Chapter 4

Just got my clothes on for my friend's birthday party and I even look more handsome. Looking me in the mirror makes me laugh at myself. I've changed a lot, I say. Man, I look like a grown-up, a prince for a beautiful princess. Really I am.

I got my hair brushed up on sides, while wearing dark brown robe with sleeves folded through my arms and a maroon vest over black pants. I had on my hip tied Grandpa's old but still awesome hunter belt. It is made up of crocodile skin flattened in leather. It is still hard and bony. His daggers or swords usually hang through this thing. And lastly, I wore a pair of black shoes I rarely wear, like a gentleman.

"Bye!!!!" I yelled while sliding the door. I heard Grandpa answered back, "Careful, my boy. See you tomorrow."

I grabbed my short knife and hanged on my hip while keep looking behind. I don't want my folks see me sneaking some of this stuff in a very occasion. Well, my hunches got the best of me.

The village's news town crier announced earlier in our afternoon rounds that the wolf which hunted me was already buried at the edge of the district, a way too far from here.

Good thing. No wolf. I just wondered where it came from and why it had attacked me. What Mr. Chanester said still bothered me. Maybe I was just being paranoid to think I will miss my chance for this year's roster call because of the incident. I don't want to miss another chance of entering the academy. There's no way I would slip my future in the mud once again. I will defeat him and he will rot with all the pain he caused me.

Dusk finally arrived as the skies were filled with flickering sands of light. No clouds reign and the moon has its powerful shine. Its light curtains the world as I gaze above while walking. I passed through the houses in our village, still have their lights while the chimney's exhaling out smoke.

At last, I finally made to my destination. Alice's family had a large lawn. All those tables and seats were arranged out there. Every table had pink covers and a candle light in the middle. Light reflects from the inside of the house. People started to arrive and already took their seats. There are only few middle-aged and old men and women. Young people had occupied most of this occasion. Casual chatter amplified from where I am.

I guess the party just started while I'm still on the other side of their spear gate, waiting someone to fetch me. People started to glance at me, then suddenly sharing whispers, as if puzzling themselves what am I doing here. I felt melting all of a sudden.

Her family is filthy rich because her father operates the farm that supplies the entire village its local livestock. Her mother also manages the local leather shop. Most of the apparel and shoes are bought in their shop. They had large mansion, and this grand lawn, I am beholding. Quite the influence, I suppose, and here I am, the lone wolf missing his pack who chose to mess with species not his own. But why I am here, you ask? Alice's parents have been very busy, leaving her alone most of the time. So, I always come here to visit her, but sometimes I bring with me Mike and Jenny. There's this one moment in our lives that people around their house thought I am Hewdon's long lost heir, as others think I am Alice's brother. People around our village thought I am her suitor.

But everything changed since last year. It was the time when I lost my slot. I thought my life is over, then I stopped seeing everyone around, until my grandparents compelled me to do some chores, hence forcing me to connect with people once again. Everyday, grandma wanted some chicken, only for me to see Alice. I never hated anyone, it's just, I can't feel moving forward. Then Kevon came and turn everything around.

"Wow. Too cool tough guy." A voice interrupted my line of thought. Alice appeared on my front.

"Whoa. You scared me." I replied. My chest pounded. I jolted followed by a stunning stare at her. She's so beautiful with her golden gown that lines down the ground. She's even more beautiful than ever. Her hair is on its straightness and her eyes are sparkling in every look. Her slight grin is more than enough to make my night complete.

Saying yes, wasn't bad at all. To a simple dog killer like me, this is much. I just hope she'll not notice how I like her now so much.

"Adrian?" just as I heard. I asked myself before I knew it already happens.

"Yeah…" I said out of thin air while staring at her.

She coughed then pretended to clear her throat. This is awkward.

"Oh what? Sorry." I said, pretending nothing happened. Got to hold myself up and cover.

She blushed then turned her head away. This is crazy. I can't utter words than the usual.

"So…" I grunted. I continued without thinking, "What are we going to do tonight? Believe me, it's my first time to dance."

"It'll be ok. We will be fine." She replied. She got my arms and hooked her left as she started to pull me, "Come on. Mom and Dad are waiting for you."

Suddenly, flattery filled my nerves. I never did this before. This is really crazy.

We walk in the aisle of a red carpet in the middle of the lawn. Its end is the front of their mansion, where Alice's parents are waiting, talking in a banquet table. Alice's left arm tightens on my right.

