someone came out a door with a plate of foods, we went to hide under the table covered with a blanket.

"There is a way out maybe in the kitchen" said John in whisper.

"How we gonna get there?"

someone enter the room, from the door we entered.

"Why haven't remove any of this!" said Chris, very angry.

"Sir, you told us to make it before noon. Thats what we did"

"I told you before letting her in that ugly room, with those clothes she was wearing, she might have been annoyed because I didn't treat her like a princess. She deserves everything, and that should come from me not one else!, Remove all of this, and you guys are fired after this" He said sitting in a chair there.

"I need to find that friend John, he cannot be with here. She is mine, if he dares to touch her"

"Sir, we would be taking our leave. We have been fired, so we cannot clean this"

"What are you saying, you leave now. There is no check for any of you" he said mad and grabbing him from his clothes.

"Leave! and forget about your money"

He stands up walking close to the table we were at, and stands there for a long. Then starts throwing everything off the table

"Why it has to be him, what does he have that I don't?"

I point my finger to John, he just nod with his head.

"Sir, we found where they might be hiding" said one of the maids.

"Good , take me there. We're gonna have some business to deal with" said Chris, annoyed walking out the room.

"How we gonna get out, if there is no way out?" worried

" Did you hear, he fired all his workers. which means we can gollow them out. Lets just find out where they are" said John looking around.

I've never noticed how handsome he looks, Kat stop thinking about him that way.

"Lets go, now" I got out, John was trying to stop me when I hit something.

"What..?" touching my head, "Chris!?"

"You came to me before I knew it, I know you love me. You just wanted to get my attention don't you?" he pulls me by the arm hugging me.

"Stop!, no I don't like you. The time I told you we're done, we're done. See how you behave do you think I would like you!" I push him away "Don't touch me, you're a monster" I said mad, and scared.

"I didn't want us to be this way, John was the one who pull you away from me. we were so perfect before John showed up. What does he have, that I don't. Tell me Kat?"

" Why I have to tell you, is not of you're business"

" I didn't want to get this far, but if I can have you this way I will" he point a gun towards me, when John appear behind me.

"Leave her alone, the one you want to talk to is here. I won't let you touch her" John grabs my shoulder facing him, then leans to kiss me.

Chapter 4, coming soon. Comment and share. Thank you!