Why did you become a CEO?

As the events that happened yesterday is still fresh on the minds of the employees, Yve is treated well with the new front desk officer and arrives at Vince's office in no time. However, she didn't find her husband there. She was informed by one of his secretaries that he's still in a meeting room. 

Left with no other with no other choice, she goes to Vince' bedroom in his office and set up her laptop for the video conference she will have. She informs Sylvan to stay outside to keep watch.

Yve's meetings proceed smoothly and their adjustments already in place and lack only the last piece for execution. As Yve gets out of the bedroom to look for Vince, she finds out that he isn't back yet. 

"Young Madam, the Boss is still in a meeting; the same one when we arrived." Sylvan informs her.

"Is there any company emergency or the like?"