
'Definitely taking this one' Noah tore out the paper from the wall and gave it to the clerk,who found nothing out of place in it. After all, there is nothing strange in a first stage cultivator taking such an easy mission. The only reason they give missions like this to the disciples and not to the servants is because there are some dangerous animals in the Black Snake Forest, the nearest wilderness to the city.

Noah headed out to the sect gates, guards were in it. They weren't here when he first entered with the chair elder, who knows why. When he told that he wanted to head out to complete a mission, they gave him a wooden amulet that had a faint Qi in it, to prove he was an disciple when he came back. 'The security is really lax' Thought Noah, couldn't someone just kill a disciple and take the thing?

But Noah don't really cared that much about it, and just focused in completing the mission. Asking directions here and there around the city, he soon found the forest way. The citizens were much more respectful to him while he was wearing the sect uniform, almost like they feared him suddenly lashing out at them if they do something wrong.

Noah finally reached the forest, it was incredible green. The forest was full of life, the trees were taller than normal trees on earth all sorts of sounds were heard. There was also a variety of strange plants he never saw on earth. Noah suspected that he would need to go to Amazon Forest if he wanted to see a similar sight on Earth.

Wandering trough the forest while being wary of any surprise attack by animals, he found one of the herbs for the mission. The herb was green with red leaves, it also had some spikes hidden. Noah suspected that he would be poisoned if he was stung by the spikes. Searching around the forest, he took nearly an hour to find eight of them. Yes, eight of them. Noah wanted some for himself, the poison might be useful depending on what type it is. All he lacked now was something to test the poison on. He was about to go back when something suddenly happened.


A big wild boar was growling at him violently, seemingly ready to tackle him. The thing was somewhat bigger than it's earth counterparts and very dangerous for a ordinary person. The boar sprinted in his direction, ready to take him to the ground.

*Pained growl*

Noah just sidestepped the boar and kicked it in the belly, making it fall down to the ground in pain. The boar was dangerous for ordinary people but not impossible for them to beat it, much less for a cultivator. Noah gave a smirk.

"Seems like I found my test subject."

Hours later...

Noah had already done his tests so he set the boar free, discovering a lot about the herb poison. He stinged the boar with the herb spikes, and forced him to eat some small parts of the herb, unfortunaly he don't had any sort of heat so he couldn't turn it into gas to make the boar inhale it, but he discovered enough. The poison was a type that only acted once entering the bloodsteam of a creature, like the poison native south americans used in their blowgun darts or arrows to hunt prey, because it don't caused any problems even if you eated it. It was a paralyzing type of poison.

Noah found this convenient, because the only safety measure he would need is to not get scratched, excluding that, there was no problems even if he eat it. Not like he wanted to eat it anyway.

'This poison will make perfect poisoned arrows' Noah was excited by his discovery and headed back to the sect.