Police Interview

Sylvan met Yve and Vince at a parking lot close to the police station to avoid any hints of where the couple might have been before the activity. Chrysthe even used Edward's car because the one they used were filled with gun holes.

Vince is holding Yve's hand and with a light squeeze, he asked,

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that I was a little bit scared with what happened this morning at the cemetery."

"If you want.."

"No, it's fine. There's no need to delay something like this. There's no reality in this so we have to finish this now." Yve answered.

"Okay, if that's what you want." Vince said and placed a kiss on Yve's hand.

"Mr. Gray, the inspector are ready for the both of you. " Sylvan said.

Instantly, Vince went out of the car and guided Yve. With his one arm around Yve's waist, They were greeted by Inspector Dean and two of his subordinates.

"Mr. and Mrs. Gray." Inspector Dean said.

"Inspector Dean." Vince said.

"Thank you for coming." The inspector said.

"You're welcome, Inspector." Yve answered and with that the inspector guided them inside his office.

Yve was shocked about this and can't help to have her eyes roam around the place.

"Is there something wrong, Mrs. Gray?" Dean asked.

"Aren't we supposed to be in a room with a center light dangling on top of a table?"

"Ah… that's for interrogation."

"But aren't you interrogating us?"

"Not anymore, Mrs. Gray. Not after we discovered your marriage."

"We came here to save Inspector Dean some face." Vince said. To be honest, he didn't want to reveal his marriage to Yve but this inspector left him no choice.

"So what are we going to do here?" Yve asked.

"I have a few questions I would like you to answer." Inspector Dean expressed to which Yve and Vince accepted by sitting properly.

"Mr. Gray, I would like to know why are you keeping this marriage a secret?"

"It's me who wanted it to be a secret, Inspector Dean. It was just recently when I became the president of SkyMu and since only few people knew about me, I wanted to have my own identity. Not just the wife of the CEO Gray Group." Yve bravely answered.

"I see. But what about this marriage being a secret to both of your families?"

"It wasn't a secret for both of the families. My mother and cousin knew about this marriage." Vince calmly answered.

"And when are you planning to have a formal wedding?"

Vince turned his head to Yve and answered, "That depends on the bride then…"

"I don't think I need to answer that question, Inspector Dean." Yve answered without looking at the teasing Vince beside her.

"Of course, Mrs. Gray."

Hearing that name, Mrs. Gray, brought a different feeling for Yve and Vince. They both felt an unexplained feeling thinking that finally they get to spend the rest of their lives together. Vince put his hand on top of Yve's. After which, Yve changed the position of their hands and intertwined it. As Vince looked at their hands, he noticed that they didn't have a wedding ring with them not even an engagement ring.

'I need to plan about this.' Vince silently took note of this important aspect in their relationship.

"Anyways, Mr. and Mrs. Gray I really apologize for this inconvenience."

"It's fine, Inspector Dean. But now that I'm practically out of the question as the suspect, what is going to happen to the investigation?" Yve asked.

"It will become a missing person case and not a kidnapping. As there are no suspects and threats lingering, we are considering to put her name on top of the list but that's it. This interview wraps up my entire investigation and this will be turned over to the missing person division." Inspector Dean answered.

"I see. I guess there's no need for us to stay here any longer, Inspector Dean?" Vince asked and stood up.

"Of course, Mr. Gray. Thank you for coming to the station." Inspector Dean helplessly answered.

Outside the police station, Sylvan was calmly waiting for them. As they both get inside the car, silence enveloped the air and no one decided to break it. Not until Vince felt something on his shoulder. When he turned his head, he saw Yve's sleeping face on his shoulder. He smiled and whispered,

"Everything will end soon, my dearest Queen."

Sylvan looked at his boss through the mirror and smiled as he sped the car to the hotel.