Luscius's proluge part 2

[back when the two were young like 8 and 9 or 9 and 10. The two of them had first met at the ages of 2 and 3. But to be frank I can't write the way a two and three year old would speak.]

Someone who was new to the hospital and didn't really know about the two most frequent patients.

"Luscius you have a new roommate"

A nurse said pushing a bed with a girl hooked up to a lot of medical equipment she's sleeping due to the fact she'd just got out of yet another surgery. Luscius looked up from his ds to see a sleeping lily being parked next to his bed. His parents haven't stayed with him in the hospital they just dropped him off there whenever he needed to go. This was before they decided they wanted him to be beautiful since puberty hadn't hit yet. Luscius glared at Lily's parents who were in the hallway. Unlike his counterpart he had discovered his power when he was one. A year later he would meet his counterpart in the same hospital he was currently stuck in.

(If you didn't need all these treatments I would have broken those shackles from you by now lily.)

He's looking at Lily intently.

"When'll lily wake up?"

The nurse who wasn't aware of their situation was surprised he already knew her name. She did a once over on the bed and medical equipment to see if Luscius had read her name off of something that stuck out more then her wrists.

"You must have very good eyesight"

*the nurse laughs*

"I didn't think you could see her arm band from your bed"

*she smiles at Luscius*

"No me and lily are always together here"

He said it with a straight face somewhat bluntly. Unfortunately due to his parents either being to afraid to get attached to their son since he had a terrible immune system. Or the fact that they might not have even cared and just saw the hospital like a daycare for him Luscius hadn't really been making strong connections to other humans. The only one he'd formed a strong connection and even love for was the petite girl that had always been by his side. They had formed similar interests tastes in music and even the types of food they liked. Unknowingly she was the first thing that he'd ever loved about this empty boring hell of a world.

*the nurse was about to congratulate Luscius on him making a friend, due to rumors she'd heard about one of her first patients she had actually been worried about the boy. Whenever he got sick his parents would leave him here and go home or to work. They never visited him they just picked him up or left him here. And the staff had started to think he was weird over the years. He didn't seem to care about anything whenever the girl wasn't there he was always attached to some kind of game or past time. He never played with the other kids he didn't speak much to the adults either. When the staff would try to get him to interact with other boys and girls his age he would start fights and beat them up. The nurse had been pulled aside by one of the girls parents to as about medical care and other things. Before she had the chance to continue talking to the boy she thought the rumors must be false since her first interaction with him seemed somewhat normal. She smiled at him and went into the hallway with Lily's parents.*

The rumors weren't false at all that was just how Luscius was.

"She didn't answer me..."

*he mumbled to himself.*

Luscius turned off his ds and plugged it into one of the outlets next to his bed. While lily was sleeping he decided to grab her iPod touch and plug it into the wall on top of the nightstand. Luscius decided to pull up a chair next to Lily's bed and wait for her to wake up. He had to drag a pole with a bag attached to it that was also attached to his arm. He was surprised she didn't wake up from how long it took him to set up. He's still pretty young so it took him around ten to fifteen minutes to move everything by himself on top of being pretty sick.

*he sat there and waited, he would wait for her to wake up and wait with him until this nightmare of a life was over in this empty hell of a world.*