Chapter 3

It was nearly noon. The sun shines really bright and hot. It's been every day I am walking in our dear village. The gray bricks are what make the houses and most buildings here. Some had porches, some had simple facades, and some had lawns with beautiful flowers. Next to people's houses are their personal barnyards for their animals. Well, our house is quite different because it is entirely wooden.

A few minutes passed and I finally made it here in the district market. A lot of people are here. And I'm all alone. My friends had gone home for lunch after we had some lecture from Kevon. I think I've gone crazy earlier. But I don't know, before we left, I just said, "I'll be a hunter." Then we cheered.

"Gosh, no wolf ever visited our village like what happened to Adrian last night." last time I've heard.

"I think that's the capitol's order from the inner wall council." this line followed.

Everyday, I hear people's conversation. All of it comes into one topic, about me. My eyes catch people's eyes but I keep on diverting my head. If I can't hold back, I just bow my head down. I don't know what to feel about what am I hearing, to be guilty, to be ashamed or to be glad.

"Adrian's really tough since he was a little boy. Girls will easily fall for him."

"But he might do something terrible, killing something rare. He never changed. Seemed things from the past cannot easily veil with several discretions from the inner wall. Have you heard about the tag?"

"There he is. He's still looks the same, just like when he was a kid. His old folks raised him well despite how he'd been through, after all those seven years."

"The agony of remembering that deathful tragedy is far more than painful than any deep wound. What's more of remembering what really had happened, it makes my bones chill."

"Yeah, and it aid to raise him strong as a notorious young man. He should be very careful. How about the others?"

I don't want to hear anything. I am upset because I don't want people talk about me. I am trying to ignore them but their voices are too powerful for me.

Today's the least I had spotted people gossiping about me, about how I survived to something I can't remember, about how scary I am in my stuff and all other things which for me are very vague. In my everyday with the middle aged-people, I seemed to be the major point of discussion. They seemed so amazed about me, about what I am now and the life I could possibly lead ahead, but at the end, they converse dreadful, highfalutin statements which usually make me think for the rest of the day. I think they meant to make it difficult to understand especially for me.

I tried to ask grandpa about how people see me especially here in the district market where I met people I barely or mostly, I never know. But all I can get is cheer, no any other response. And it is just the same thing I feel when I am with the people am always with and the old men. I find it weird that the gossips just run through middle-aged people, not in the teens and barely in old men. It made me think it is a part of discretion or in middle-aged people, irresistible expression for something I am really close.

Along with thinking, I finally reached the meat store. It's the last store in the market, closer to the edge of district capitol vicinity. I was about to buy chicken meat and eventually the spices Grandma needs for our special chicken dish.

"Hi Adrian!", the girl in the store greeted me.

Oh, it was Alice, my beautiful friend. She's about to go my age, turning 17. She ties her rusty hair on a ponytail. She looks good with her brown apron-like dress. As always. 

She's not late for the academy, not like me. I am a couple of months older than her. It just so happen that her birthday arrives earlier than the roster call. Old folks say it's because of the final exam, most especially in the hunter school that last from weeks to months. It naturally delays, they said.

I replied, "Oh hi. It's a good day, isn't it?"

"Are you alright now Adrian? How's your wound?" she asked while holding the chicken that I was going to buy.

"Yeah I'm alright. And it's absolutely fine", I replied over a smile despite what I feel.

"Everyone in the village knows what happened to you. Almost everyone worried if you're gonna uhhh.." she muttered and turned her eyes from me.

"It's alright Alice. I managed to escape. Here." I said fast. I hand her money bills for the chicken she handed in exchange. I know what she means that I might gonna die. I know I am having my mood swings right now and I am still upset so I had to go now. Then, I turned my back. As I walk, I heard she called me.

I replied, "Why?" without turning.

"Please come tonight Adrian, you and our lovebird friends." she smiled.