Young women are wearing glittering gowns in varying colors, pink, black, white, yellow and they looked beautiful for tonight. Young men had their robes on just like me, having their hair styled on sides. Some of them wear white gloves and long hat on their heads. In every step, I can't help to chill when I realize they are pointing their eyes on us as we walk through their sight. People had their mouths, holing open, I guess for a surprise.

I can't do anything but to put my eyes straight on the way. Just hurry the steps on.

"Hey, Adrian!" my ears caught from the front. Then, my sight caught a waving hand from somewhere. It was Michael. He continued to wave his hand as we met in gaze.

I gave him a couple of waves. He's with his girlfriend of course and Kevon in the same table. Michael have his great smile, best fit with his black robe and Jenny had her bloody red gown, matched with her fierce-looking red lips. She gave Alice nice smile as I see from drifting my eyes. Kevon is somehow different. He doesn't smile even though we exchanged glances. He just gave us a slow bow, with a look nailed on me. He had his brown wardrobe and a long black hat on his head. He also had a metal cane, with a red crystal on top.

My neck turned my head straight as we reached the end of the carpet. Alice's parents smiled. Alice's dad wears a white robe and a pair of golden eyeglasses. He's middle aged man but with growing white hairs. Alice's mom wears a white gown too. Her hair is tied on the back. Unlike her husband, she has a very black hair.

"Adrian, done with the first part." Alice whispered which made my ear tickle.

"What?" I asked softly. I almost died, if you want to know.

But before she answers back, her mother looked at me and said, "Good evening Adrian, my boy. I'm glad you graced us with your presence and granted our daughter's wish despite of what happened to you."

"Indeed." Her father interrupted, "She even asked for you to be her date tonight, although a lot of young men expressed their sincerest intents since this morning. After all, you've been growing up with us among other young fellows at your age. We know you well, son. And you're growing handsome, that which made me think why she deemed for you."

"Well, it's flattering. Thank you for me being here tonight." I replied while patting the back of my head. Chills rose against my spine.

"DAD!" Alice yelled. Her cheeks went red like mine. She didn't expect her father will rat her out in front of well, me.

Her father held my left shoulder. He followed, "It's good we have you this early, my child. May you enjoy tonight's occasion."

I just replied a polite grin and bowed. Here are my blushing go again. Can anyone remind me, how did I get myself in this situation?

"Come on." Alice said softly, like a whisper and slowly turned me away from her parents.

It's our last party here on our dear district before the future. I believed him. That made my blushing go away. It is because the future for us ahead lies not on this place, but inside the walls. He'll never use that fear to control me once again. Seven years are long enough to bear. I just thought out of nothing.

Alice let go of my arm. She left me a few inches away from her parents. She made her way in the center of the front. Then, she made a speech.

"Good evening everyone." She started. The crowd easily draw their heads as she speaks, "First of all, I would like to thank you all for being here tonight. May this night be the start of the times of fulfilling our dreams. Tonight, join me on my 17th birthday to the fun before we face the future."

Everyone stood and clapped their hands and yelling with merry voice. I didn't know she could speak in front of many people. Well, rich people. It's not something I should be surprised about.

"Let's get this party started." She announced then scooted towards me. Then, she grabbed my shoulders and embraced me with her arms.

I felt startled. What's wrong with you?

"Hey?" I said. Few moments passed and she's still on her tight embrace. Everyone crowded the whole lawn. The music played and everyone danced. So, I guess no one minds us.

She suddenly said, "Thanks for being with me tonight Adrian. My time is drawing near, that I can no longer be with you, ever again."

"Is it the end of the world?" I said sarcastically. She didn't answer but replied me an angry glare. Her mouth pouted. I replied back, "Just messing around. Come on and teach me the thing you call dance. After all, you put me into this, then pay the consequences."

Then I let out a crazed laugh.

I pulled her through the crowd, avoiding her face with her reaction. Everyone crowding the way suddenly get organized as the slow instrumental music starts to play. Boys hold their partners on the waist. Girls hold the boys on their shoulders. I don't face Alice but I hold her hand tight. Then, I turned my body to face her.

"Alright. Let's get started." I said. I let her put her hands on my shoulders then, I do what other boys are doing. I remembered in a flash what she said earlier with the guard. I asked before we start to move our feet, "I thought you said to the guard in the capitol vicinity that we are about to practice this?"

