
Chapter 4 In Love

He kissed me I pull John "What're you doing!?" I said blushing.

"Im sorry" he look back at Chris with a satisfactory smile.

Chris was so mad, that he shoot our direction, John jump with me in arms to the side. Going under a table

"John! she is mine, you shouldn't bave done that. I was going to let you go, but now you started a war" he start kicking the table throwing all the food off the table

"Kat, come here!" he said with gun in hand.

We started running out the room, closing the door. We started running down hall, "there must be a way out if they are able to enter we just need a map or something. We need a clue" John look at me "What's wrong?" he grabbed my shoulder her face close to mine.

"Stop" put my hand on his face "Im sorry, I, I... Why you did that? we could've died there, we were at risk and still kissed me in front of him. You think it was alright to done that" I said mad, I cannot lie I did like it, but I don't understand why I was annoyed. If Im close to him, its going to be difficult to concentrate.

"Im sorry Kat, I don't know what happened. My mind went blank at that moment. I think I wanted to provoke him, yeah!" he said with a sarcastic laugh.

" That's why we were going to die, you know I think we're gonna find a better solution separately. One of us has to find the exit" I said as if nothing happened.

"How we gonna communicate if we do find the Exit. Separate ways" he said crossing his arms, being serious annoyed.

" I don't know, just wait here. I'm gonna up the hall, you keep hidden somewhere here and I come back" I said starting walking alone.

"Please be safe, and I shouldn't have kissed you. It won't happened again" he said sadly getting inside a room there.

My job gave us an invitation to attend a New year's Ball. I was skeptical about it at first, but I wanted to get rid of all my thought. Night party was the best solution to stop thinking about it.

I went to this party, noticed this tall cute guy standing alone in the corner. He was ignoring all the girl, I thought I was going to be ignored too.

" Hello" He walk towards me

"Hello" I said smiling putting some of my hair behind my ear.

We have a lot of conversation, our similarities, likes, dislikes, and how our job sucks. It was so fun, at midnight he hugged me "I want to go in a date with you, wanna go?" he gave me the most sweetest smile anyone can gave me.

"Sure!" I gave him my phone number.

We went on a date a couple days later, he ask me to be his Girlfriend I was so happy. He gave me a big bear with some chocolates it was my favorites.

Thats when he started guessing everything I did, everything I deep like. Started calling me 24/7 I couldn't handle that.

Then when I started University, I met John he was name The Clown. He was always joking around, then one day he knock on my desk while I was doing some work. "Doing homework at last minute?" he said with so much confident, and a warm smile. He was like a prince but annoying, he wouldn't leave me alone. Always following me with his bad jokes

"Wanna be friends Kat?" I laughed, "you're joking"

" No, I'm for real now" he said patting my head then smiles.

" You ask me before the vacations, lucky!" I said hitting his back. I was always watched, and heard.

Chapter 5, Coming soon. Comment, Like and share. Let me know how is going so far.