"Ok. I'll go. I'll tell them.", I said while turning my back. I added while taking my step to the spices store, "Happy birthday. "

I had stepped far but I know she'd heard me. I don't hear a reply. I know she's blushing again.

Newsflash, today's her birthday. Maybe she'd thought I had forgotten that's why she called me back. I just want to see what she will do. One harsh boy here, on his mood swings, playing with a beautiful girl. Every year, I ask her if who's the first one to greet her on her birthday. I am yearly surprised to know that's me. Many think she is my girlfriend, and a few times I thought about it myself, like we are together, and acting like the thought is reality. I don't know. I just can't remember. This time, I don't ask her. I don't care if I am not the first one. I greeted her on my back for me not to see her blushing again. Believe me she's blushing, every single day I buy at her store.

For the moment, I took a glance at the district capitol. The wind blew and its façade caught my attention. I started to walk towards its gate. The lawn is painted with short green grasses and blue, white and violet flowers. The capitol house is white brick two-storey building. The bombastic façade of the building is a huge dual door with a golden lion face engravings. The capitol fence is a row of tall black spears planted in the ground lying along the vicinity.

I walked right next to the spear gate. There are hunter guards nearby the doors scouting having their spears, bows and arrows. I think Mr. Chanester's inside. Was sneaking in a good idea?

Then, I heard the doors opening. I tried to hide myself in a short tree nearby the spear fence and watched over the tree trunk. People I think at the age of mid-20's are coming out of the building rowed in triangular position. They are wearing very long black robe with golden linings on its sides and fists. They also wear black boots. The last one who had gone out was an old man in a very long black cape. He has bouncy white hair flying in the air. All of them are in tiger look. They took few more steps and stopped walking very stiff.

My chest pound when I saw Kevon last coming out. After few seconds, every one of them shakes their hands and bowed with each other. Then, they made their way out of the vicinity. I kept myself hidden along the trunk and have a seat on a buttress root. I heard an old man spoke.

"You know the rules, Kevon. Keep the kid until the initiation is over." He said. "It is not surprising what he made. But it shouldn't be though. Everything to happen should be kept congruent.''

"I understand. " Kevon replied. "Everything is under control."

What's he saying? Who are those guys? I asked myself. Then, all of a sudden, they were all gone.

"Hey! What are you doing there kid?", a deep voice entered my ears.

I jolted and held my breath. A guard was standing in front of me. I froze with sudden fear. My breath holds itself. I can't feel my feet to stand.

"Ahh." I stammered in shock. The man's tiger eyes look upon me as if he may eat me.

"Excuse me sir." A soft voice came into the way. I saw nearby a beautiful girl, having a rust-blonde hair that shines along the sunlight.

The man turned his head and gave her a look. She said, "I'm with him, I suppose. We are about to practice for our dance tonight." Then, she gazed upon me, "What are you doing there Adrian? Come on. Get up."

Nervousness flooded up my head.

"Oh, I see", the man turned his look to me furiously as he answers her but I ruled my eye to the girl. It took this long for me to realize it was Alice. He continued while I steal the chance to get up on my knees, "This place is not a place to play kids. Whenever you'll be around again like this, you will report to the chief this instant. Understood?"

I nodded. Then, he commanded us to leave the vicinity. We walked towards the market without looking back. I know, he still has his furious tiger look on me. I know, I've done something weird.

"Have we gone far?" I asked without turning while trembling inside.

"Yes. Now." She answered. We stopped walking. Then, she faces me.

"Thanks with that, Alice." I said lonely, looking her in the eyes. She gave me a beautiful smile on her face. You're beautiful. I can't say.

"Well, about it, you owe me that." She said smiling and nipped my nose.

"About what?" I said, puzzling what she is talking about. Wait a second…

"Have you forgotten it that fast Adrian? Well, I mean it. I never lie. I was to tell you about it when you quickly went away so, I ran through here." She made me tangled on my mind. What is it?