"Ahhhh........" she blurted, drifting her eyes away from me. We started to 'dance'. She instructs some simple movements of hands and feet. She answered, "I was overwhelmed that you really said, 'yes' so I ran back home that fast."

"You don't have to go through all that ruckus. You should just tell me far ahead, so that I could prepare well for this charade." I replied. We are waving each other's body toward left and right. Then, she held my right hand on her left. She let her body in a full turn, twisting our grip up.

Then, she fell on my arms. Slightly shocked, I caught her back. Now, our heads drove downward. Our noses are about an inch apart.

"Good catch." She said. I quickly pulled my body up and made her on her pace. It seems a blushing thing but, I don't care. She continued, "Something is different with you tonight, Adrian. When did you say no?"

I just grinned with what she said. Along with my grin was a grasp of memories from the past. It's true. I never say no to everything she offers me in her favor, and mine too, at most. I don't know why. Maybe I just liked her. We are really close, but I never asked her if we could be together like Mike and Jenny. A side of me holds back that it should not be.

"Hey, which reminds me, why are you sneaking outside the district building?" she asked all of a sudden.

We continued to do the same body movements through the flow of that instrumental music playing. Lovely.

"Just searching for details about that greasy wolf", I answered blankly.

Behind my mind, I was thinking about Kevon. Why was he there? Why he was with those old guys? What is he controlling? I wished to ask him about it but I'm afraid he'll drop talking the issue since it's far beyond my concern. Or isn't? Of course, he would mind telling me some news about that crazy thing. But, he told me not a word.

"That's why you have your knife then. Just in case, you'll protect me." Alice's voice dropped in my ears. I never realized I was staring to nowhere, moving her body unnoticed.

"Yeah. Yeah." I just said without comprehending the statement.

I swayed Alice's body in the air along with myself, completing one whole turn. My sight swivels around the people dancing. At a swing, I caught Kevon, staring at me. His eyes are sharp, mouth zipped straight and pupils darting back and forth. No doubt, he was watching me. I noticed he's the only one left on the table where Mike and Jenny seated. What is with him?

Then, he stood up. He was still looking at me, somewhere else on my body, wobbling through Alice. His facial expression gets intensified. Then, he quickly disappeared from where he stands.

The music slowly faded, the concluding sign of this dance. Alice and I continued to sway each other's body. I finally figured out how to dance for about a couple of minutes. As the music made its end, Alice holds my both hands with hers. I see partners slowly walking back to their seats. I held her left hand tight as we go through the table in front where her parents were seated. After few moments, dinner was served by the butlers for each table.

"Excuse me." surprisingly Michael appeared on my back. He whispered, "Adrian, have you seen Kevon?"

"Huh? He's at your table, right? But he went somewhere while the dance is on." I answered, looking at him at my back.

"Thanks Adrian. Maybe he went home this early. You know, his wife is kind'a sick." Mike concluded. Then he went back with Jenny. Weird. Kevon never told me about it.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" a loud screeching scream filled the air. It was a girl's. Far away. Deep in the dark outside.

It lasted for seconds infiltrating my ears. The sound's coming closer, getting louder and painful. The voice was like panting. The girl was running through—towards this place.

Everyone stood up on their chairs. A piece of silence fleeted in a moment.

Then, the horrifying, more intensified scream followed. Everyone exclaimed loud screams. All our nerves seemed to bust out. Girls grabbed the boys' chest and buried their faces. The boys braced their arms on their partners head. Few fellows run through the open spear gate. Some were stunned without knowing what is going on.

I rushed up through the red carpet aisle, leaving Alice in the embrace of her dad. The crowd is frozen in fear. I sensed Michael behind me and some young men. As I am making through my way, the crowd on the sides are stepping back, trembling while had a fearful look of what's ahead of us.

My head ruled my eyes to the spear fence, then to the opened spear gate. The dim faded as the lights shine bright on the open wide gates, but few feet ahead was pitch black.

That made my feet stepped back. Then, the sound of small thumps occurred. The place is so silent that the sounds are so loud. Something was emerging on the dark. I slowly recognize its shape but its background is all pitch black. My pupils narrowed. The thing was small, and moving, like the thing I seen just recently.

My feet suddenly went coward. I realized I was stepping back. People behind me trembled. I jolted. A pair of yellow balls floating in the gloom appeared.

What I saw daunted me in terror.

