Luscius's proluge part 3

If we re lived every day of that place would you have been entertained? For now I'll skip to our lives before my queen cured herself. If you mortals are interested in some down time in the hospital let me know. For now here's this. And yes I will be the one to answer most of the time not author chan. You mortals are aware of sentient non human things what not with your ai's and whatever...*he rolls his eyes at the readers.*

~flash forward a few years. For now this is centered around lily instead of Luscius focusing on everyone. This is the night before his queen found herself her powers and when the rug of her life had been pulled out from under her. Ironically though senza did get involved that night.~

"Cooome ooon why are you always hanging around that nerdy cripple? Let's just hang out at my place tonight~"

"Leave me alone aren't you her supposed best friend?"

*he pulled out his iPhone and started to play a game*

"So what she's no fun She's not even cute so I can't take her to hit on guys...all we ever do is sit on our phones and rp or talk about one dumb show I gotta admit some of the guys on it are kinda cute"

Luscius continues playing a game without looking at the girl as he continues talking to her.

"Why don't you try to do something with her other then those two things she's hardly ever that busy"

"Huuh dude your hot but your hella dense that chick can't do anything for herself I doubt I could take her anywhere without getting gawked at or having to do most of the things for her"

Luscius had to do everything he could to hold himself back from punching this girl in the face.


"Huh why it's not like you need some helpless leech clinging to you all the-"

"Leave now!"

He screams at the girl and the rest of the class stares at him. It's not like it was anything other then support where kids tend to talk if they don't have any work to do. The girl asked a teacher for a hall pass and pretended to cry. She might've really been upset but Luscius couldn't tell and didn't really care to try. He had another phone stuffed in his back pocket that was recording their conversation in case he got sent down to the office to prove that he hadn't done anything wrong. This girl regularly started fights with lily and more then a few times made her cry. She was one of those toxic people that made you feel like shit. But at the same time if you called her out on it she'd turn it around and make the person who called her out on it the bad guy. She was no different than a pesky fly in his eyes she was human scum just like all the other scum that had hurt lily in the past. Trust him there was a ton of people on his shit list. He kept track of everything and anything that had happened to her that wasn't for the better. And names he'd gotten plenty of useful dirt from karma to thanks to his power. Even the king of data and blackmail wasn't a match to the likes of a person that had powers that was pretty much equal or could even surpass gods. He did get called down to the office that day but thanks to the recording he wasn't punished for anything since he hadn't done anything other then tell her to leave. Also due to the amount of witnesses he couldn't be blamed for getting violent with the girl since there was no fight.

Lily had a average day that day it went by like it always did she went to school did her work. She hadn't felt great by the end of the day so she just wanted to go home and relax. She had invited him to go do something after school with her family since his was either out of town or it could've been they were coming home late that night and he didn't wanna eat take out or food from his "help" for the third week in a row. But this had started after lunch she'd feel terrible if she made Luscius stay at home if he didn't want to.

"Hey Luci..."

He literally dropped whatever he had been doing and walked over to her desk. Most likely he had been playing a game since his homework never lasted more then 2 to 5 minutes. No matter the difficulty he had always been crazy smart she'd always envied that she wasn't to great with...

{insert the subject that you struggled with the most in high school.}

[generic struggles are genetic.]

She noticed the three other girls in her class were glaring at her as Luscius walked over to her she didn't know why so she dropped her head low looking at her desk in a depressed manner. She let her hair fall in front of her face a bit. Cause inflammation Luscius to glare a look if it could kill behind him. The girls were taken aback so they went to their seats and pretended to work on something not to anger him anymore.

"Hey you alright?"

He pushed her her out of her face for her. That actually was one of the few things she would have been able to do herself. But he's always there for her she'd never really object to anything nice that he try's to do for her.

"Huh oh yeah I'm sorry..."

*He smiles at her.*

"You don't have to apologize all the time you know."

"Sorry shoot, uh I'm not feeling great wanna eat at my place tonight? I'm sorry something's wrong with my stomach..."

*Luscius smiled at her again but this way in a joking way.*

"You ate the cafeteria food today didn't you?"

*She nods.*

"What do you want me to ask the rents to make why did I say it like that?"

A buff looking six for guy with green eyes and messy dark brown hair walked up and took out a chair by the two. If he wasn't a delinquent he'd have gotten scouted for the basketball team by now.

"Shorty you hang around my to much that's why..."

*Luscius didn't say anything he just nodded. *


"Ey don't take that the wrong way brat"

Lily just gives the two a confused stare.

Luscius sighs and senza ran a hand through his hair somewhat relieved by the fact that lily is a dense girl.

"...wanna order take out or should we do home cooking?"

"...Ima crash this party bud"

Luscius didn't seemed bothered by it since he'd already become close with him and was already aware of his power like karmas.

Someone threw something in Lily's general direction causing her to close her eyes to brace for impact. Senza caught it without looking and stood up like he was going to throw someone out the second story window. The girls screamed and ran out of the room without him having to lift a finger. He cracked his neck and sat back down crossing his arms. His aura had gone from chill to pissed.

"What just happened?"

They both said in unison nothing. But senza wasn't as good with masking his anger as Luscius. This caused lily to worry a bit since senza was well known for throwing down whenever someone crossed him. The three settled on ordering take out and for some reason making pasta to go with it. Sen wanted pasta and mumbled it at the last minute knowing he was pissed they didn't object.