Spilled A Bit

Yve read the documents with a smile on her face. Everything seems to fall into place - the wedding preparations and the company are doing well in accordance to her plans. Her own artists are also doing well. She has even composed songs for some of them. After a few more minutes of reading the documents, a knock was heard.

"Come in." Yve said without looking at the person who knocked thinking it was Sylvan, like it always has been.

"Everything all right? You seemed to be so busy." Yve looked up and saw that it was Vince who knocked at the door and is standing in front of her.

"Oh, you have arrived. Just give me a minute. I'll clean my desk." Yve said but Vince asked a different question instead.

"Are you finished with work today?"

"Uhmmm.... Actually not yet. I still have to review one file." Yve honestly answered as this is the truth. Vince's early arrival caused an adjustment to her schedule and even without spoken words they knew this.