Most Powerful Asian Mafia

As Slayne had predicted, the mastermind came in the vicinity to check what really happened. Eybelle and Slayne with some of their men were hiding in their respective places.

A few minutes later, people in black came out from the cars to check the battle area. They couldn't believe their eyes. One man came running to the car and as the window is pressed down, a man became visible. It was none other than, Mr. Levi Williams.

"Another traitor!" Eybelle whispered but because of the communication device attached to them, Slayne and the rest of their men heard her voice filled with anger and despise.

"Calm down, Eybelle. We need to gather enough information from this man before we decide to attack them." Slayne said.

"I know! That's why we're not yet killing them, right?"

"How is this possible?! I thought you sent the best of your men?" Levi said.

"Mr. Williams, I did! But…"

"But you still failed! How difficult is it to kill a woman and a businessman with two bodyguards?!"

"Mr. Williams, are you sure that Mr. Gray is just an ordinary businessman?"

"What do you mean?"

Then the man showed some of the bullets on the floor and handed them to Levi.

"The symbol is the logo of CONFERENCE, the largest mafia group in Asia."

The look on Levi's face showed that he isn't aware about this so the man explained.

"As much as I love money, Mr. Williams, I also care for my men. Only ignorant people would dare to go against them in Asia. No underground group will accept your job offer when they're involved."

"Why are you so scared about them?! Aren't you all the same?!"

"Mr. Williams!! I don't want my group to perish! Their leader with the code name Primo will not let us off the hook. I suggest you do some investigation first." The man said and hopped on his car before disappearing along with his men.


"The man isn't a fool. Let them go! Also let them bury their brothers." Slayne said.

"How about…"

"We will seize them! But there's no need for a fierce bloody fight."

With a go signal from Slayne, Eybelle attacked from behind. Her team cut through their necks targeting their larynges to avoid them from talking. Their attack caused the bodyguards of Levi to panic. They weren't able to regroup and with a few, inexperienced men Levi was instantly captured.

"Surrender now!" Slayne said as he pointed his gun to Levi,

"Who are you?" Levi asked. He can only see the faces of the subordinates as Slayne and Eybelle are wearing masks.

"Didn't that leader from the gun-for-hire group told you?" Eybelle sarcastically answered.


Being left with no choice, Levi went out from his car and from then, Slayne took him into custody. Most of Levi's men were left unconscious except for his driver.

"Old man, go tell this man's mistress to surrender and reveal her evil deeds to the world. If not, she will see the floating body of this man and her daughter." Slayne said.

"You have Airis?! What did we do to you?!!"

"You will soon find out!!" Eybelle said and looking at the driver she added,

"You should go now. Tell her she has two days to think things through."

Clinging to his dear life, the driver left Levi and hurried to Amira's house to follow the orders given to him.

"This is the only thing I can do for Mr. Williams. Besides I have a family to feed." The driver whispered to himself as he sped the car away from the traumatic place.