Camo was vaguely aware of what was happening around her, but only vaguely. She didn't know when reality turned to dream, but she knew it had. Or, she hoped it had. If this was reality, she had truely gone to hell.
It had begun like a normal day back at the base. Camo had gotten out of her military assigned bunker before the others, showered, and was jogging the track. The air was brisk, and helped wake her up. Breifly, Camo closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Her nose caught scent of flowers and a smile lit up her face. It was a perfume worn by only one person, her absolute best friend and soul sister, Monica.
Opening her eyes, Camo spotted Monica directly ahead, doing her normal routine of morning yoga. Jogging up to her, Camo sat in the grass beside the yoga mat, silently watching Monica's impressive display of flexibility. The two girls were enjoying the early morning, a light breeze blowing gently.
Camo let out a relaxed, content sigh as Monica finished up her stretches and sat criss cross on her mat.
"Good Morning Cami!" Monica said, using Camo's name, rather than her ever popular nickname.
"Morning Monica." Camo replied, smiling at the very pale, red haired girl.
"Ready for another hellish day?" Monica asked.
"Yeah... " Camo replied, "I miss you."
"What was that? I'm right here." Monica said, looking puzzled.
Camo's face mimicked Monica's, and she laughed awkwardly.
"I don't know. That was completely random." Camo said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Anyway... I got shooting lessons first today, since it's Wednesday, what about you?" Monica continued with their conversation.
"Uhm... " Camo had to think for a moment. "Mechanics."
"Isn't a certain Mr. Jason in there too?" Monica asked, a smile creeping onto her face as she looked at Camo knowingly.
A slight blush began to rise on her face. "No, but he's doing physical training with my dad, so real close."
"What's up with you two anyway? You're awful close." Monica noted.
"Well duh, we've been together for a while now." Camo said.
"Yeah, I know, but I mean, real close. Closer than usual. Have you two... You know?" Monica asked.
Camo's face turned red, and her gaze shifted to the ground in front of her.
"Well... I mean... Yes." She finally managed to admit it.
"Ho-ly crap. Miss Army Brat finally took the next step!" Monica teased.
Glaring, Camo rolled her eyes and looked away towards the barracks.
"What about you? Any update with Damien?" Camo asked, trying to change the subject.
"Me and Damien? Hell to the No. He's so not my type. Besides, he's all over you, despite the... 'Hints' Jason gives him." Monica said. "I swear, if you and Jason ever go South, Damien will be right there to pick you up."
"Me and Jason go South? Do you know who you're talking to? We've been going strong for a year now, plus, Dad likes him."
"He's the one?" Monica asked, going serious.
"Yeah. He's definitely the one." Camo replied.
The two girls sat in blissful silence, but Camo's mind was running away.
Ever since the teen program started, her and Jason had been close. They relied on each other. Hell, the entire base knew they'd get married as soon as Camo was legal. Sure, the age difference was a bit much, Camo at fifteen and Jason at ninteen, but it would be fine once she turned eighteen. Age wasn't a problem, compatibility wasn't a problem, they were seen as the perfect couple. Just imagining Jason was making Camo's chest warm.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by a very loud explosion coming from the canteen beside the barracks. The early morning peace was shattered as the two girls rushed towards the sudden chaos. As they got closer, Camo could see a piece of stone had been blasted into the barracks, and her blood ran cold when she didn't immediately spot Jason.
"Oh God, No." Camo said as she headed for the barracks.
"Camo, wait." Monica said, grabbing her wrist.
Camo looked at Monica, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. She already knew. Her heart was heavy and she shook, but she had a cold certainty.
"Let me come with you." Monica said quietly.
Without a word, Camo laced her fingers with Monica's, and the two girls walked head first into the ruined cement bunkers.