Final Checks

Once Yve has calmed down after their honest conversation, Vince says,

"Will you stay with me or go home first? I'm waiting for a fax." 

"Hmm… should I just leave for a while and buy a take-out dinner for both of us?" 

"Up to you."

"I'll just leave you with your work for now. I'll go with Steve , then."

While Yve is buying food for both of them at the nearby restaurant, Yve calls Lester.


"It's Yve."

"Hmm… so have you made up your mind?"

"Yeah… I agree with the partnership. I'll inform Hyacinth's manager and line up your schedule with our artists." Yve informs him.

"Okay… Thank you."

"Let me prepare a written agreement as well so that nobody can question the exclusives that I will give you." 


"Thanks for the offer, Lester. Now I have to go as my order has just arrived."