Rescue (1)

Team Bravo infiltrated the current warehouse in front of them. They were instantly welcomed by the guards to which they decided to use tranquilizers. It has been in Vince's protocol to use it whenever they're on a mission with unconfirmed information. The team shot their tranquilizer guns and hid the guards in one of the unused rooms and locked it from the outside.

"Team, everything is normal so far but we only have less than 15 minutes to round this up before the security comes. Let's spread."

"Roger!" With that, the team were scattered with one subordinate following each of them.

Unaware of the latest developments with Maddie's search and rescue operation, Yve finished school and reviewed the details of the meeting once more.

"Sylvan, I have these feedback regarding their plans. Do you think they will agree on this?" Yve consulted Sylvan as she handed some papers with her suggestions.