Chapter 3: No Internet? Zero Approval Rating

"PYap Resign! PYap Resign!"

About a hundred of rallyists marched towards Mendiola as heavy traffic plagued the area. People were angry, not so much due to social injustice, but due to the loss of internet connection.

The World Wide Web has become integral to everyday life as Internet-based transactions already dominated the Philippine market. However, everything went crashing as the Philippines ended up sent into another world. At least telecommunication wasn't much affected due to the fact that cellphones use land based signals. Ditto for television and radio broadcasts.

BPOs suffered the most as they require internet connection for their operations, resulting to massive rise in unemployment. Several youths suffered breakdown as well due to "withdrawal symptoms" from cyber addiction. Worse, some of the weaker willed committed suicide.

President Jimmy Yap, Jr., the first LGBTQI President of the Philippines, is under extreme stress. The Philippines being trapped in the crossfire between U.S.A. and China is one thing. The same country being teleported into another world totally unprepared is an another beast. In the former case, it is easy to blame China for the ills of the country. The latter is trickier. The National Government Offices have almost no idea about the new world the Philippines is in. One wrong step and the country will collapse beyond repair, and everything would be blamed to him and his administration.

Suddenly, someone knocked the door.

"Come in," PYap said.

A dashing 40 year old General entered and saluted at the Commander in Chief.


"At ease. So, what is our current situation?"

"Sir, reports have confirmed that the whole country has been transported in another world, including the Spratley Islands and some part of the territory in the West Philippine Sea. It seems that the Philippines is located in the same coordinates in this world as it was in the former world."

"I see. Any info on neighboring countries?"

"It seems there is a small continent northeast from us where Taiwan and Japan should have been situated as well as a huge one where China should be located. There are a group of islands as located 200 km. west of Palawan and another at 100 km. south of Samal Island."

"Are there any civilizations living in the said landmasses?"

"One of our pilots named Lt. Brian Z. de Leon, Jr. has reported a female knight riding a Pegasus who is patrolling near Batanes group of islands."

"Can we confirm this report?"

"Yes, Sir. Our spy planes also took pictures around the Philippines and they found this,"

the General laid a bunch of photographs on the desk.

President Yap inspected the pictures and was astonished, "D...dragons?"

"Specifically wyverns, Sir."

"I see. We need to schedule an emergency meeting with the Cabinet ASAP. We cannot ignore these developments."


"You're dismissed."

The General saluted before leaving the President behind. As the doors closed, President Yap rubbed his temple as he contemplated on the situation.

"My Gulay (lit. vegetables in Filipino language)! What kind of Churvaness (" something " in gay lingo) the Philippines has entered into?"