Talk to Them


In his presidential suite


Vince was busy with his phone call that he didn't realize that Yve has walked inside. Sylvan excused himself as he will proceed to Edward's office to print Slayne's report. As always, Jaleb will stay outside their suite unnoticed by other people.

As Yve walked towards the study area, she saw Vince's back. His hand holding his phone near his ear while the other one is inside his pocket. Amidst all the problems they are facing each other, she can't help but notice how lucky she is that this man is her husband.

"Do what you have to do to him but make sure that he is fine. Let that woman go later tonight and be feasted by the media." Vince ordered.

No doubt he is talking about the underworld.

"Edward, I don't want Yve to get hurt because of them. Make sure about that job, okay?"

'Why are they talking about me?' Yve thought.

To feed her curious mind without disrupting the call, she wrapped her arms around Vince and the man understood her gesture instantly. He hugged her back and placed the phone on loudspeaker mode for her to hear the news.

"Primo, how do you want it to be dealt with?" Edward asked.

"Who are dealing with Edward?" Yve asked.

"Ah..Ms. Y? Where is Primo?" Edward cautiously asked.

"I'm here. Go on and answer her question." Vince instructed.

"Ahm.. okay. I'm going to deal with Mr. Levi Williams and your stepsister, Airis." Edward said.

Yve looked at Vince and asked him, "Can I have a final say on how they're going to be dealt with?" Although it was lower than her usual voice, it didn't escape Edward who is listening on the other end.

"Hmmm… But make sure they will regret the hardships they caused you." Vince said and kiss her on the forehead.

"Edward, I want to meet Mr. Williams so don't touch him until then. For my dear stepsister, I want to meet her tonight so prepare her in the..." She paused and looked at Vince and with a doubtful look continued,

"Torture room? Do you have that?"

"Ms. Y, yes we do. But we don't call it that way. Instead we use dark room." Edward answered.

"Okay. Then have the media feast on her tomorrow. Tonight I have so many things to ask them. But have their areas separated." Yve continued to give her instructions.

"Ms. Y, tonight?" Edward verified.

Vince looked at Yve and asked, "Are you really sure about this?"

Yve nodded in agreement. "I only wanted to ask Airis about SkyMu. As for Mr. Williams, I have tons of questions which needed answers."

"What if they try to fool you again?" Vince asked.

"Which is why I wanted you to come with me. You're definitely much better than me at that aspect."

"Edward, do what she instructed to. We will be there in a short while."

"Yes, Primo." Edward said and the phone call was ended.

"Can you tell me what are the things you wanted to ask Mr. Williams?" Vince said as he guided Yve towards the couch and make her sat on his lap.

Yve wrapped her arms around Vince's neck and told him everything that happened during her meeting with the investors earlier that night.

After awhile, Vince said,

"I actually like their idea. I'd say yes to that proposal if I were you."

"No. I'm going to think about that. You already have a lot on your plate. I don't want to be a burden." Yve debated.

"But you're not a burden."

"I know you will always say that."

"But it's true." Vince argued back when a knock on the door was heard.

"That must be Sylvan." Yve said and stood up. She ran towards the door.

"Ms. Yve, here is the report. By the way, Sir Edward called to say that everything is ready. Are you planning to head out?" Sylvan asked.

Just then Vince came with his black leather jacket on and handed a dark blue jacket to Yve and answered, "Yes. We're going to the base. Don't worry as I'm coming with her. You can rest for tonight Sylvan. Jaleb come with us."

"Yes, sir!" Both men said and followed their respective orders.