Our Own Space

"So I think it would also be impossible for us at the moment…" Yve whispered to herself but still it was loud for Vince to hear.

"What do you mean?" Vince asked his wife.

Yve sighed before answering her husband.

"I was hoping to go back to the house you bought prior to moving in this suite." Yve revealed.

"You're fine with it?" Vince asked.

The reason why Vince never sold the house was because she was hoping that Yve would be willing to stay in their house. After all, staying at his workplace, even if it's a hotel isn't doing Vince any favor.

"Hmm… I think I can handle it if it will not be just the two of us."

"…" Vince didn't understand the set-up so he wanted Yve to explain it further.

"It would be good if we have at least a maid who will be there with me in case you're still at work or on a business trip? We can also have Chrysthe stay there. Maybe you can build a maid's or personnel's quarters around the vicinity?"