Give Yourself A Chance

"Ms. Nyelle, please wake up. You haven't eaten breakfast yet and lunch is about to be over." One of the female agents said as she knocks at the door.

Her knocking was consistent and quite loud enough so the other agents can't help but ask her.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"I'm not sure. The kitchen told me that Ms. Nyelle hadn't eaten anything today and it's already 2PM. They were worried that something might have happened to her so they sent me here."

"So what did you find out?"

"Nothing. She is not answering and not a single noise can be heard."

"Isn't that a bit serious? Why don't you just infiltrate the room?"

"You know I can't do that. She's Secondo's and Primo's important guest."

"I guess you have a point." Why don't you go to Sir Slayne and inform him of this matter."

"Why I haven't thought about that?! Thanks." The female agent said and ran as fast as she can towards Slayne's office.

(Knock, Knock, Knock)