The Deciding Fight

Noah was right, this was just the calm before the storm. When the crowd was beginning to get bored, Xiao Long went to the stage to the surprise of everyone and shouted something that left even the judge Elder dumbfounded.

"Qiu Long, I challenge you!! Come and fight me if you dare!!" The crowd exploded in noise.

"The trash has lost his mind!!! He wants to challenge Senior Brother Qin!!" And they are calling him trash again...

"He thinks he can beat the first place just because he beat the second? He is too cocky!!" Noah doesn't understand how is that being cocky.

"He has eyes but can't see Mount Tai!!" A classic.

In the middle of all these comments about how Xiao Long was too cocky, a person slowly walked into the stage. He had the normal black eye and hair that everyone had, his hair was long, and his glare was cold. He simply stared at Xiao Long, not showing any signs of being enraged. The crowd suddenly became quiet.

"You know what are you doing right now?" Qiu Long suddenly asked Xiao Long, still glancing at him.

"You are challenging the impossible. You winning against me right now is not something that can happen. I will give you a chance to give up right now." Qiu Long said all of that in a normal tone, without a single bit of arrogance in it, like his superiority was something natural.

Hearing him, Xiao Long shook his head and grinned. He stared at Qiu Long with eyes that seemed to have flames in them, his willpower was not something small. Qiu Long had a slight change in expression seeing his piercing gaze.

"I won't give up." Said Xiao Long while getting into a stance. It was the first time Noah saw Xiao Long getting serious in this competition.

"Hope you won't regret it then." Qiu Long didn't get in any sort of stance, and out of his body came a pressuring force that startled everyone.

"Peak of the forth stage!!! Senior Qiu Long is in the peak of the forth stage!!!"

"That trash is finished. I bet he can't take three moves before losing!!"

"Three moves? He won't last a single move!!"

The crowd was in a uproar, everyone was either admiring Qiu Long or mocking Xiao Long. Noah only changed his expression once he felt Qiu Long aura, but he knows very well who is going to win this fight. He was just curious how Xiao Long was going to do it.

The judge elder lifted his hand and crowd completely stopped talking, all of them watching with attention what was about to happen, the judge elder hand started going down, time seemed to slow down while his hand slowly reached it's destination.

"FIGHT!!!!" And soon came the shout that marked the beginning of the battle.

Xiao Long ran forward like a leopard, preparing punch Qiu Long chest. He was using his Earth Shattering Fist, second form. The same punch that completely destroyed Zou Jing. Qiu Long didn't change his expression simply caught the upcoming fist, without moving a single step back.

Xiao Long quickly moved back, but Qiu Long chased after him at a incredible speed. He seemed to leave afterimages as he moved in front of Xiao Long, punching him the chest. The punch seemed normal, without any martial art technique in it but Xiao Long still suffered great damage rolling on the ground a few times before standing up trembling a bit.

Noah realized that Qiu Long was not giving his all, or else with the difference in strength between the both of them he could have ended up the fight with a single strong move. He really wondered what hell a guy strong like him was doing still in the outer sect. It was almost like he conveniently decided to stay to have a epic fight with the protagonist.

Xiao Long didn't give up and tried to punch Qiu Long again, this time he used the third form of the Earth Shattering Fist, the same one he used to beat Hou Ning. Qiu Long caught the fist again, this time moving a single step backwards. He suddenly started saying something with Xiao Long trembling fist still in his hand.

"It's useless. Beating someone one stage above you is something only heavenly genius are able to do. Your talent is too low, you never will be able to do it." His expression was still the same, like he already predicted everything that would happen in this fight. Noah almost face palmed, the guy just set a flag.

Xiao Long backed off again and Noah with his sharp vision was sure he saw the ring in his finger glow for a second. Xiao Long started grinning like he was going crazy.

"Only heavenly genius are able to do it,huh?" Everyone felt something from Xiao Long at the moment. His aura suddenly exploded, and some people were hit with a familiar feeling. It was the feeling of a breakthrough. He advanced in the middle of the fight.


"How can he advance to the forth stage just like that?!" No one in the crowd except Noah could believe in what they were seeing.It was not like breaking through in the middle of a fight never happened, but Xiao Long Had Low Level talent!! And he started cultivating just weeks ago!! Also, it normally only happened in fights to the death, when the potential of the body was forcefully used up to have a sudden advancement.

"You.... This is impossible...." Qiu Long had a shocked face for the first time in this fight.

"If I can't beat someone a stage above me, then I just need to become the same stage as them , right?" Said Xiao Long while smiling. It was a ridiculously simple logic. You couldn't find anything wrong with it for more dumb it may sound like.

"YOU...." Qiu Long took the initiative to attack the first time in this fight, he seemed serious this time. he was trying to end it now. Xiao Long simply smiled seeing this scene, and the crowd suddenly felt a illusory weight coming from him. He lifted his fist and spoke something, he didn't say it out loud but everyone heard it clearly.

"Earth Shattering Fist, Fourth Form, Continental Shatter!" He punched the fast Qiu Long coming at his direction like he already knew where he would be, Qiu Long speed was useless to avoid it.


The punch was absurdly strong. It formed cracks beneath Xiao Long feet, while Qiu Long was sent flying to the arena walls.

A minute of absolute silence.

No one could comprehend what just happened. Qiu Long was lying in the arena walls, with blood coming out of his mouth, the arm he used to take the punch bent in a weird angle. The cloth in his chest torn up, and the walls behind him had slight cracks on them. He was unconscious. Xiao Long was standing on the arena, not moving a single muscle.

"Winner, Xiao Long!!" After a long time of waiting, the dumbfounded judge elder finally announced the winner.


Like he was waiting for this, Xiao Long finally collapsed on the ground.