Taste Testing

After her sneak attack to Vince, it took another hour for Yve to finish all the documents and finalize her decision on which group will have another album and music video soon. She closed the last folder and looked at her husband-to-be who's still sleeping on the couch. Little did she know that Vince had woke up and hour ago and was just giving his eyes some time to rest.

Yve stood up and walked towards him.

"If not only we didn't have an appointment with Haru, I would have let you lay there."

When she finally reach the couch, she bent a bit and whispered in Vince's ear,

"Please wake up. We still have a feast to eat."

Then she kissed Vince's ear.

Vince never thought that he will get a sweet attack from Yve, how much two in one day. The heavens must have decided to reward his perseverance and good deeds. These attacks are too much for him to handle in one day. He opened his eyes and saw the smiling Yve in front of him.