"The dance." As I remembered, I had my eyes popped out. Is she serious? I never danced before. Before I made a remark, she said, "You can't say no my dear friend. Well, since now, I don't have an escort yet for my celebration tonight."

I still had my eyes popped out and muted. Then, I felt her soft hands touch mine. She begged, "Please. Please. I really would appreciate it Adrian."

Well, ahh, what can I do? I will surely break the heart of this girl if I say no, so, in blank face, I said, "Alright."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She shouted and pulled my shoulders in a tight hug. She braced her arms on my neck and pressed her cheeks on mine.

My head blew up. I deeply froze myself at that moment. I was so shocked that my chest pounds hard as she pressed against me. This is the first time a girl embraced me as far as I can remember. I can't help but to freeze. Suddenly my body felt goosebumps.

"See you tonight, Adrian." I suddenly felt she released and gone away.

I am still frozen on my way. Out of nowhere, I felt a smile lining along my face.


"Adrian, where have you been this long?" Grandma asked as she made her way to the kitchen. I put my slippers under the porch. I reached home late, about a half hour after our usual lunch time.

"Sorry. I've been with Alice for few minutes." I replied while entering the house. I got my vest off me and placed it to the nearest chair. I continued, "That girl's too silly. She asked me to be her escort tonight."

She turned her head to me while holding the pan. Her eyebrows are raised and her eyes seemed to be narrowed with a creepy smile. I can't read what she feels.

"It looks like you're going to catch a mate, my boy." She said blankly. She continued, "Just don't break a girl's heart. It's like a rare treasure if she falls for you. It is all yours and no one has the right to get it."

"Hey! It's not like that, though I said 'yes'." I defended myself. I made my way to my room. I said to Grandma, "Grandma, I'll be here at my room. Please call me later for lunch."

I thought she's going to tease me.

Lunch time. Grandpa invited some of their friends at their age to join us. With us are Mr. Snowe and Mr. Froyd. It's not new to me to be with old folks and to hear their conversations about their time back in the day when they were young. I kept my ears listening to them while sipping my soup.

"You know Frank, it's been a year since my granddaughter entered the walls." Mr. Froyd said. He's a quite thin man, and slightly older than my grandpa. He's holding a cup of juice. He emptied his cup and turned his eyes to me. He continued, "Adrian, you'll give your grand folks a worry by keeping apart, just like what your friend did to me."

I gave him a fast gaze by darting my eyes on him followed by a zipped smile, then, I continued my meal. Well, I barely know who is his granddaughter.

"I remember back in the day, when we are at our kids' age, when we had that agility, we defeated monstrosity!" Mr. Snowe declaimed and raised his cup of juice. He's fatter than Grandpa but having almost the same built and of course, white hairs.

Deep shouts of old voices followed. Then, everyone except me, raised their cups in the midst of the table, like having a toast.

I am still listening to their conversations about how they kill huge monsters outside the walls. It is really interesting. "By the way Frank, do you still have that lion jaw?" Mr. Snowe asked Grandpa.

"I gave it to Adrian on his 10th birthday. You know my grandson is into our stuff very much." Grandpa answered straight. His eyes bounced to me, "Right Adrian?"

I nodded. Right the answer, my head was struck with throb.

"I didn't know if he keeps it under his pillow and talks to it every night." Grandpa said followed by a smile for me. It had few moments to pass before I realized my Grandfather is trying to tease me again. Everyone had a great laugh. I just got a grin.

Mr. Snowe replied, "You're too mean to your grandkid, Frank. Well, bad for you."

"Why? Adrian can't get a blow of me. I'm his Grandpa." My dear grandfather replied once again, teasing me for the record. I kinda laugh but not as hard as them. The pain in my head nearly buries deep within.

"You'll kinda miss it." Mr. Snowe remarked then paused for a cup of juice. He continued, "You know, when he's gone inside the walls, you don't have a boy to tease."

