Everyone's eyes were all wide open after what they just heard. Many were happy to hear that she was back and that was only the maids and Mr. Bing, while others prayed for her not to return. One of them was Akira Yan, Yumi's half sister and the other was Akane Hori, Akira's mother.

Akane was asked to her husband who looked like he was about to lose his temper. "Dear please calm down". Akira saw this as an opportunity to say something, she ran and wrapped her arms around her fathers. "Mother's right,Yumi probably came back to ask us for money, she had no money, no education she couldn't possibly survive on her own"

Mr.Yan believed his daughter and wife. "Your daughter is right dear, why don't we wait for her out side".

They all agreed and went outside including Mr. Bing, while the maids opened the windows to see what was going to happen.

Sure enough after a minute or so another call came through and Mr.Bing brought the phone from inside to go Mr. Yan. He answered it thinking it was Yumi again. "What do you want"?. The person on the other side of the phone was startled. "I-I'm sorry sir, but there's a woman here called Yumi Yan, I called to ask about if I should let her through or not".

Once Mr.Yan realized it was the security guard, he calmed down a bit. "Yes let her in". Th call soon ended.

Akira couldn't wait to see her sister, not because she missed her but because she gets to humiliate her. She thought of many ways she would make Yumi beg for money, she was so excited at the thought of it.

After two minutes had passed by, the Yan family could hear a car coming. All their eyes wide open as they saw what kind of car it was. Akira couldn't believe her eyes she thought to their self. 'Who could it be that they would come by such an expensive car'?.

The car parked right in front of them as they all stood there with their faces in awe. From the passenger seat came out a woman with a cute bob haircut, she was dressed in a black woman's suit.

The driver seat door soon opened soon everyone was curious to know who would come out. Everyone nearly lost their breath as they saw who it was. It was Yumi!!

She got out of her car and her eyes fell on each of them. She walked around her car, gave her keys to Mo and without giving any attention to the four people in front of her, she walked past them with out a care in the world and went to Mr.Bing.

"Mr.Bing great to see you again". She greeted him with a big smile and he greater her with a bow. "It's great to see you to Ms.Yumi, welcome back". She kept her smile until she heard a loud *Ahme*, and her smile turned to a grin.

She turned and look to the four. "Hello father". She never have him a bow, he had lost her respect a long time ago. She remembered the mother-daughter due, but the girl to by Akira was unknown. "Who are you". Yumi was straight forward with her question, though she showed no emotion.

Mr.Yun answered the question instead. "She's your cousin, she'll been staying with us until her marriage is set". She took her eyes of her father and looked at the girl up and down. "hmp, last time I remember I'm the only grandchild of the Sung family, I don't have cousins". His anger grew. "She's Akane's niece so she is your cousin". Though he said it with a loud and scary tone, Yumi didn't even flinch. "Nope, she has no blood relation with me, so in my eyes she's nothing more then a stranger living in the Yan household".

After that whole horrible introduction everyone went inside. The room went quit while all eyes were on Yumi and her assistant. The cost of their cloths and car they rode was enough to support a middle class family for many years. While she received stares that shot daggers, Yumi just sat there sipping her tea.

"Yumi you came so suddenly we didn't arrange a room for you to stay in". Akane was great at deceiving people, but Yumi already saw through her act. "No need, I already have place". Yet again Akane gave Yumi a big smile. "A measly hotel won't do, why don't you stay here for the time being". Yumi sat her tea cup. "As I said no need, I'm staying at my place at the Hytta State, moneys not a problem for me not to live there.". Akane smile disappeared and turned to horror. The Hytta real estate was owned by the San family, it was beyond anyways reach to be able to live there, only the richest of the rich could afford that place.

A voice interrupted the silence. "Wow Akira I didn't know you would buy such an expensive car". Akira grinned from ear to ear, this was her chance to show off to Yumi that she has someone she could never have. Akira ran to him and rapped her hands around his. "Leon, babe what are you doing here"?.

Yumi could already pick up the act that Akira was putting on. "You've mistaken, that's my car".

Leon followed the voice to see who it belonged to, his eyes widened as he realized it was Yumi. After seeing who it was, he remembered why he left her. She wasn't going to inherit any of the Yan properties, it was useless to have her. He grinned in disrespect. "Oh Yumi what a surprise to see you, it's been nearly a decade since the last time we seen each other.

Yumi grinned yet again. "Oh, do I know you"?. Leon greeted his teeth. 'How could this bi*tch forget me, she should be lucky I remembered her'. "Yumi have you forgotten this is Leon Ban, my fiancé". Yumi couldn't care less for the response. "I see".

"That name sounds familiar". That was the first Tim they have heard the girl by Yumi talk. "Off course Leon is the Ceo of the Ban entertainment company". The Ban company was a well know company in the entertainment industry. "Oh that's it, but is that all". Leon was shocked to see that the girl wasn't surprised to hear that he was the Ceo of Ban entertainments. "What do you mean"?. Mo looked at him straight in the eye. "I mean is that all that you own, only the company that you inherited from your family".?

Leon was getting irritated by the second. "Off course, it's a large company I don't need other companies to run". Mo looked like she was getting bored. "Well that's sad, Yumi has over a dozen companies to her name, many of those are multi-billion companies, it just shows you don't need to inherit something to make something of your self".

Mo laughed and looked at him like he was an insect, she already knows what he did to Yumi in the past and that disgusted her. Lean curled his hands to fists, so did Akira's . "Who do you think you are talking to him like that"? Yumi answered for her. "She's my assistant and younger sister".

He could careless who she was, he hated that she looked down on him. "I don't care who she is, she should learn some manners". Yumi smiled at him. "But I like this careless side of her, she would only respect those who deserve it".

Akira saw Leon was getting mad, she Needed to change the subject quick. "Father since Yumi is back, me and Leon's wedding could start planning". Akane picked up what her daughter was doing. "Exactly we should see when we can set the engagement party". Mo looked at them. "Why should their engagement include Yumi".

"Me and Leon are getting engaged, that means Yumi is going to also get engaged to his cousin from the Jung family". Akira have her a smile. Mo didn't answer because if she did she would've told them Yumi was already married, so she kept her mouth shut and let Yumi answer. "Not going to happen, I didn't agree to the marriage, but I don't object your guys marriage". Mr. Yan had enough. "Yumi don't try to object me". Though he said it angrily, she still kept her composure. "Father I'm over the age that I don't need to be under you, that is the law, if you don't agree we could go to court, I have an army of lawyers and I am my self, it's you who shouldn't try me"

Without giving him time to reply both already got up with Mo. "we"re leaving, I only came to say I'm back, I don't need your permission to do what i want". She walked past Leon and Akira like they weren't there. She stopped at the door and looked back. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you all soon, so until then don't try do something sheisty". Soon all that was heard was the sound of a car engine disappearing slowly.