"It…. It's…. It's a huge wolf." I whispered stammering to anyone who could hear me.

Terrified screams burst out from people behind us. The screeching sound of girl's scream suddenly floated in the atmosphere.


The monster slowly thumped to the light. It growled loud. Its body is black, its furs are waved without direction, and it is surprisingly huge, bigger than what had attacked me. Its head had a long snout. It stretches revealing the rows of sharp teeth. They are like fangs rowed on its gums.

"Rwawrp!" It barked. I feel my heart stopped beating.

Am I gonna be killed tonight—or gets my hand bloody again? Will he win? No, I'm not gonna let that happen.

The wolf galloped towards me. It let out its jaw. I felt the cold wind sharply drove through my skin, and gusted upward. I crossed my arms up above my head.

"Hahp!" I gasped, closing my eyes.

"Huh?" my head reflexed upward.

The wolf high jumped above me. All its limbs are stretched out.

Then it messed-up.

Its hind feet slapped on my face. It stumbled in the air. My legs dangled off the ground. My body slammed slapped on the carpet. The belly of the wolf crashed on my face. One of its nipples was plugged inside my nose. My lips were flipped, filled with its slipping wet furs. I closed my eyes, until the wolf pressed my body hard burying me down. I felt some of my joints dislocated.

Gross. With all strength in my arms, I pushed it upward until it jumps away. It stepped on my chest with its dirty hind feet. I pushed my body up to sit. I spit all of my saliva left on my mouth and screamed.

"Ah. Ahhhhh…" someone wailed behind me.

"Ah!!!" I screamed. I turned my neck behind. It was the boy behind me. It's not Michael, it was another boy with a black thick hair tackled by the monster. He was already nailed on the ground. The wolf was on his top.

The wolf, retracted its paws over the boy's chest. It pushes itself against him. I stood straight, almost fell on my knees and scooted closer. The wolf's head dove down. It aimed for his throat, but missed. The boy stretched his hands on his chest. He was holding something that fences the wolf's jaw.

"Rwar, rwar, rwar....Rwap." the wolf growled wildly.

Its snout dove again for his throat—but his arms moved swift. He fenced its jaw once more. His whole body twitched. His hands are shivering while gripping that thing for defense. It was a thick, long wooden candlestick. His arms are gradually pushed down. The wolf drags its head towards him. The dog's nose touched his chin.

"Ahhhh…" he wailed for the last time.

His teeth gnashed and his arm muscles shaped. He pushed up slowly. But it wasn't enough. The wolf is too strong for him—too strong. He can't move it even an inch away.

A scary sound of terror was heard. "Crack…..ccrrackk..."

The candlestick was breaking up.

Not more than few seconds, it crushed in pieces.

The wolf's snout dove down. The air gusted. But his head wobbled. He flailed his feet. The wolf's snout lands on the ground. Its nose crushed and started to bleed. Some of blood from the dog's nose spilled on his face. He grabbed the forelimbs with both hands. He gripped hard, his nails dug the wolf's muscles. He flipped their bodies with all his strength left. The wolf crashed on the ground.

He's now on top.

"Here Buddy!" I yelled out loud, arching my hand in the air and leaving the knife from my belt to an air hurl.

I released a great amount of air terrified inside me when I saw him to catch the knife, luckily not the blade but the handle. He crawled away to the slightly stunned monster. He stood on his knees. The wolf quickly stood up and staggered. Then it leaped and galloped high towards him. His hand swiftly drifted, waiting the wolf to descend.

Before it reached him, the wolf opened its snout and let out its tongue, spitting out blood. It aimed to grab his head with its jaws.

Then, the air gusted in split seconds. He waved his arms then, in a flash stabbed the knife on the wolf's stomach, as I saw the blade penetrating the torso, leaving only the handle was left unburied. He twisted the blade quickly deep to the muscle until it reached the dorsal.

"Die, monster...…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....." the boy screamed in terror when he pulled the blade out of the wolf's stomach, throwing its body in the air.

The blood quickly gushed out and rained.

Before the wolf fell, he waved the blade many times. Blood burst out showering, sprinkling to him.

Before the wolf meet the ground, its neck was torn apart from its body. Its skin was flipping, while the blood showers and curdles. Its head drove down, falling with a bloody splash on the ground. Its torn body gently falls. Then, the boy let out a crazy grin on his bloody sprinkled face when his eyes darted on the wolf.