Why did You do That?

Soon, Yve can see the tall gate in the middle of a forest. Secret base in an understatement. The car stopped and as a man approached it, Jaleb pulled the window down and the guard bowed to him and instantly opened the gate.

As the car approached a building, I can clearly see Edward and the girl, Eybelle with Chrysthe and another man with an eyeglass. He must be Slayne. Vince helped her out of the car to meet the people who welcomed them.

"This is Slayne." Vince introduced the man to her.

Her hunch was right. This might look so trustworthy as Sylvan although their aura is way too different. Sylvan has the cool, smart attitude while this man looks like a nerd.

"Hi, I'm Y…." Yve was cut off when Vince whispered,

"Just use your initial here. Ms. Y is what you're being addressed here."

Yve blushed and doesn't know what else to say. Luckily, Slayne realized this and introduced himself instead.

"The pleasure to meet you is mine, Ms. Y. I'm Slayne."

"Thank you."

Edward then stepped forward and said, "They are ready. Who do you want to meet first, Ms. Y?

"Airis. I have so many things to say to her." Soon as the words departed from her mouth, the people in front of her exchange glances as if they're talking behind her back.

"Okay, gentlemen. I may not be able to understand the encrypted messages you have with your looks but I can feel that it has a relation to Airis and me." Yve said.

Despite all of this, no one answered her. She then realized that she's pressuring the wrong people. Turning to Vince she said,

"You promised, no more secrets. Just tell me, Vince, please?"

With the sweet tone in her voice paired with her eyes and the promise he made to her. Lost in the battle, he compromised and explained.

"When we captured her together with Nyelle, she wasn't as cooperative as your friend. So we need to pressure her to doing so. It took us awhile but when we succeeded and have her spilled everything, she looked like an empty shell. According to our resident psychiatrist, the trauma inflicted by our emotional torture was too great that she wasn't able to take it."

As Vince explained the truth, Yve can't help but gasped in disbelief. Yes, she had read those kind of details from novels and seen them in movies but never would she thought it would be possible and a person as tough as Airis would be affected by it.

"Would it greatly affect her if I let her see my face?" Yve asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Ms. Y, I don't think you need to feel sorry for what happened to her. After all the bad things she had done to you and Primo, I believe she deserves it." Eybelle expressed.

"She deserves to be punished when in sane mind so that she can reflect on it and change for the better. With her in this state, I felt she made a very tricky escape. Plus, there's no certification that it is real." Yve answered back.

"Sylvan also said the same thing!" Jaleb expressed.

"Do you still want to see her?" Edward asked.

"I'm not so sure now. Just take me to Mr. Williams first." Yve said.

Then as they approached the area, Jaleb, Chrysthe and Sylvan asked to be excused. Vince and Edward let them go as they were busy the entire day and the coming days so they will be needing all the rest they can get.

On the far end of the hall, they saw two men standing on guard and saluted seeing Vince and Edward. The two did the same. We stopped for a moment as Edward said, "He is inside. But let me remind you, he's very tight lipped about everything."

"Then let me meet him alone, first."


"Primo? Please. Let him think that it was I who planned all of this and I have an idea. I want to let him to fear me and what I can do."

"Primo, we can't let.."

"We will be in the other room where we can see and hear you. If I sense any danger then I will come in and you have no say about that. Agreed?" Vince set his own condition which earned a deep sigh from Edward.

"Fine with me. Thanks, Primo."

"Then at least let one guard inside with you." Edward tried to set his rule. After all, this was the mastermind behind the asassination attempt.


With all the conditions set, Yve went inside the room. The man inside wasn't as prestigious as he used to be. Beard and mustache are clearly seen on his face. The man looked at her and disbelief is evident on his face. Yve approached him and on the chair near the mirror.

'This must be where Edward and Vince can see the view here.' Yve thought.

"I can't believe you're the one behind this! Are you the leader of this group? Called Conference?" Levi Williams asked in succession.

'How did he learned about Vince's group?' Yve thought worriedly but was quick enough to hide it from the man.

"So what? You're in no position to ask me any questions. But I have every right and the ultimate privilege to ask you all the questions."


Silence filled the room as fear began to linger after Yve's tone and aura changed.

In the other room, Edward and Vince observed the things happening inside.

"She's inflicting fear amazingly well, Primo." Edward said.

"Yes, but that's her form of expressing how afraid she is as well." Vince said.

Edward turned his head to him and asked, "Afraid of what? We're here if she needs any help."

"Afraid of what might happen to all of you now that the man inside figured out the name of your group, Conference. She's overthinking again." Nyelle interrupted.

Edward and Vince turned their heads around and saw her. Vince didn't say anything as Edward gestured her to approach them and look at Yve.

"So, Mr. Williams, why did you do that to my father?"