
He still had to wait though, after all the disciples still had to win the preliminaries of the competition before being able to challenge anyone. Your opponents are completely random and you can only lose once, if you lose twice you can go home. The highest rankings above the fifth place don't need to go trough this stage for obvious reasons.

Zou Jing had lost to Xiao Long already, and even though he was knocked unconcious just minutes ago he still forced himself to pass the preliminaries, it would be a disgrace for him to not even be able to pass that. Anyway Noah cheered for his sucess, fighting a opponent that he already planned how to fight and is tired is way better than fighting some unknow guy.

The matches were still going and the audienced was a bit bored, after all right after that excting match there were only ordinary ones. Noah too was getting bored when suddenly he heard the judge Elder.

"Disciple Long Ding!!!" The Elder called his fake name.

Noah got down to the stage in a calm manner, staring at his opponent as he was doing so. By the look of things the guy was a recently advanced second stage disciple. He was staring at Noah in a serious manner like he was about to have a tough fight.

"Ready? Fight!!!" The exact same moment Noah heard the word fight, maybe even a little bit earlier, he ran forward like a bullet, sending a kick to his opponent head. The other disciple was surprised by Noah sudden attack that together with their difference in realms,together with Noah martial arts boosting his speed, he wasn't even able to try defend himself. He got a strong kick of someone a stage above him to the head, and was knocked out on the spot. The disciple fell to the ground like a ragdoll.

Seeing that scene, the audience became silent for some time before starting to become noisy again. Noah heard that they were talking about him.

"Who was that guy? I think he is the third stage!"

"I don't know but seems like we have a new candidate to compete for a place in the inner sect." This is what Noah heard.

The disciples were indeed surprised but not too much, after all the minimum requirement for the disciples to try and compete for a place in the inner sect was to be in the third stage. It was a unspoken rule, and everyone in the ranking and the ones trying to enter it were at least third stage too. Noah also wasn't worried that his progress will catch some elder attention, because his talent wasn't bad by what he got to know.

Anyone with Medium-Low talent is destined to go the inner sect sooner or later, the only weirdo here is Xiao Long, who is advancing in a absurd speed compared to his talent and crushing people stages above him. Noah still wants to know how in hell no one suspects a thing about him having some precious treasure.

Noah fought two more matches and he still crushed his opponents because their difference in stages, at most they just weren't beat as badly as the first guy. The preliminaries soon ended, it was now challenging time. Each disciple could challenge someone of the rankings, and if they win they became that rank, the disciple that was in it would now not be in it anymore.

They could still challenge someone though, so it was normal for them to challenge someone one rank below them if their opponent who defeated them as too strong. Each disciple only had two time to challenge anyone, and they couldn't fight two times with the same opponent. Noah wasn't in a hurry to challenge Zou Jing who successfully passed the preliminaries, because he has an idea of what was about to happen. Almost like comfirming his suspicions, something happened very soon.

Xiao Long shouted something that surprised the whole audience and the participants included.

"I want to challenge Hou Ning!!!" Hou Ning was the second ranked disciple. Noah was sure that he would beat the crap out of him and challenge the first place soon after.