Rescue (2)

The loud exchange of gunshots scared Maddie and in reflex she covered her ears in the best way she possibly can. The captain noticed this and through their communication, he asked the members for their location. 

"Boss, we are engaging fire here. We can't approach any closer."

"Same here, Boss."

"The enemy knows our destination, that's why we can't move. Let's go to point C and meet there. I expect the team to gather there in five." The captain ordered and pulled Maddie up and walked away towards one of the doors they used earlier. 

Maddie learned about this and instantly ran towards the exit and met one young man. She acted defensively so the young man explained.

"Don't worry, Madam. I am with the Team."

"Madam, please go with him." The captain said and Maddie listened to him by accepting the man's hand and with that they ran as fast as they could away from the gunshots.