Chapter Fourteen: Endless-Part Two

Camo's legs gave out as she fell beside the crushed body of her love. Jason and two other people had been under the cement wall that had fallen. As of yet, there was no reason behind the explosion, although there were people looking into it. Camo began to tremble as her heart beat hard. With each beat if felt like it would explode.

"Camo... " Monica began quietly.

Camo didn't respond. She knelt beside Jason's body, shaking uncontrollably and feeling sick. A hand rested on her shoulder, but still no response. A voice yelled out, but Camo didn't really hear it, everything was distant, a ringing taking the place of any sound. Strong arms swept her into a hug, and the caring face of her father went into her view, but Camo seemed to look through him. Her eyes were glazed over and she felt numb. Her father looked to Monica and said something, but still Camo didn't hear. Movement to her right, Monica rushing off.

Everything seemed surreal as Camo was lifted to her feet. A stretcher was placed beside Jason and his body loaded on, and that's when Camo reacted. Everything was still dull, but she couldn't let them take Jason away. He was her everything.

Hitting and kicking and clawing, Camo fought to be let go, to get to Jason, but he was being taken away and Camo was being held back. She was blind with grief and despiration, she kept fighting for her freedom, but it seemed every arm she got off, two more held her back. Her fight was meaningless, and all she was doing was tiring herself out.

A quick, sharp pain went through her arm, then her sight went black.

Camo awoke in a small, white room. When she tried to sit up, she discovered she was restrained. It took her a moment to remember what happened, but when she did, the pain, sorrow and grief hit her so hard, it left her gasping for breath. Tears began to stream down her face, and she yelled out to the empty room, begging for Monica, for Jason, for anyone. The door opened and Monica rushed in, standing by Camo's side and petting her hair back, trying to calm her down.

The world seemed to morph, and Camo was sitting at a large, oval desk. Monica was beside her on her right, and Damien was to her left. The general was going over a mission they had gotten in, one they were about to depart on.

The three left the room and began walking to the garage, silently. Each had their own thoughts, keeping in mind their own jobs.

They would intercept an enemy caravan, cause damage and chaos, and basically disrupt them until back up could arrive. It was really simple, but simple was all they could handle right now. They were easing into work again. After three months of therapy and psych evaluations, Camo had been cleared to return to the field. It had been over three months since Jason's death, and Camo still felt like the world was going on with herself in the background, but she felt she was ready for this. What better way to move on than to work, right?

Camo, Monica, and Damien chose their weapons, pistols and semi-automatics, and got on their motorcycles, connecting their ear pieces to each other's and the base's. After going through a check off, the three headed out, Camo in the lead. Still no conversation was held, and when the caravan came into sight, they were strickly business. Nothing more. Although Camo soon wished she had been thinking more clearly.