"That's ok. I'm here to tease him back for Adrian." Surprisingly, Grandma butts in.

Then again, everyone laughed, harder than the first time. The dining room is filled with voices of them, old men talking while in the middle of lunch. It is always ended up with mouth-ripping laughter.

Mr. Froyd said, "That lion jaw makes me remember how I am pretty much like your grandson back in the day, to have that feeling right now, to fleet in the air and then, suddenly blast up into a horrible fold of secrets."

It caught my attention all at once. Then, full silence.

"Ah!" another prickling pain shot my head. But I ignored it.

I look him straight on his face and paused myself in focus. Only for few more moments, I realized that the three old men and my grandma are passing each other glances. The smile on their faces suddenly shifted into a more serious scary looks. Their eyes narrowed, particularly the look of Grandpa and Mr. Snowe to Mr. Froyd.

"Come on. Enough with that Frank." Mr. Froyd said raising his cup of juice like he was drunk. He continued after a pause, grabbing my Grandpa's right shoulder, "He'll be shaken into his bones, my dear friend. You don't need to keep it hard."

"Grandpa, what's he saying?" I asked. Horrible fold of secrets huh?

A soft whisper flashed inside my mind, "You cannot defeat me. You will rot here as long as I live." I tried to ignore it once again and rolled my head.

I saw how my Grandpa's eyes turned ferocious, nailing the eye downward right before I asked him. Mr. Froyd had a sip on his cup. Mr. Snowe keeps his eyes on the two.

"You'll know lad and...."

"Enough!" a hard slam on the table first filled my ears after hearing my Grandpa's deep, angry voice. He stood, having a hard grip on his fist. Then, he directed his eyes on me. He commanded, "Adrian, please go to your room if you are done already. Your head might be in pain again with these things you hear."

What? Do Grandpa knows my head starts to fire right now? It is only the time I heard him said that.

Silence covered the room for few seconds. Grandma broke up, "Who wants dessert? Let me get you gentlemen."

It can be heard that the feet of the chair pushed against the floor as grandma leaves.

"One here, Mrs. Guste." Mr. Snowe said, raising his hand.

I suddenly felt there is something going on that I don't clearly understand. I am nearly done eating my lunch. I think Grandpa's looking at me, but I don't lift my eyes up as I had bites of fruit salad Grandma just made. I feel, this conversation is not going to end well.

He's right. The pain in my head starts to hollow inside and I think I need some sleep.

"I'm done. Grandpa, Grandma, I'll just go get some sleep for Alice's party tonight." I said as I stand. My grandparents bowed their head.

I made my way to my room and closed the door. I laid my back on the quilts on the floor. I slowly closed my eyes, waiting to float in the curtains of slumber. But I can't. I crossed my legs on the other and pillowed my arms. The late noon is somehow relaxing though it is quite hot. I just can't hold some sleep.

"You just can't hold your mouth Froyd. You know the law forbids us to talk about that. What the lad's experiencing is beyond your personal knowledge."

"You know we can't keep it to him and to others that sort of truth. Their lives are on the line."

"If only you could hoard him inside this Guste, but it is impossible."

"I know. I can't deny that he and those kids have to go, even if we don't want to. I don't know what will happen next. The wolf is just the start."

"Winning a year is good enough for troubles to change his mind."

"And yet, your plan failed. His decisions are whole. And even he doesn't want to, they'll make him want to."

"He has too. Or many will die."

"If only there are other years for him to miss."

"If there are, then  we are all dead. No more child to be born, not in time."

Their voices scramble through my ears like a million whispers. Their deep and excavating tones of speech disrupts the natural sounds produced outside. Though vivid, I can't understand any of it. Those statements are conceived with phrases weaved together to form a continuous less melodic song—with senseless meaning.

Right before my eyes close, my mind uttered, "I can defeat you. You will be the one to rot here as long as I live."