The Ambush

This technique was simple excluding it's "can fake death" part. Noah really wanted to know why a manual capable of something so good like that was just Mortal Rank. He wasted no time in buying it receiving strange glances from the elder again, but he didn't care and just got back to his cave.

A week later in Black Snake Forest.

A wild boar was eating some plants peacefully, while being wary of predators appearing. In the trees near the boar, a shadow suddenly moves from branch to branch, soundless. A normal person would scream "Ghost!" and run away from this sight. The shadow stops, revealing the figure of a young man with a faint presence. The young man takes out a bow, puts a arrow in it and aims at the boar.



The arrows flies trough the air and accurately hits the boar, making him scream in pain. The boar tries to run but it suddenly falls down to the ground, trembling here and there and incapable of moving anymore. The young man jumps down from the tree he was in and approached the boar. He was Noah.

'I put enough poison to kill it, let me see how it is.' The paralyzing poison makes the person unable to move the muscles, and if it gets beyond a certain amount, can make the person die by suffocation, unable to use their diaphragm to breath. The boar was certainly dead, Noah examined it's state. He spent the week training majorly in the forest, hiding his presence from wild animals and praticing his archery with live prey. Praticing with real opponents proved effective, he mastered Turtle Breathing Art to a basic level and was close to mastering Silent Steps. His archery too improved, he is capable of easily hitting still targets. He guessed it was because his improved senses.

Noah had also advanced to the second stage of the Mortal Realm, his bodily strenght and Qi capacity improving even further. Noah cut some parts of the boar with a very cheap dagger and put it in a bag he bought beforehand, he could sell those. He was saving Spirit Stones,killing animals and completing mission everyday. What he wanted is the cheapest version of a Space Ring. Space Rings are expensive, even the cheapest one is around two hundred Spirit Stones. But Noah tought it was worth the price, the amount of concealed weapons he could hide there was enough reason for him to save so much money.

"Well, time to get back to my cave." Noah headed back to the sect. On the way, he met a unexpected event in the forest. There were ten people surrounding a single person. That single person was Xiao Long. Noah quickly hid himself and concealed his presence, going to a tree above to watch what was about to happen. He soon heard what they were talking about.

"Trash, do you know who you offended?!" One guy that seems to be the leader of the group shouted at Xiao Long.

"Who are you guys?" Xiao Long frowned and asked in a tense voice. The leader wasted no time in answering that.

"It doesn't matter for you! You can only blame yourself for not hearing Senior Brother advice of leaving Senior Sister Xiao alone!" His face was filled with disdain. Noah was seriously amazed. These guys were probabily sent to kill Xiao Long and they not only stopped to have a chat with him, they also pratically revealed the guy who ordered it. Xiao Long suddenly semeed to have a realization and shouted a name with pure rage filling his face, fists clenched.

"XIAO MING!!!!" His shout was so loud and filled with killing intent that it scared Noah and the birds on the trees, that quickly flew away. Some of the guys surrounding him took a step back in fear.

"What are you afraid of?! He is just in the second stage, there is no way he can defend himself from so many second stage cultivators at the same time! Kill him!" The leader guy shouted full of confidence. The other ones in the group also regained their confidence and sprinted to Xiao Long direction with full force, ready to beat him down. Xiao Long glanced at them coldly, emanating pressure that made the leading attackers nearly stop running. He run at a incredible speed forward, hitting one of the group and sending him flying. The guy don't showed any more signs of movement. The rest made frightened faces, with some of them yelling "He is in the third stage!!" out loud in fear. What followed after was a scene of carnage, Xiao Long was killing every enemy who already don't had any will to fight in one hit, even the leader guy who was a third stage and famous in the outer sect, only lasted three moves, saying "This can't be possible..." and dying soon after. Xiao Long wanted to leave soon after.

Xiao Long, who was covered in blood of his enemies, suddenly glanced at the tree Noah was in. Noah had goosebumps all over his body, but he quickly calmed down and all the fear disappeared, leaving only a frightening calmness in him. Xiao Long averted his eyes and left. Noah waited on the spot for nearly twenty minutes, before confirming that Xiao Long really left. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

By what Noah could make from their conversation before the battle, Xiao Long had probabily gotten himself involved with some jade beauty, that with that "Xiao" surname she was probabily from his clan. Xiao Ming had got so jealous that he ordered to kill him. This was also one normal cliche, with the beauty being the only one treating the protagonist normally and being his only friend in the clan, with his arrogant older brother getting envious and punishing him. If things continue at this route, Xiao Ming will probabily try to rape the jade beauty, who will be saved by Xiao Long and fall in love with him. Then Xiao Ming parents will get mad and strike at Xiao Long, who will kill them too, and finally control his clan.

"Well, nothing to do with me." Noah got near the battle site, seeing if there was anything worth taking in the group bodies. His eyes brigthened when he gazed at the group leader hand, wich had a Space Ring in it.