It hit the fan part 1

When we went back home on the bus no one questioned us since I'd been basically attached to lily since we were kids. Senza never gets questioned by anyone around here everyone's to afraid of him or is part of his mob thanks to his ability. Her parents came home realtivlly late so the three of us screwed around in the meantime and by that I mean lily helped him find the stuff to make spaghetti.

"Oi Luscius how much salt do I add we suck at measuring"

Luscius groans and gets up from playing with fire emblem on the wii.

He ended up helping with the salt for the pasta and went back to playing radiant dawn.


*without complaining at all drops whatever he's doing for lily*

"What's up?"

"...uh well I can't beat my save file can I watch?"

Luscius ended up sitting down and helping lily clear the level in under about five minutes.

"Oi why are you fighting the computer when you got three people?"

"True maybe I can fix brawl and we could do that instead."

Senza pulled out his phone seeing that it was one of his lackeys he had to put his pasta down on the floor.

"...listen put it in the kitchen I don't want them blowing up at her for something stupid she didn't even do"

*He looks at him somewhat confused.*

"No ones ever gave me any shit before and even if it stains I've got people to fix it just don't kick it over,listen I need to take this mind if I barrow your room shorty?"

*Lily just shakes her head.*

"It's fine"

"Thanks shorty"

*He gently ruffles her her and walks away.*

"Wonder what happened.."

"It's probably nothing"

The two sat around reading the story and killing bad guys since lily really wanted to unlock the use of some more tanks other then Ike since he's basically the only thing keeping everyone from dying at the point she is in the game.

"Sucks that wii stopped making new stuff"

"They should just get you a new system or let you use your cash to get one. I'd buy you one if you want. Personally I'd get a PlayStation or a pc."

"You know I'd take either, but I don't wanna get you into trouble or debt"

"mine are loaded so it's nothing I mean just look at what they did to make me non average."

It's true he looks like a model now thanks to a shit ton of plastic surgery his green eyes are still the same and his messy black hair. He's just as pale as I am since we spend all are time indoors side by side gaming or watching anime. He's learned a lot of different instruments over the time we've been together. I'd love to play put in to weak for anything other than piano even then I'm not fast enough to play a song it doesn't flow nicely since my arm speak is somewhat slower then most. I'm to shy to sing I probably would If I had the confidence. I wish I'd thought of a better nickname when we were kids because Luci sounds like Lucy not the manliest nickname in the book. But it's always stuck and your eyes lit up like the Big Bang had just happened your face was so happy back then I'd never had the heart to try anything else out.

"Hey lily what you wanna cosplay this year for Halloween?"

"Eh? Oh yeah I've gotta early since idk when they'd come in... wanna go as tuxedo mask and sailor moon?"

Luscius suddenly got the happiest look on his face lily didn't really understand why he'd gotten so excited for sailor moon though. Just then her parents came in. Luscius lost his grin in a instant and atomically flashed a glare at them.

"...hey I ordered take out from..."

*inset favorite take out chain*

[more generic stuff]

"Luscius were going out"

Her mother says with a laugh like she's talking down to someone less smart then she is. She had just came in the house. Lily managed to stutter out that she wasn't feeling well and didn't wanna go out...

"I I don't feel great so it's fine we can just stay in tonight"

Her mother quickly tells her to shut the f#%^ up and started to pull out some coats.

"Her stomachs bugging her back off."

Luscius butted in even though he knew that the mother was to stubborn to care weather they were feeling well or not.

"Why is the a fuckin plate of food on our white carpet?!"

She said to them both in an accusatory tone she sent a nasty glare towards Luscius even though she already knew that he wouldn't show so much as a hint of reaction. The only time he shows any form of emotion is if lily is involved in some way. Since he didn't react she'd thought it must've been him who'd put the plate of pasta on the white carpet. She was about to call a uber to pick him up when another person came into the room.

Senza came back in causing the couple to stop criticizing the two for a minute. The two began whisper fighting with each other while lily and Luscius had just sat by not moving. Lily reached for Luscius's hand while they continued to argue. He squeezed her hand gently trying to reassure her that it was fine. The couples whisper fighting gradually turns into scream fighting.

*senza basically scarfed his pasta down to get rid of what he believed was the culprit of the bullshit fighting he'd walked into*

"Luscius who the fuck is this?"

Luscius trying to remain calm and not kill the woman he's in love withs family right in front of her.

"A friend what is that against the law for lily and me?"

Senza "to be honest I thought this bullshit was cuz of the pasta..."

"Why the fuck would you put spaghetti on a white carpet?"

"It didn't get on anything so there's really no problem even if it did I would have got someone to take the stain out for ya"

(Tomato sauce is actually easier to get rid of then bloodstains)