Seeing S city below she had remembered what happened the past five years and never once did she ever regret leaving the Yan family after all if she didn't would she have met the love of her life.

All of a sudden a big pair of hands landed on her shoulders and a kiss fell upon the crown of her head. "What are you thinking". Yumi lifted her head and some strings of his silky back hair touched her face. "Just thinking about how an amazing husband you are". She gave me a cute smile so made him kiss her. "Oh is that so, so I will leave you to it". He kissed her again before siting beside her.

After 13 hours everyone got off the private plane and went on to Ruyu's home in Japan which will be come the home of Yumi now. As they rode their car and stopped in a red light many people were staring at them, whether they were at the sidewalks or in their own cars.

Ruyu loves cars and has a collection of over a dozen cars, most of them are limited edition while some are just beautiful like his Rolls Royce or his many super speed sport cars. He had every kind. Being his wife and also loving thrills Yumi to came to love cars, now the couple race around their expensive sport cars like an everyday thing.

All had finally gotten home which they haven't been to in over a year. Yumi was amazed because it was bigger then the one in the US. "Wow". She couldn't hold her excitement any longer, she ran around looking at everything. He could but laugh at his childish wife. "You like it, but it's small we might move to bigger one". Yumi was stunned. "What do you mean, this is big enough for all of us". He walked to her and brushed her hair with his fingers. "What about when we have kids"?

He face turned bright red and she quickly put her face down for him not to see it. "r-r-right". He loved seeing her like this and teasing her. "Yumi you do want to have kids right, because I would love to I don't care if it's a boy or girl". She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a cute kiss. "I would love to, but let me just take care of this issue with my family first, I don't want to have to worry about them causing trouble for us at that time".

He was touched hearing her say that, it meant she cared. "Alright, now lets unpack".

It was night time and as usual the couple were sitting together in the study doing their own things as Yumi sat in the couch looking at her computer, while Ruyu was looking over some documents at his desk. When he finished he came to the couch to sit beside his wife. When he sat down he saw she was looking at cloths. "Babe why are looking at cloths"?.

Only when he he said that did she realized that he was sitting next to her. "Oh well tomorrow I was thinking of going to the Yan family, I want to look presentable". She kept on looking at her computer.

"Babe can you let me do this". She looked at him with a weird look. "What do you mean". He took her computer and started working. "Let me give you surprise, I know your taste of cloths and all so let me dress up my beautiful wife".

She was shock but also curious of what he would do so she just went along with it. "Alright go ahead darling".

Yumi woke by sunlight coming through the window. She stretched out her hand to find that Ruyu wasn't in bed. She thought he already went to breakfast so she to got up to go downstairs. As she was getting up she saw that there was a big box with a silky golden bow on it. When she opened the box saw it was cloths.

She took a bath, put on very little makeup. She didn't like makeup that much neither did Ruyu, she was altitudes glowing without. Living alone for 4 years, Yumi took care of her self pretty well. After doing all that she went downstairs to join the others for breakfast. As she came the into the room, Ruyu's eyes sparked. "Damn, babe your are stunning".

She went up to him and kissed him on his forehead. "That's because my husband has good taste". He tuned his head and looked at her. "I'm cloths or choosing a wife". Everyone their had a laugh. "I guess both".

After they all finished their breakfast, Yumi called Mo. "Mo you know the business world and the underworld, so I was hoping you could do something for me". Mo Saw Yumi as a sister and so did Yumi. They became really over the year they been living together. "Off course do you even have to ask". Yumi took Mo's hand and sat her down. "Since I'm gonna be running some of Ruyu's companies plus the gangs HQ, I was hoping you could be my assistant and my right hand woman, also because I need a top shooter by my side".

Mo screamed as she hugged Yumi. "Oh my god yes". The two discussed many things before Ruyu interrupted them. "Ok you two now that is done I got one more surprise, and Yumi my dear need to be blindfolded for it". Yumi's eyes lit up excited to see the surprise.

Ruyu led his blindfolded wife holding her by her waist and hand. When Mo saw the surprise she screamed her off. "Oh my gosh I can't believe he got you this". Yumi was getting anxious. "Ruyu hurry I want to see it to". He chuckled at her as she was jumping up and down.

He untied the blindfold and after a few blinks Yumi could see the surprise.

It was a black and gold Rolls Royce. Looking at it even more, you could see many tiny golden crown printed in many parts of the car. Even the hood ornament was a shiner 3-D golden crown.

Yumi jumped in his arms. "Oh my god, it's gorgeous". She showered him kisses. Then she suddenly realized something. "Wait did you just get a whole car over night". She looked at him in a bit of anger, as much as she knew Ruyu's expensive tasty she worried he would spend a lot, but then again she remembered his bank account never goes down, EVER.

He couldn't help but to let out a laugh as he saw his little wife looking mad, but she was shorter then him she looked so cute. He pinched her cheeks. "No silly, I been wanting to give this gift and now it looked like a good time, now go and wow them". He gave her a cute kiss on the cheek as he handed her the keys.

She looked excited as Mo handed her purse. She turned around to Ruyu. "How do I look".? He looked at her from head to toe, she was dressed in a shiny black woman's suit that had many gold designs, it was one of a kind suit created by a world famous designer, many woman wanted it even if they weren't business woman, but the price was outrageous. "You look like the queen of the world". She smiled as she went to give him a kiss. "Damn right"

Yumi and Mo got in the car and left, after a few minutes of driving Yumi told Mo to make call, that was going to be the start of her plan.


In the Yan residence.

The butler came speeding into the room with the phone in his hand. "Mr.Yan there was someone on the phone saying they will call back soon and they want everyone to hear what they have to say". The old butler Mr. Bing was drenched in sweat as the words came out of his mouth.

Mr.Yan got up and already started getting angry. "Who is it". His voice as fierce as ever. "I-I don't know sir, they said they could call back in a short while". As the old Mr.Bing finished his sentence the phone the rang. Mr.Yan took the phone out of the butlers hand and answered it. "Who is this"?.

In the car with the Bluetooth connected, Yumi looked at Mo and mouthed her. 'Is the speaker on'. Mo gave her a thumbs up, she had hacked to their phone to make sure the volume was up so everyone heard what she had to say.

"Why hello. It's been a while". Though Mr.Yan couldn't see who it was, by the sound it was a woman of their voice it sounded very powerful, the aura coming from their voice, thought it was a woman's it was hard to miss on how powerful it sounds.

Mr.Yan was losing his patients. "I'm going to ask again, who is this"?. Meanwhile in the car Yumi was grinning from ear to ear. "Aw that's disappointing, you can't even remember your own daughters voice father".

As soon as she finished her sentence everyone in the room got up from their seats to lean in closer. "Y-Yumi it's you". His eyes widened as he asked the question. She laughed. "Yeah the one and only, anyways I'll be at the gate in a few minutes, be sure to open it for me. Bye for now".

Just like that the called ended, everyone was shocked even the maids who happen to eavesdrop.

There was one thing going through everyone's head that and that was. 'Yumi is back'!!